I don't deny that it will be very popular, but, as a 68 year old single man with grown children, there is nothing in there that would even be remotely considered a draw for me. I will visit, if I can, just to see how it came out, but, I'll mostly just be passing through with nothing more then just a curious interest. This is based on what we presently know will be there. Now if Carsland was coming and it were to be like the one in California, then that is something that I would be interested in seeing, but, nothing as described is even close to being Carsland. Star Wars, perhaps! I'll have to reserve judgement until it is an actuality. To the rest of my point, Star Wars is an old franchise and it is still very popular, but, fan bases are very fickle and without warning can become so completely uninterested it if would be shocking. Star Wars will probably persevere once it is there just like Frontierland has continued to exist. But, before long something else will be the hot topic and society will move on.