DAK E*Ticket


Well-Known Member
Scene 3 could result to a Posideon's Fury effect where a cave/ whatever facade is lifted quickly to leave you in a canyon or such.. That could be some sort of qucik time warp ;)


New Member
My idea that I think would have been cool would have been to explore an undersea volcano and end up in agiant cavern, only to have water erupt and then it goes dark and your car plummets and all the other cars in the room see is a flash and your car is gone and then wwhoosh, they each disappear. I actually have a system worked out with very bad diagrams I could redo. And then you you would be blasted out the top only to plummet down the side into a stagmite cave and under the spiky stagmites and up a hill into a wet splash with your vehicle. Anyone like? - The WeirdOne :D
Well, here is a quick diagram, I think this should give you the basic idea, as you can see from the picture the vehicale does a slight slanted drop as the platfrom moves over the edge, this would be easy to work into the earthquake senerio as the car would ground would slant forard slightly, then a second or tow later give out complelty. While there may be eaiser ways of achieving a similar effect this method, allows for the run-out to be a competly smooth transtion. Also the car is acutally pulled down at a contoled rate to ensure that the actualy vehicale can "cath-up" to the plate, there by ensuring no one gets whiplash.
Here is the diagram:


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The slant I described is shown in more detail below, basically the rgound would slope forward and your car would roll down at a slant and hit a stalagmite, then the ground would fall from beneath you and you would already be at an angle when you start you simulated freefall.

Again I had this worked out to fit the presentation I was using so if we wer to apply this to a new presentation I would have to re-work the system which really is no problem, cause I belive we wanted to cut out the "run-out area" and thereby we would also get reid of the need for the slant aswell.


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Woah...daddy likes...

That looks like it would be alot of fun, and it would work for the Shaman thing too, just have the IMAX screen going for all of scene 3 (see my above mentioned scenes), while your car gets closer and closer to it, then once it gets to the edge of the drop-off, BOOM the bright flash of lights and down you fall back into the lodge auditorium area..you essentially fall out of the 'dream time'

My only question, is can that be reworked to a large car fitting around 100 people per car?

This could also be re-applied to other themes...like Weird-Ones volcano idea, though I'd like to see some animal intervention in that one...
If you essentially made an EMV to fit 100 people, it would work, it would take some massive hydaroilcs and such to do so, but it couldbe done. The only thing is that it would have to be one car, making a chain of cars would be problematic as far as getting the drop sequence to work.


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Hmm..I wasn't thinking about a chain, more like 2 100 person vehicles that leave and follow each other, similar to UoE, then at the end, would run parallel to each other and drop parallel to each other..


New Member
Yeah i was thinking teh same thing along the same car idea as The great movie ride where one car goes ahead of teh other and then the magic happens, but that probably wounldnt work
Originally posted by Chad
Hmm..I wasn't thinking about a chain, more like 2 100 person vehicles that leave and follow each other, similar to UoE, then at the end, would run parallel to each other and drop parallel to each other..

Well aslong as the 100 person vehicales are one solid peice I would think that there woud be no problem with it. I was just thinking that there may be some problems with joints and hydrolics plates and such, but if those are not going to be present there should be no problems.

Although I am not sure I clear I made it before but the cars would need to go down a slight slant and then stop before the drop could happen, this is due to the car needing to bound over the edge to drop, I am not sure if you are considering that in the final scene.
Well guys it looks as if we have atleast one proposal for the ride worked out, but lets clasify this idea as "propsal 1" and see if we can get a few more developed ideas and then we can all take a vote on which one we put into fuitation.

Just trying to prevent group think, by making sure we atleast get some other ideas in here.

I'll start with the further proposals by re-suggestion my concpet for Forbidden Mountain, obviously we could change the name to make it more orginal, but I really like the name of the rummoured Disney project.

Guests are on a minining expedition in-side Mt. Yangtze (jsut made up some name off the top of my head subject to change) Guest ride in oversized EMV's that are made to look like flat bed trucks, seating about 32 people by4 rows of 8, the cab of the truck is fake and has acutally screens for windows to show guests the silloute of the driver, as the windows are tinted, guets sit on the flat bed part on what look like some rickity wooden seating, alond the back with them is varies mining equitment they will need later, as the climb up a rode towards the top of the mountain the pass many asian wildlife not seen else where in the Asia section already. Then near the top they enter the cave pass through a few caverns one of which is a giant bat flight cage( there is glass sperateing the guests form the bats though). Then a little deeper into the cave the trukc stall out and there are slight tremmors then withough warning a full blown earthquake hits the mountain, staligtes are falling the wals are crumbling and the whole floor of the cave slants forward and your ttuck rolls forward and crashes into a stalagmite, then just as you get the truck to work again the whole floor gives way and your car free falls 7 stories(as previoulsy described) once your car hits the ground and your driver takes a "falling-start" speeding thorugh the collapsing caversn and out of the base of the mountain.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by FigmentDream
Then just as you get the truck to work again the whole floor gives way and your car free falls 7 stories(as previoulsy described) once your car hits the ground and your driver takes a "falling-start" speeding thorugh the collapsing caversn and out of the base of the mountain.

Suggestion.. Maybe falling into a mine shaft 7 stories bellow? Like it was already there or somthing?:)
Hmmm Perhapse, although mineshaft would seem alittle too close to an elevator shaft, which that expereince is sort of already there.

I see your point though, it would make more sense to be falling through, and I described it poorly in the intial desciption, what I was more or less going for was that the ground below you would split apart, like it does along a fault line and your car falls into a canyon type area created by this split, and the split happens to have accured above an already exsiting tunnel which you then drop into. Granted that may not be very realisitic, but in the context of the ride expereince it will not seem to unatural. I wanted there to be a large areafor the cars to fall in, since it is simulating a free-fall I figured haveing lots of area around you woudl make the "free-fall" more spectauular. I am not sure if you would get the came expeeince inside an encolosed shaft.

But if you think the ground breaking apart, is too unatural even in the context of the expereince, I guess it coudl be changed to when the ground slants forward you roll forward and hit a wooden baracade, and then right as you get the car started the baracade brakes and your car rolls forward into a large pit(the reason for the baracade)

Either way would work, I personally think the idea of falling into a earthquake made revein would be more thrilling, but that is just my opinion, what do you all think?


New Member
I shall resuggest 2 of my ideas.

I had an idea for an underwater volcano type idea with a Tower Of Terror freefall and ascent and PLOP out the side of the volcano you go into a splashdown sorta thing and we can tie it in with mytical animals and undersea stuff.

Or I propose we do a volcano ride similar to Journey To The Center Of The Earth and make it focus about all of the animals scientists have yet to discover and BOOM you get attacked and again, PLOP out the side of a volcano. - The WeirdOne :D
Originally posted by WeirdOne
I shall resuggest 2 of my ideas.

I had an idea for an underwater volcano type idea with a Tower Of Terror freefall and ascent and PLOP out the side of the volcano you go into a splashdown sorta thing and we can tie it in with mytical animals and undersea stuff.

Or I propose we do a volcano ride similar to Journey To The Center Of The Earth and make it focus about all of the animals scientists have yet to discover and BOOM you get attacked and again, PLOP out the side of a volcano. - The WeirdOne :D

Well first off there were really only two intial guidlines that 1) it be themed to animals, hence AK and 2) it would fit into an already exsting land.

I really don't see how the under water volcanoe would fit into a land that was already there especially if it deals with mythical animals

The JttCotE though could work in Dino-land slightly re-worked as a ride, if it was made more acurate to the book, if you any of you have read the Jules Veren book you will know that they run into a Primeaval World on their way to the center of the earth, and there is one scene in particular where they are on a sea and the get attacked by sea dinosuars. Perhapse we could re-create this scene in place of the lava monseter and focuses more on a journey through an underground prehistoric world, then onto the prehistoric sea and out and down the side in an amphibious vehicale as you would be "traveling" on both land and water.


Well-Known Member
hmm, asia rides. These are great. (Too many TOT incorperated rides though in my taste.) I think the jurney to find a new speciese of asian animal could work. Just think.

We Could use some asian legends for it. Kind of how BGT uses Aferican legends for their coasters.


New Member
Originally posted by FigmentDream
The JttCotE though could work in Dino-land slightly re-worked as a ride, if it was made more acurate to the book, if you any of you have read the Jules Veren book you will know that they run into a Primeaval World on their way to the center of the earth, and there is one scene in particular where they are on a sea and the get attacked by sea dinosuars. Perhapse we could re-create this scene in place of the lava monseter and focuses more on a journey through an underground prehistoric world, then onto the prehistoric sea and out and down the side in an amphibious vehicale as you would be "traveling" on both land and water.

I really liked that book and yes that could work. I think I can develop some cool ideas for it. - The WeirdOne :D

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