Dang, drunkytown has been moved.....


Well-Known Member
Oh, does this term strike a nerve? Maybe not a term of endearment to some of you?
The problem with the term is that it's completely inaccurate and unnesscary. I have seen people buzzed and on their way to much a hand full of times, out of the numerous times I have seen no problems. I have seen a lot more people drunk at concerts, sporting events and walking down a city street in the evening than at epcot any time of the year. Yet people want to create a term that is completely over the top. For the people that think Epcot is drunky town, then you must not get out much.


Active Member
Original Poster
No, its just inaccurate. Clearly none of you have ever been close to an SEC football game, the tailgaters they attract nor the college towns they play in.

It's accurate. Oh and yes I have been to many SEC games. Mostly in Oxford, some in Starkville and Tuscaloosa. Reminds me of EPCOT in November.


Active Member
Original Poster
Ok, so Drunkytown is offensive to the purists.
How about Lushville?
Drunk Brazillian Extravaganza?
Eastern Seaboard Foul Language Drunk Fest?

Please add your suggestions!

Arthur Wellesley

Well-Known Member
For those of you just tuning in to this thread, here is a brief summary to catch you up:

-F&W starts on September 25th.
-Calling F&W "Drunkytown" is silly & inaccurate.
-Or it can be accurate depending on what weekends you attend.
-If you threaten to crush someone's spine, you will be reported.
-People get drunk at concerts and sporting events.
-Walt didn't drink.
-Yes he did.
-Philadelphia Eagles fans dislike Santa.
-The Phillies stink this year.
-Yankees/Red Sox games = Drunkytown.
-Be secretive when using the Report button.
-Don't be a communist.
-PhotoDave219 uses naughty words which The Mom disapproves of.
-This is a good discussion.
-No it's not.

Okay, everyone got it? Good. Now I need a drink. :banghead:

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