

Active Member
Original Poster
I'll start by stating that, like most of you, I can't find words to express how I feel about Disney World. I always thought of it as the closest thing we have to Heaven on Earth. I have visited almost every year of my life and will hopefully continue to do so for the remainder of my life. But....

I just returned from my trip and I find myself a little disappointed. That famous "white glove" service just didn't seem to be there. I'm spoiled, I know, but I was only wished a magical day one time! :(

In addition, I witnessed a few disheartening things, the worst of which was a heated argument between 3 cleaning ladies in the bathroom at the Grand Floridian Cafe. And I mean HEATED. All three were yelling at each other for a while and then two of them were screaming at the third to "GET OUT!!!!" Needless to say I high-tailed it out of there. I almost started to cry as I walked away. :cry: That kind of thing can't happen in Disney World... can it?!? :confused:


Well-Known Member
Service all over the parks has been laking....overall quality in Disney World has taken a turn for the worse...I remember a time when the parks were sparkling clean...you'd NEVER see garbage on the sidewalks. The CMs were ALWAYS nice and never rude.. now finding a finding a CM that reminds you of the good ol' WDW days is rare...though you can find some


Beta Return
Tigger1988 said:
Service all over the parks has been laking....overall quality in Disney World has taken a turn for the worse...I remember a time when the parks were sparkling clean...you'd NEVER see garbage on the sidewalks. The CMs were ALWAYS nice and never rude.. now finding a finding a CM that reminds you of the good ol' WDW days is rare...though you can find some

I was told once that WDW used to be able to hire 2 or 3 out of every 10 applicants....now they have to hire 8 or 9 out of 10. This tells me that they're outgrowing their own shorts. And since they have to hire 80-90% of those who apply, they can't be selective and thus get the bottom of the barrel.

The lack of quality service comes from having to hire people who just want a "job" and don't care - as if they were working at McDonald's. This is the one big problem with the unemployment rate being so low - there isn't a quality base of people to hire from.

Let's just hope that the cycle is a sine wave and eventually curves back up and we see quality people and quality service again.


Well-Known Member
I think it had gotten very bad and seems to be heading back but still needs work. We were at Columbia Harbor House on our recent trip and I was waiting at the counter for my food to come out. A man came out from the back with a can of ice that he was shovling into the soda machine which I guess is how it either cools it or is the ice that comes out when they fill the drinks. Not sure which but anway, the was shovling fast and then stopped and looked at some kid in line and said, "There is something wrong about shovling ice when you are sweating, ain't it"? "Ain't I could not believe that he used that word.

Might sound silly to some but to me someone working at Disney should not be saying Ain't. :(


New Member
I'm sorry MiMi. I can understand why you feel that way. On a recent trip to WDW I was walking to the entrance of Animal Kingdom and these two CM's were walking the same way...when they started rapping this song (which I am very familar with) in the rap is very explicit words...the girls were singing it LOUDLY. I turned around and made eye contact w/ them and one said "she heard you" and the other said "I dont give a (Fill in the blank)" I was so upset.... I went to guest services to advise of what happend. HONESTLY, I visit the parks often and run into some of most MAGICAL CM's and then there are a small portion of "others". I'm so sorry sweetie. I always like to make it my business to thank the MAGICAL ones for a job well done.


Well-Known Member
joshwill said:
id be more worried about him sweating on ice that may land up in your soda.

You got that right but just so you know, I ask for no ice always and that moment seing that made me realize it is good for more than one reason I don't get ice in my drinks. :)


Well-Known Member
That is really bad... :mad:

I'm sorry MiMi. I can understand why you feel that way. On a recent trip to WDW I was walking to the entrance of Animal Kingdom and these two CM's were walking the same way...when they started rapping this song (which I am very familar with) in the rap is very explicit words...the girls were singing it LOUDLY. I turned around and made eye contact w/ them and one said "she heard you" and the other said "I dont give a (Fill in the blank)" I was so upset.... I went to guest services to advise of what happend. HONESTLY, I visit the parks often and run into some of most MAGICAL CM's and then there are a small portion of "others". I'm so sorry sweetie. I always like to make it my business to thank the MAGICAL ones for a job well done.


Well-Known Member
While walking in the Magic Kingdom my last trip (about 2 weeks ago) two CMs we're behind me talking about the wild party they had been at the night before..I really don't think its right for CMs to be talking about "the wild party at 2am" around park guests


New Member
PLEASE report these incidents. Use specific Cast Member names if possible. Guest letters are read and the more people complain about quality of service, attractions, cleanliness etc, the more likely it becomes a priority and it will be fixed. Take surveys at the Park entrance/exit. Sometimes you only get a few questions and they will e-mail you the survey and you cna take it on your own time. Many Cast Members themselves who visit the Parks/Resorts on their days off as Guests (as well and those in charge of training Cast Members) are very aware of these incidents because they have experienced it first hand. We not want these Cast Members representing the Walt Disney World Resort. So PLEASE write letters and/or drop by Guest Relations at the Parks. Together we can make it better.


New Member
Times are changing. Sadly this is happening at parks everywhere, not just Disney. The problem is, people keep coming, so they are not going to do anything about it untill something hurts the bottom line.


New Member
I'm sorry this happend to you. I have had nothing but great times at Disney World & Disneyland. You just have to remember that every one has a bad day at work. Maybe they were just having a bad day. I won't get so mad because every one is human and every one gets upset.


Well-Known Member
mrtoad said:
I think it had gotten very bad and seems to be heading back but still needs work. We were at Columbia Harbor House on our recent trip and I was waiting at the counter for my food to come out. A man came out from the back with a can of ice that he was shovling into the soda machine which I guess is how it either cools it or is the ice that comes out when they fill the drinks. Not sure which but anway, the was shovling fast and then stopped and looked at some kid in line and said, "There is something wrong about shovling ice when you are sweating, ain't it"? "Ain't I could not believe that he used that word.

Might sound silly to some but to me someone working at Disney should not be saying Ain't. :(
Just to educate you....ain't is now a word.

The link if you want proof.Proof that ain't IS a word.


Account Suspended
A few things - "have a magical day" is considered unoriginal and insinscere and thus it was asked of the cast to discontinue using it, they're actually required to use original and catered closings in conversation to show they were actually listening to what you said.

I suppose cliche and what everyone else heard was prefered, this makes sense considering most folks feel someone, somewhere, is getting better service and since they're not getting the "special" its ruining their vacation.

Second, CMs are human beings. I'm sure you talk with your co-workers, and i'm sure you discuss all aspects of your life. I'm more than positive you don't always speak proper english and you don't use the cleanest language either.

Mimi, you've got 29 posts - suggesting that your interest in a site like this one is new, probably jsut prior to this last trip. Here you can read the exploits of Disney World in minute detail, you can become informed in the workings, and know what the standards actually are. For example, how many people would know about towel animals if not for sites like this?

With that in mind - we've got a dissapointed thread about not gettign a towel animals.

The point being, Disney does lots of stuff that is above and beyond - but they honestly don't do it for everyone all of the time. They pick and choose, it's all discretionary and rarely is more than dumb luck. However, with the popularity of communication, people get the feeling that they "need" that special act or treatment for their trip. Further examples being the multiple requests we've had here for information about how to be picked for a parade marshall position, or how to be the guest of the day.

People find out about something special, a simple act done for one person, and begin to demand it. There was no mandate to wish anyone a magical day - it grew from one specialized greeting into an expectation, which the company has made a noticeable attempt to remove.

Disney really tries to make magic for people - they do it every day. However, good intention is never much of a match for humanity and the general public. By definition, everyone cannot be "special" or as Dash says in the Incredibles: "Saying everyone is special is just another way of saying no one is."

Minus your knowledge of Disney's actions from boards like these, you'd probably have far fewer expectations. Things not happening wouldn't dampen your day. You wont be plagued by the fear that someone, somewhere, is getting better treatment than yourself. In short, you might enjoy yourself more.

Imagine, just for a moment: Entering the park, seeing the castle - not desiring to enter it at 7am and eating with princesses because you've been told it's the most magical thing ever - and enjoying the real magic of Disney. The part everyone does "get." That's what makes it special.


Great post Mousemerf.

One reason that WDW is taking such a high percentage of applicants these days is because unemployment is so low in the area and so there aren't the numbers of people to choose from like before. They almost have to take anyone they can to even have the parks operate. Also, while CM's should know not to swear or do certain things on-stage, many things are not covered or gone over in training. I have noticed this both when I was a CM at WDW and DL.

I personally went thru a period where I wanted everything to be perfect in the parks and was very nit-picky about it all. I then realized that it is unrealistic to expect perfection in any situation. Once I stepped back and relaxed about it, I found myself having a much more enjoyable time and appreciated the entire experience a bit more. While I of course like to see clean bathrooms and streets, the logistics of it being perfect at all times are almost impossible and I bet that "back in the good ol' days" someone could find a piece of trash on the street or a paint chipped off a post at somepoint.

(On a side note, I think society in general has become more relaxed and this has possibly led to there being more trash around parks as guests just leave stuff on rides and on the sidewalks.)


Well-Known Member
mousermerf said:
The point being, Disney does lots of stuff that is above and beyond
People in general are too quick to knock something and not quick enough to give praise.
I'm sick of reading threads and viewing photos which go to great lengths to point out that such an attraction has paint chips missing on the ride cars or on the walls, or someone else noticed a light bulb which wasn't working.
For goodness sake Disney is a theme park which attracts thousands of guests each day. The staff are human and get as p*ssed off at guests as we do with other guests.
Cut them some slack, if someone does something to offend you then by all means report it.
If these were not isolated incidents then nobody would return and the staff would be out of a job
Thats it - I've had my rant for this morning, I'm going to return now to be a normal human being and wish everyone "Good Morning" :D

Blackie Pueblo

Active Member
I worked at Busch Gardens and a park in Illinois called Santa's Village for numerous years. Let me tell you, it takes a special kind of person to work for places like these. I loved working in theme parks, but it isn't easy. And sadly, I honestly think the decline in service is in thanks to the upper management. One of the biggest problems is the pay. They don't pay enough, and so those employees that love working for Disney or other parks can't stay because they want to be able to buy houses, or have families. Management believes they don't have to pay very good because if an employee quits, that employee can just be replaced for cheap with a high school student or whatnot.

Is this right? No, because you lose some very wonderful caring employees. So Disney is just highering anyone now, so that uppermanagement can use the money to endulge themselves. It breaks my heart that the Diseny attitude is in the toilet.

Blackie Pueblo


New Member
While I would definitely be apalled if I heard cast members arguing in a non-friendly fashion, or dropping f-bombs, or something truly offensive, I would get angry.

But, as people have already said, they are human. They have emotion. They make mistakes.

As for why they have to now hire more of their applicants, it is a simple question: They want more service capability to the guests. More character appearances, less times in ticket lines, faster service, faster repair times of their breakdowns, etc. In order to do this, you have to hire more people, if you hire more people you can't be as picky, etc. etc. etc.

So it is a trade off. Disney's workforce was, in the past, more Elite, a pinnacle of customer service. But growth forced them to hire fast. So quality of service goes down a bit, but at the same time other areas of service (mentioned above) go up.

I do wonder, though, if part of the problem is just... well... Us. The guests (not any individual). The "mob mentality" of america so to speak. While individuals still complain (hey i know I would), as a whole we are more tolerant of dirtiness, argumentation, and innapropriate language.


Well-Known Member
I have to say its not just Disney World were service is the problem. Its everywhere I go. I thought it was just the people in the NJ area but many people dont care. They have a job and a paycheck and thats it.

As for younger kids in there teens and low 20's the kids today lack the respect that people older than them.

An example for you is, I am 30 back in 94 I went to woodstock for the Anniversary 5 years later they had another one, and what were the kids doing. Rioting, burning things, that did not happen when i was there 5 years earlier.

Parents today tend to not raise there own child, in some cases its not possible but some parents just have kids because its a status symbol just like having a boat is in certain places.

So dont knock all Disney Emloyees because some people still have class.

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