DAK E*Ticket

Okay so I think we have 3 developed ride proposals so far:

Proposer-Ride Name=Ride Type

FigmentDream-Forbiden Mountain= EMV2/vertical coaster hybrid

Chad- Sprits of America= darkride w/ EMV2/vertical coaster hybrid base

WeirdOne-Journey to the Center of the Earth=darkride/coaster hybrid

Well, that is what we have so far and I know we have more than three members, if you have an idea propose it....

PS the ride type are just my general decsiptions of the system, if they are inacurate pleas correct me Chad and WeirdOne.
Well, if no one else has any ideas I guess we can take a vote, I will post a poll in aproxamitly 24 hours from now 6 eastern US time, if any one has any last minute ideas, post between now and then. This means new proposals though, changes can be made to the already exstintg proposals all through the process.

PS Figment1986, if you would please elaborate on your idea for Asian Legneds I woudl be more than happy to add this to the list

PSS Chad, if you're out there I would really like your input on all of this :)


New Member
Just something to make sure you correct when you get to it.

My ride would be an EMV/EMV2 (one or the other), plus a dark ide, with Test Track like coaster parts and cool special effects, oh yeah, and part show. - The WeirdOne :D

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