I know this may sound like sarcasim after all the money Disney has just invested in new Fantasyland. But am I the only one who notices the lack of attractions geared toward females and families with little princesses of our own at DHS and Epcot? Like I said this may sound like a sarcastic post considering how Frozen is now one of Disneys most successful films, and all the princess-oriented material found in new Fantasyland at MK. But other parks need at least just one or two quality attractions at either park that are geared to the ladies. Sure there is B&B and Playhouse Disney at DHS which features Sophia The First, and Epcot has princess meet and greets at different locations, but if you count all the attractions at both parks, both major and smaller, it seems to be geared mostly toward boys. The reason i did not mention Animal Kingdom is because animals are mostly bi-gender in popularity, meaning both little boys and little girls will be entertained by seeing animals and animal related shows or exhibits. But look at Epcot which is my least favorite park. Most girls young and old are not into all the science, space exploration, and cultural offerings. That is more educational and geared for the males. It is hard to even spot Belle or one of the princesses around World Showcase unless you know the exact times they will be out and appearing. Then you have Epcot Character Spot which is fine and enjoyable for our little princesses, but Figment, Energy, TT, Soarin, not too many girls will be begging mommy and daddy to take them to see an attraction on where fossil fuels come from.

Sorry this rant is long but what i am getting at is why not just one or two attractions at each park that would really be of interest for little girls. A Tangled ride at DHS?? Please???? What about a Tangled or Frozen stage show? Belle was all about learning and imagination, so why not include her somewhere in the pavilion, especially since people are tired of the current imagination ride? Please do not think I am suggesting disney go all princess all the time. As much as i would like that, it would run off the male audiences. All I am saying is make more a balance at all 4 parks, not just MK.