Dark PerGron’s Manor of Mysteries [Game Thread] {Finished}

Disney Dad 3000

Well-Known Member
Greetings everyone. I've been enjoying reading your projects up this point. Kudos for all of the work put in!

You all have a good problem right now it seems with many eager, willing and able to contribute each week. Now the hard part becomes funneling all of those ideas so that you truly highlight the priority attractions and importantly, convey how it all fits within the larger texture of a land's sights and sounds, and now this round, a boutique park. Somewhere there's a sweet spot that you have to figure out when you start fleshing these things out. I know it gets hard in these comps when you have teams, and everyone has ride ideas.

Really interesting challenge this week and opportunity for unique locations, stories, etc. Looking forward to being filled with the Halloween/Fall spirit!


Well-Known Member
@Dark PerGron. Bro. Seriously, what the hell are you even doing with your life having NEVER been to the San Diego Zoo?? I just got back and was absolutely blown away. Still a ton of stuff I missed but HANDS DOWN the best landscaping I've ever seen in my life on top of the collection of animals that is just overwhelming. I can't imagine how completely mind-blowing it would be for a serious animal enthusiast like you. I was basically left speechless by just how naturalistic the park feels. The trails all blend into each other so intricately. It's the kind of free-form design Animal Kingdom could only dream of. Truly feels like you're on an adventure every step of the way.

Also was pleseantly surprised with this Sea World. Orlando definitely has the better coaster line-up, but as a marine park I think San Diego wins hands down. So many awesome exhibits. The Wild Arctic walk through was a particular highlight. I loved that you could see the Emperor drop from the Beluga whale tank. The turtles, sharks, and penguins are all set up in a way that's really different compared to Orlando. The park layout is also a lot better without the weird giant lagoon in the middle of the park like in Orlando. Infinity Falls is definitely the better layout for a rapids ride, but I adore the cheesy 90s theming of Shipwreck Rapids. Feels like Popeye's meets Big Thunder. The biggest surprise of the trip was probably Manta. Holy cow, I was NOT expecting this thing to be an air time machine. In all honesty, the pacing of the airtime almost feels like a very miniature Velocicoaster. At the very least it's got Cheetah Hunt beat hands down.


Well-Known Member
I didn't get too many animal pictures and mostly focused on the landscaping (I was geeking out about the landscaping the same way PerGron would geek out about the actual animals haha) but here are a couple of my highlight shots.

I had to really go out of my way to see the red panda. The habitat it's in is super obscure and it's very hard to spot from the trail and blends into the trees super well. Definitely was one of the main high points of the day.













Well-Known Member
Original Poster
A strange bell tolls, echoing throughout the grounds of the Manor of Mysteries. The piercing metallic clang causing shivers down the backs of each contestant. As each player seeks out a window to look where the sound is coming from, each watches as a procession of hooded figures bearing candles makes their way across the lawn.

The hooded figures enter into a stone structure with a large chimney coming from it. As soon as they disappear, each player receives a knock on their door as a piece of parchment slides through the gap. The paper reads "Enter the stone sanctum. Emergency ceremony." Each player dons the provided ceremony robes left in each of their wardrobes and file out into the halls of the dormitories. Some players murmur to each other, wondering what could be the issue at this time of night.

"I wonder what's so important?" asks @Chaos Cat

"I don't know, but they're disturbing my sleep schedule." grumbles @spacemt354 "I'm exhausted."

The players soon make their way across the yard and towards the stone sanctum that stands in the center of the beautiful gardens. Gregorian-style chants echo through the doorways as the procession of hooded figures line the balcony above the main service room. Upon entry, each player is given a lit candle to hold and then directed to stand over a selected spot over their name. The whole cast files in, all except for one. Before anyone can question where that player is, the chanting ends and a hooded figure steps forward to the pulpit ahead of the group. The two teams face each other, a large hole in the center between them protected by a railing. The hooded figure at the pulpit pulls their hood away from their head revealing @Dark PerGron

"Thank you for arriving on such short notice. I am sure you are all wondering why this ceremony has been called. Nothing like it has been done yet, and to be fair, we didn't expect it until it was planned to happen. Still, life happens and things occur and we who remain simply must adapt and move on.

We, the Council of Those Who Remain, have gathered you here for our first departure ceremony. Our first departure has occurred and it is time to grieve it and move along. Brothers and sisters who remain, we stand here tonight to grieve the departure of one @Muppetsfan#1 who has chosen of their own volition to make their departure from the grounds. Their departure has already occurred, so there will be no voting or elimination as will be hosted at these events going forward."

Two hooded figures approach, one holding a censer containing sage and thyme burning, much like an incense display. The other holds a folded robe alongside a picture of Muppetsfan. The two approach the hole in the center railing and open the gate, stepping out onto a narrow platform over the hole.

"It is now with these final words we thank Muppetsfan for their participation in our game and wish them well in their future endeavors. Bene in nocte, or go well into the night."

With these words, the robe and image are cast into the hole where fire swells and incinerates them. The large bell from before chimes as the portrait of Muppetsfan is covered. Dark PerGron and the other hooded figures depart through the back of the stone sanctum while the players are ushered through the entry door they came in through. Each deposits their candle in a basket after safely extinguishing the flame and make their way back to their dormitories.

A sincere thank you to @Muppetsfan#1 for playing and a sincere well wish going forward. We can't wait to see what else you do on the boards! With that...

Eleven Players Remain

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