Dave, Erin, Stacey, Luke


Original Poster
I watch my WDW planning Dvd quite often, it's sick really. I enjoy Dave, I think he is funny. He is a guy that I would act like when I am at WDW, except more excitement. Stacey is alright too. Erin and Luke drive me up the wall. Luke has the worst lines in the whole dvd. I hope that it is scripted because he says some stupid stuff. Case in point,"Gravity, we don't need no stinking gravity." Oh lord! Erin is just plan annoying. I still watch it a lot, and think it is great dvd. If you are planning your first trip I think it would be very helpful.


Well-Known Member
Fritz_and_Ernst said:
I watch my WDW planning Dvd quite often, it's sick really. I enjoy Dave, I think he is funny. He is a guy that I would act like when I am at WDW, except more excitement. Stacey is alright too. Erin and Luke drive me up the wall. Luke has the worst lines in the whole dvd. I hope that it is scripted because he says some stupid stuff. Case in point,"Gravity, we don't need no stinking gravity." Oh lord! Erin is just plan annoying. I still watch it a lot, and think it is great dvd. If you are planning your first trip I think it would be very helpful.
I know what you mean about Luke. If they were trying to aim towards teens, they totally missed the boat. He sounded like he had been stuck in his garage since the early 90's lol.


New Member
Dave: Very Funny
Erin: Very Cute (Sorry Kryssa!)
Stacey: Very Sweet
Luke: Extremely annoying. Please shut him up! Can some one
just push him off of RnR, in the middle of the ride!?!
Pleeeeeeeeese make him stop!!!!!!!!!!! (Really)


Active Member
I have also watched my planning Dvd about 15 times, Luke kills me too...The first time I watched it I was like okay I am not that much older than him, who talks like that? Just kills me
Dave cracks me up too, Especially the Downtown Disney part where he is partying, that has been neglected on previous planning videos LOL. :lol:

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I feel your pain! When I watched the planning video, I had to turn it off out of sheer torture.

Erin: She's cute. But she gets a little over hyper, and I snarl at her when she starts over hyping Stitch

Stacy: The least annoying. She seemed good for kids

Dave: He's funny. Reminds me of my parents.

Luke: GAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!! Its the power of christ that compells you! The power of christ that compells you! *sprinkles holy water in the shape of a cross*
Luke is so stereotyped. His lines are horrid. Hey Patrick, you're right! He does sound like he's been stuck in his garage since the ninties. :lol: When he was riding BTMRR, I was hoping that it would crash like the one at DL.


Le Meh
Premium Member
We watched our planning DVD last weekend and had the same reaction. The young punk "extreme" guy just really brought the overall quality of the video down.


Luke is HORRIBLE. It is like Bill and Ted's Excellenet Adventure goes to Disney World.

He is as enjoyable as a Kitty Litter sandwich.


We have a few of the different videos around here still and this new one was the worst by far. Erin is annoying, Dave was ok, Luke ... uh hello haircut... and Stacy was fine, but she was barely seen. Last years dvd was much better then this garbage they sent out.


Well-Known Member
I honestly enjoy this dvd. I think Erin, although she is very perky, is a great host. Shes not annoying to me. and I have watched the dvd sooo many times. Dave is just laid back doesnt bother me. Stacey is good for kids. But I do agree with Luke. Just too annoying. But I guess that comes with the DVD :) I think all in all it is a great video one of the best ones when it comes to showing what the world has to offer. I think next time they will skip out on luke... hopefully :hammer:


Active Member
I agree it really does show the best of the world. In a little more detail I think. On the previous year it was more interviews and just shots of the world.


Well-Known Member
I always order the planning video/DVD's but never watch them.

Generally I hate to wade through menu screen after meni screen and usually the narrator or people involved annoy me. (weird quirk of mine) :fork:


Well-Known Member
Stacey is so adorable. There should've been more of her. Dave is cool. Erin is cute and definately not as annoying as Kryssa. I don't know what's up with Luke. He's cute and he would be much cooler if he didn't act that way, haha.


Account Suspended
My favorite part of the DVD is when Erin growls at someone with a dinosaur toy. I think she was trying to scare someone and it ended up scaring someone else and she started cracking up. I don't know why but it was really funny and I watched it over and over.

Regardless of how annoying Luke is I think it would be fun to be friends with all of them. I have a friend who talks just like Luke. In fact I was talking to him today and he said something like "That is oh so wickedly gnarly!" The sad thing is he wasn't trying to be funny, that's how he really talks. :lol:


New Member
Luke is quite prettiful... he doesn't NEED to talk. He can just go on the rides and look pretty and teenagers will pay attention, but the minute he opens his mouth I want to gauge his eyes out.


Active Member
Dave: Can't stand him. I don't understand how in one moment he could be lazy on a park bench in Adventureland, and then be parasailing by the Contemp.
Stacey: Very sweet. It seems that they tried to squeak in some child-like stuff with her, but they really didn't do the greatest job of going about it.
Luke: I realize his attitude was aim at teens, and being a teen myself, was not impressed by his behavior. He was completely out of control and I did not enjoy watching him at all.
Erin: Probably the best out of the foursome. I am not crazy about the whole 'Magical Gatherings' expert thing. Just like in Stacey's case, they tried to squeak it in here and there, but missed it.
I like them the best in this order:
1st Place: Erin
2nd Place: Stacey
3rd Place: Dave
4th Place: Luke


Well-Known Member
Ok, I have an confession to make, I look A LOT like Erin. I noticed it, but I didn't really like it (you know when I look freckly, my nose looks pointy and my chins like that way I don't like) Anyway, even my then 3 year old DD noticed it (hey mommy she looks a lot like you!)

Now that I got my hair cut shorter I really look like her. Good thing people don't hate her.

We love Dave around here. Stacey, what's not to like? Luke? PLEASE?


New Member
Sledge said:
My favorite part of the DVD is when Erin growls at someone with a dinosaur toy. I think she was trying to scare someone and it ended up scaring someone else and she started cracking up. I don't know why but it was really funny and I watched it over and over.

I'm glad I wasn't the only person who cracked up at this. I thought it was hilarious. The lady will probably never come back to WDW, maybe because of the trama that Erin has caused her.

Well I just want to say that Luke was really cool. He was fun to watch, but I will say that he could have cut his script in half. He used too many unneeded slang phrases that are outdated about 15 years. Overall he was pretty cool. Stacey got on my nerves a little, but still good. I liked all of them, but each one had something that could have been improved. :D


New Member
I think Dave is the best. I love the part wherehe is riding Magic Carpets of Alladin and he says, " In the world of relaxation.....this IS a thrill ride. Up, down, thats all you need really." I love that, to me, it is so funny.

I also think Luke is a joke, when I first saw it and saw him point to the camera with that grin and stoner look (when he is introduced), I knew he was going to be the worst.

Erin is ok. Shes not to out of it, but she does have her times on the DVD.

and Stacey seems to be very good with the kids. Shes cool too! :animwink:

BUT over all, I think the DVD is a great look into the world. I like the fact that they filmed inside the park instead of all kinds short shots like in the past. I watch it just about everyday!!!:wave:

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