This seems like it very well might result in the end of the monorail.
The inspectors will come in and cite numerous, costly violations. This will be done entirely in bad faith and will have NOTHING to do with guest safety - the state’s explicit intention is to punish and control Disney. Disney now has two choices:
1) Play along in a game they can’t win. No matter what they do, how much they spend, inspectors will demand more - again, it has nothing to do with safety, it’s punishment.
2) Close the monorails, a system that current management has never been wild about and which costs a lot of money. In doing so, they can put all the blame for something unpopular they wanted to do anyway on DeSantis. This not only yokes him to an unpopular development, it redefines that entire debate and expands the audience - no longer is DeSantis attacking a “special tax district,” a confusing conflict that he can easily spin in his favor even though he is entirely in the wrong; now he becomes the governor who closed the iconic, widely beloved monorail to spite a private company. That’s a lot less esoteric.
Honestly, why would they do 1?