Dining frustrations, just need to vent!

For DHS, I think your lunch plan is great. I really do not think that you will have to wait in any line for Fantasmic. We were in DHS over Memorial Day holiday. While doing the child swap for RnR, I saw a small line for Fantasmic. When the gates opened, the line was gone & it was straight walk-in to plenty of seats.


Well-Known Member
Disneygirl/Clemson....i'm going to stay away from Yachtman, only reason being, it uses 2 credits, and i'm already using 2 on CRT... I'm going to keep calling back and asking for Le Cellier, and took your advice on Coral Reef, i went to all ears (love the site, even though Anita Answer has been slacking lately!) and checked out the menu, i can convince the wife to order something there. So i'll take the next 2 months + and call back every day...if nothing pops up, i'll go with Tutto, like you said, even though it's Olive Garden food, i'm on the plan.

Glad I could help!!! I think you will enjoy Coral Reef if you can't get into LeCellier... Here's another tip, the day you go to Epcot go to LeCellier first thing and see if you can get in. I here that sometimes they leave some times slots open for walk ups. Good Luck!!


Well-Known Member
Hi Eagles Fan,

We actually love Chefs De France and make a point to go every trip. It's one of our traditions. It can get a bit noisy in the restaurant though, which you might not mind with a little one to keep entertained. I have never been able to get into Le Cellier either, until this trip. I actually stayed up all night long on the night/morning of my 90 day and lo and behold was able to get in. First time ever, so don't give up. Something may open up. Best of luck to you and I hope that wonderful Disney magic helps out.:wave:

Pooh Lover

Well-Known Member
We didn't even try for LeCellier this trip, just went for Coral Reef. Had heard mixed reviews but enjoyed it almost as much as LeCellier last year.


Well-Known Member
i agree with the 10-day trips having the best choice of ADRs.

im going 9/30-10/5, so I immediately went for Le Cellier on 10/4 and got that for dinner. i figured it was the furthest out hoping for an open spot (plus i know the bf wants to see En Vogue perform that night for Food & Wine Fest).

i also couldn't get Fantasmic Dinner package or Mama Melrose's separately but i did get a ADR for Hollywood & Vine.

9/30 - Cinderella's Royal Table (dinner)
10/1 - Hollywood & Vine (dinner)
10/2 - Boma (dinner)
10/3 - Sanaa (lunch -- had Yak & Yeti but cancelled)
10/4 - Le Cellier (dinner)

im hoping to check out Big River or Kouzzina (if open) at BW for dinner some night as well.


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
EaglesFan, I too am married to a picky eater, and he has eaten happily at both Coral Reef and Chefs de France, with Chefs having a slight edge due to their roasted chicken dish. Although they sometimes serve it with sweet potatoes, he just asks to sub mashed potatoes and it's never a problem. In fact, he's learned that he can ask them to "plain down" the food at almost any restaurant in order to make a meal that he will enjoy.

I do think that the little one will be more entertained at the Reef, though.


New Member
Anyway, just wanted to give you a heads up, even with the Fantasmic dinner package, you now have to stand in the general public line, there is no more separate enterance for those with dinner packages. So go with any place at DHS.


We were there two weeks ago and had the Fantasmic Dinner Package (thankfully). There might not be a separate line, but you walk right up to a separate entrance, to a reserved seating area. They only let you in if you have the ticket from your package.


Active Member
Original Poster
I would like to thank everyone for their responses, this is why i've become addicted to the site, because of folks like you!

A little update, still not much luck on Le Cellier or the F! Package. I had a minor breakthrough, and if anyone is going to be there 9/27-10/3 you may want to call if you are still trying to get in.... there was a Le Cellier opening on 9/29, which is Tuesday. I know beggers can't be choosers, but it was for 8:45 pm..... needless to say with a 1 year old, it just would not work. Only the wife and I, well that would have been another story, we can make a nice night out of it and just eat late, no biggy. F! package was still sold out, i'm cutting my losses on that one but will still ask about it. I'm bracing myself for the 2 hour wait!

One thing i found curious, i got into a friendly conversation with the cast member, and he was indeed telling me that with the F! package, there IS a seperate entrance for it. But i've read sometimes on these boards, people saying that's not the case, and you need to wait at the same entrance with everyone else. Now i have no idea what to think.

Grandma Bave

New Member
I have a Cellier lunch res. I'm not going to use on 9/22

Hi Eagles Guy,
I have an ADR for LeCellier on Sept.22 for lunch at 1:05pm. I couldn't get in for dinner the week we are going to WDW, so I took any res. I could get.
If you'll be there on Sept. 22 I'd be glad to give it to you. Would there be any problem with doing this? Does anyone know?? I am brand new to this website/forum. This is my first post/reply.


Well-Known Member
Ok I do realize that I will get much heat for this, but I absolutly HATE free dining....Yes I've done , yeah its great, but I hate how it makes getting reservations so freakin hard! So its great for those who love to eat at a Table service Restaurant and make going with a family save, ( we have a family of 4 so I understand) But I hate it still!! I miss the days(although they seem so far away) of calling or even walking up to a place and either getting a reservation that nite or basially sometime on your trip thats somewhat desirable. Yes I know it helps many people to be able to vacation at Walt Disney World and the concept is great, but for those who do not Participate or don't even think (because no one told them or they just choose not to)Makes it so hard to get a reservation!
Yes we always make at least one reservation during our stay, but to me, I find it a pain in the butt to have so many ressie's that you have to basically plan your trip around them. But to many people I guess they enjoy that... Having such a schedule ...Even at Disney...Sorry just needed to vent...But really I know I'm not the only one that feels this way....There are just those who don't feel like getting flamed....I know:) But it won't stop me from going in September, I do love that time of the year in Disney.... Love the weather , the low crowds and the MNSSHP and yes the Food and Wine Fest!
And I'm not complaining....Just expressing my thoughts after reading many threads and hearing views(as I'll put it nicely) with people and the whole free dining experience and making ressies...Thats all.....Please be somewhat Kind:)


Naturally Grumpy
Ok I do realize that I will get much heat for this, but I absolutly HATE free dining....Yes I've done , yeah its great, but I hate how it makes getting reservations so freakin hard! So its great for those who love to eat at a Table service Restaurant and make going with a family save, ( we have a family of 4 so I understand) But I hate it still!! I miss the days(although they seem so far away) of calling or even walking up to a place and either getting a reservation that nite or basially sometime on your trip thats somewhat desirable. Yes I know it helps many people to be able to vacation at Walt Disney World and the concept is great, but for those who do not Participate or don't even think (because no one told them or they just choose not to)Makes it so hard to get a reservation! Yes we always make at least one reservation during our stay, but to me, I find it a pain in the butt to have so many ressie's that you have to basically plan your trip around them. But to many people I guess they enjoy that....Even at Disney...Sorry needed to vent...But really I know I'm not the only one that feels this way....There are just those who don't feel like getting flamed....I know:) But it won't stop me from going in September, I do love that time of the year in Disney....
And I'm not complaining....Just expressing my thoughts after reading many threads and hearing views(as I'll put it nicely) with people and the whole free dining experience and making ressies...Thats all.....Please be somewhat Kind:)

Unlikely that you will get many to disagree with you here....


Well-Known Member
GOd I know that!!! But I'm also one of the few that loved the Wand and the 25th anniversary Castle looking like a cake(I knew it was temporary) :).


Active Member
Original Poster
GrandmaBrave, thanks for the offer, that was very kind of you, i do not arrive until Sept. 23rd though. Absolutely call and cancel it though because someone else in need of that ADR will be able to have it, and you will still be doing a good deed. A cast member on the dining line told me that all too often, people just blindly make as many ADR's as they can, and won't even cancel them if they do not plan on showing.

Dixie, you are not alone, trust me, i'm even frustrated with the free dining, and I'm participating in it!! :ROFLOL: I know what you mean, last trip, my wife and I literally arrived at ASMU, went to concierge desk, and actually booked our week's worth of meals right then and there, even at the Mayan Grill for that very night!! Those days are long gone for sure....look at the hastle i'm going through now just to try and catch one of the two showings of F! and a simple steak dinner!


New Member
So my 90 days was last week, all in all i made out ok. I did get shut out of Le Cellier (lunch and Dinner) and Fantasmic dinner package (both nights of our showing, any restaurant). I am being understanding as i'm going during Free Dining, and i have called every day, literally, to see if there are any cancellations or changes of plans.......still nothing has opened up. To make matters worse, i just called now to try and the system is down (July 7th at 2:31 EST it's down), she does not know when it will be back up.

Now i have visions of waiting in the Fantasmic line for over 2 hours while my wife tries to keep our 1 year old entertained, all because i can't get the package. Le Cellier, well i guess it's to be expected...but seriously, for the entire week, NOT A THING for lunch or dinner?? :hammer:

I know i should not even complain because i made out well otherwise, Chef Mickey's Crystal Palace, CRT...and i recognize that i'm fortunate to be going to WDW in the first place, but can't help feeling the need to vent to those who would understand. Is Le Cellier really that coveted? I've never been. Would you all say Tutto would be a good backup for my Epcot day? (Note, the wife will not do Japanese, Chinese, or R&C).

Keep trying and trying thats how we got Le Celier the last two years, this year we got in online.


Well-Known Member
Definatly keep trying every day even twice a day(if you have the time) we did that 2 years ago In September and got in....You'll get it...Just keep trying!


Well-Known Member
Ok I do realize that I will get much heat for this, but I absolutly HATE free dining....Yes I've done , yeah its great, but I hate how it makes getting reservations so freakin hard! So its great for those who love to eat at a Table service Restaurant and make going with a family save, ( we have a family of 4 so I understand) But I hate it still!! I miss the days(although they seem so far away) of calling or even walking up to a place and either getting a reservation that nite or basially sometime on your trip thats somewhat desirable. Yes I know it helps many people to be able to vacation at Walt Disney World and the concept is great, but for those who do not Participate or don't even think (because no one told them or they just choose not to)Makes it so hard to get a reservation!
Yes we always make at least one reservation during our stay, but to me, I find it a pain in the butt to have so many ressie's that you have to basically plan your trip around them. But to many people I guess they enjoy that... Having such a schedule ...Even at Disney...Sorry just needed to vent...But really I know I'm not the only one that feels this way....There are just those who don't feel like getting flamed....I know:) But it won't stop me from going in September, I do love that time of the year in Disney.... Love the weather , the low crowds and the MNSSHP and yes the Food and Wine Fest!
And I'm not complaining....Just expressing my thoughts after reading many threads and hearing views(as I'll put it nicely) with people and the whole free dining experience and making ressies...Thats all.....Please be somewhat Kind:)

Hi Dixie,

I absolutely understand your frustration, and I am one of those "overplanners". While I am taking advantage of the free dining plan and it has given me the chance to stay at the Contemporary for the first time, I too worry about flexibility in my trip. I also worry that the crowds are going to be worse because if you look at how hard it is to get ressies everywhere it seems like every restaurant is going to be jammed to the rafters - which in turn means more people in the park at a time when I was hoping to avoid large crowds. I was going to Disney with or without the free dining, it just happened to fall on the time we already planned to go. But I certainly can understand your frustration. Trying to plan every meal has turned me into a raving lunatic. :eek: It may impact my decision in the future on whether to go during free dinining.

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