Sorry but, DL would be STUPID to have a long gap between MSEP & PTN! Esp if MSEP leaves on time in early summer, DL's looking pretty good right now with MSEP! (Will look even better when Soundsational returns!) DL Park just got back into a night parade, why stop now??? Heck, they need MSEP for the first Winter/Spring after the 60th!(F! & PTN being referbed I know, but still.)I keep hearing that PTN won't return until 2018, which doesn't make sense to me because as @GiveMeTheMusic has stated it seems the plan is to have it return after MSEP leaves. I don't like that Disney has plugged the majority of info leaks.
The only thing I can say about PTN not on the website anymore is maybe DL is being careful in not evicting MSEP right away in case MSEP knocks it out of the park every night?