Cuts coming to every area of parks and resorts - thanks to Shanghai and Paris


Well-Known Member
I've seen NOTHING to suggest that is actually occurring. We've seen people post on the forums that hours are changing or being cut, but I've not seen anything to suggest this is widespread or strategic beyond normal re-allocation of resources. Believe me, if there were big cuts taking place and the labor was being slashed in a big way, the unions would be LOUD right now. I'd love to see a list of EXACT cuts anyone knows about.
I'm a former Cast Member with Cast Member friends. They ARE losing hours. I know somebody who was scheduled over 50 hours last week and 30 this week because of these cuts. And that's just one person. As for the unions, full time CMs at Disney are only guaranteed 32 hours a week, which is what it appears they have been reduced to. Part time CMs aren't guaranteed any. I don't see what the Unions can really do when TECHNICALLY, Disney isn't doing anything wrong.

I defend Disney quite a bit, probably more than a few people on this board. But even I can't defend this or ignore that this is real.


Well-Known Member
I'm a former Cast Member with Cast Member friends. They ARE losing hours. I know somebody who was scheduled over 50 hours last week and 30 this week because of these cuts. And that's just one person. As for the unions, full time CMs at Disney are only guaranteed 32 hours a week, which is what it appears they have been reduced to. Part time CMs aren't guaranteed any. I don't see what the Unions can really do when TECHNICALLY, Disney isn't doing anything wrong.

I defend Disney quite a bit, probably more than a few people on this board. But even I can't defend this or ignore that this is real.

The next two weeks are pretty slow for the resort though. I'd imagine things will pick up big around second week of march when spring breakers start to happen. I know all about the hours and what FT is. I used to work Y&B a decade ago. Very familiar with the ramp up and down when it comes to scheduling. I actually see postings for new cast wanted indicating they are bringing people in to handle crowds. Hours may be cut right this moment to offset the cost. Traditionally this time is busiest with conventions and business travelers. Take a quick peek for flights in and out of Orlando the next two weeks and you'll see it's fairly open. This is the calm before the storm. Once spring break kicks in, til Easter, it will be a mess, and no one will be hurting for hours unless the resort wants to cut off it's bread and butter.


Well-Known Member
The next two weeks are pretty slow for the resort though. I'd imagine things will pick up big around second week of march when spring breakers start to happen. I know all about the hours and what FT is. I used to work Y&B a decade ago. Very familiar with the ramp up and down when it comes to scheduling. I actually see postings for new cast wanted indicating they are bringing people in to handle crowds. Hours may be cut right this moment to offset the cost. Traditionally this time is busiest with conventions and business travelers. Take a quick peek for flights in and out of Orlando the next two weeks and you'll see it's fairly open. This is the calm before the storm. Once spring break kicks in, til Easter, it will be a mess, and no one will be hurting for hours unless the resort wants to cut off it's bread and butter.
This time of year might be slower than spring break, sure. But I was part time at this time two years ago and was still getting three days. There are part time CMs now getting none.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I'm lost... there has been mass hysteria in these boards the last week it seems. As someone intimately connected with the FL parks and corporate operations, I haven't really seen anything to warrant this??

Well that will explain your on message posts and dislike of the better park up the road.

But now we know such a well placed person like yourself is able to reassure us we will all rush out and feed the rodent with the folding stuff.

What a dobber.


Well-Known Member
In fact I have seen nothing but the opposite, new castle show being pushed, new fireworks show being announced for studios, a push to speed up construction on the springs, announcements about the new lands in the studios...

So lemme get this straight. Everything's great, because one fireworks show is replacing another; the outdoor mall's three (or is it four?) year build is being "sped up"; and we have new lands arriving at DHS in the nebulous "coming soon" time frame.

Oh, and price increases right around the corner.

Actually, it does sound like business as usual for WDW.


Well-Known Member
If you believe guests are coming to Orlando for the MM then you are silly. It's been an abysmal disaster for what it costs.

You do realise for what it cost Disney could have built an entirely new park, or four new Harry Potter type worlds. When you look at it like that, it really do make you angry.
I'm not saying any such thing. I'm saying that I #1, am not able to recognize or experience the "disaster" part of it. #2 I have misplaced my spreadsheet breaking down Disney's expenses and Returns on Investment. Must have thrown it out with the coffee grounds. #3 have lost my transcript of the meetings where the exact expectations were spelled out or the confirmation that they have or have not been met.

Disney needed a different IT system, the one it replaced could no longer handle the volume from what I understand and realizing the day to day advancement of computer science, I'd have to guess that is a pretty good reality. So replacement was inevitable anyway, which, was the bulk of the expense not the damn FP system. Unless someone on this board was actually in the room when the argument was made or have been in there since it has been put in place it is nothing more then second hand information at best, but probably just pure speculation by people on the inside that really are not able to grasp the magnitude of the overall purposes.

Add to that the fact that they didn't need to not spend that money to build a whole new park if they wanted too. They could do that at anytime they wanted to do that. Forget what they spent, it doesn't matter, it isn't a factor. It may be an excuse, but, it certainly isn't the reason. Why would they build a new park when the other 4 are not anywhere near performing to their potential. With that said, they have just committed Billions to upgrade the parks and build new stuff. So we got the MM+ which some like and some hate for whatever personal reasons that they might have. Personally, I have never had a problem with it, so it's fine by me. And we are getting the parks upgraded and then they went and decided to cut some hours to save a few bucks during a season that is not their highest attended time and everyone has an aneurysm. People need to calm down and start looking at the issues and not what they think the issues are.
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Well-Known Member
...and on then they went and decided to cut some hours to save a few bucks during a season that is not their highest attended time...
Quick check of the My Disney Experience app just shows POTC at 30 minute wait, Peter Pan at 60 minutes, Mine Train at 90 minutes, Jungle Cruise 50 minutes, Enchanted Tales 40 minutes, Splash 50 minutes...I don't think it's a slow season. WDW doesn't seem to have those anymore.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Quick check of the My Disney Experience app just shows POTC at 30 minute wait, Peter Pan at 60 minutes, Mine Train at 90 minutes, Jungle Cruise 50 minutes, Enchanted Tales 40 minutes, Splash 50 minutes...I don't think it's a slow season. WDW doesn't seem to have those anymore.
Which is exactly why they are able to run the parks the way they do.

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