Cupcakes Delivered to Your Room


Well-Known Member
The Great Cupcake Caper

Hey all,

I have an unusual dilemma hopefully someone can assist me with. On our last trip, my wife fell in love with the chocolate cupcakes (with vanilla frosting) served at the Port Orleans Riverside food court. These are very ordinary cupcakes, but that's what she likes about them. No other cupcake will suffice - a point which she has made abundantly clear over and over again.

We are planning to stay at the Art of Animation Resort this Nov. This puts the Port Orleans cupcakes out of reach. I kid you not, when my wife discovered that the food court at Art of Animation did not serve the exact same cupcakes as Port Orleans Riverside, she went bananas. To the point where I seriously considered switching resorts (which would be difficult since there are 5 of us this time) solely based on the availability of these plain chocolate cupcakes.

We won't have a car. But if we do stick to the plan and stay at Art of Animation, I am seriously considering renting a cab just to run over to Port Orleans and buy some cupcakes. These very specific cupcakes could make or break the trip (then again, if you have read my 2010 trip report, just about anything can tip the apple cart where that is concerned).

I was also wondering if there was any way to have cupcakes from one resort delivered to another. I know Disney will deliver gifts and such to your room. I called the hotline to inquire about having these cupcakes delivered to our room and they were no help at all. They gave me a line for specialty cakes, but they delivered to restaurants rather than in-room deliveries.

I fully suspect that my wife will take one bite of these cupcakes and say they don't live up to her memory of them. But if there is a way for me to deliver the (sure to disappoint) cupcakes and be a hero for 10 seconds without mortgaging the house, I'm game. Any suggestions?


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just take her by the hands look deep into her eyes and say
"dear we are at the happiest place on earth now just SHUT UP ABOUT THE DAMN CUPCAKE and enjoy yourself"

The problem is that "the happiest place on earth" fills her with rage. She would Hulk out on me!

You obviously don't know anything about a woman. When we want something, nothing else will do. We will dwell on it forever, and anything close... will just not be close enough.

Any attempt to substitute anything just makes my wife mad. When we were first married, she sent me to the grocery to buy some ingredients for chocolate chip cookies. I came back with store-brand shortening. She didn't speak to me all weekend.

The cookies she made turned out slightly flatter than usual. Not sure if that was related to the generic shortening or not, but in her mind it was the direct cause of the slightly flat cookies. She took them into work and everyone raved about them which got me off the hook. But not for a few more days. And she wouldn't confess that the cookies were a hit until about a week later.

Today, I am allowed to buy some generic ingredients including shortening. But if I come home with anything buy Coke Zero, it's the couch for me.

I think I have spotted your cupcakes in the wild. This picture was taken this morning at POFQ. I will attempt to ascertain their presence at PORS shortly.


The same cupcakes that are at PORS......and Yeehaw Bob is doing his usual good job of rocking the place. :D

That's them all right! Thanks for confirming.

Glad to hear you're having a good time at PO.

Hey lebeau, try saying this to your wife...

"No cupcakes for you!"

Let us know how that goes. :lookaroun

I mean, they're cupcakes...they're everywhere at WDW. They just can't be that special...they're not Dole Whips or Citrus Swirls. :)

Mindy views pineapples as poison. If I came anywhere near her with a Dole Whip, I would be wearing it.

If I tried cutting her off from cupcakes, I would get cut-off too. :lookaroun
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Well-Known Member
I did something similar last trip. In 2010, we had free theme park tickets waiting for us at All Star Music. We were staying at POR. So, we all headed to DTD for dinner. Which was a nightmare because it was St. Patrick's Day. My wife was positively furious.

I needed to get the tickets so we could get into the park the next morning. So I sent the girls back to POR and I took a solo bus trip to ASM and back. Then hopped a bus from DTD back to POR. All told, it was roughly 2 hours on the bus. Well worth it for free theme park tickets, but not for cupcakes.

If I had it to do over again, I'd spring for a cab. Disney World time is too precious to spend shuttling to and from resorts. Especially when there are cupcakes every 10 feet

My hope is that we'll get there and my wife will discover some other confection that will satisfy her sweet tooth. It's unlikely because once she has set her mind to something, there is no shaking it.

I am already being told that "it's not about the cupcakes" and "it's the principle of the matter". The principle apparently being that I am not basing all our vacation decisions around cupcake availability.

This in spite of the fact that my wife chose AoA over Port Orleans. After the last trip, she swore of POR because she hated the buses. She doesn't actually want to stay there again. She just expects me to find some way to deliver the cupcakes to a different resort.

Push comes to shove, I will hop a cab. I don't care if these turn out to be $20 chocolate cupcakes with vanilla frosting which most people would consider identical to the ones at the local bakery. (Okay, maybe I do care a little). I'll do whatever it takes to keep everyone happy. But I'm definitely not spending 2 hours on a bus for a cupcake.

Wish me luck!

BEFORE YOU GO MAKE SURE YOU CALL TO SEE IF THEY ARE OUT,,,this same thing kinda happened to me my mom loves the giant cupcakes from contemporary we went every day they were out so the last day i called they said they had 1 left i asked them to save so in the morning i hopped a cab to contemportary and had the cupcake waiting for her when she woke up she was soo happy!
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Hey lebeau, try saying this to your wife...

"No cupcakes for you!"

Let us know how that goes. :lookaroun

I mean, they're cupcakes...they're everywhere at WDW. They just can't be that special...they're not Dole Whips or Citrus Swirls. :)

Wait... I've had cupcakes all over WDW... and they are scrumptious. I've never had a Dolle Whip or a Citrus Swirl. So, I can understand the attachment to them.
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I've had those cupcakes... they aren't bland. They are extremely chocolatey and the frosting is extrememly sweet. You described them completely different. It's the frosting that makes them special.
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Well-Known Member
Master Yoda,How could you,I mean,get serious,cupcakes yes! Yeehaw rocking,no way.:ROFLOL::wave:

LOLOLOL I knew the Kracken would rise over this comment...LMAO Yes, There are people who enjoy Bob.....We dont.

As far as the cuppycakes go? I get it. You sort of gave your self away mentioned getting "cut off" isnt that what its all about.....LMAO If cupcakes makes the gate keeper happy....well by God Cupcakes is what she will have! I am with you. The problem is you are setting a precedence here. You have two daughters. They too are learning what Dad will do to keep the woman in his life happy. I wish you well brother.
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I've had those cupcakes... they aren't bland. They are extremely chocolatey and the frosting is extrememly sweet. You described them completely different. It's the frosting that makes them special.

You're right. They aren't bland. They just aren't very exotic. It's a chocolate cupcake with white frosting. You did hit the nail on the head though. It's the frosting specifically that Mindy loves.

As far as the cuppycakes go? I get it. You sort of gave your self away mentioned getting "cut off" isnt that what its all about.....LMAO If cupcakes makes the gate keeper happy....well by God Cupcakes is what she will have! I am with you. The problem is you are setting a precedence here. You have two daughters. They too are learning what Dad will do to keep the woman in his life happy. I wish you well brother.

That precedent was long ago set. I don't ask for pity, but I am sorely outnumbered. Counting the dog, there are 4 girls in my house. And the dog is the only one who listens to me!
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
That precedent was long ago set. I don't ask for pity, but I am sorely outnumbered. Counting the dog, there are 4 girls in my house. And the dog is the only one who listens to me!
Being in a similar situation myself, I think the pets just humor me.:lol:
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Well-Known Member
I must say this has been one entertaining thread. Good luck to you lebeau & "May the Force be with You". Although, not sure even the force would help you out on this one. :lol:
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I have done a lot of kidding in this thread. But this stemmed from a real problem. Something about this situation had really been bugging my wife for a couple weeks to the point where she would not stop making little comments about it. We had discussed it a few times, but I couldn't get anything more substantial out of her than "it's the principle of the matter".

At one point, she told me that she wanted me to offer to get the cupcakes so that she could realize how impractical it was and then tell me not to bother. :confused: Yes, I was as confused as you are, guys.

Anyway, we turned a corner this weekend. I was in the other room and Mindy was watching TV with the kids. There was a commercial for Universal on. She saw the Harry Potter part and told Josie, "That's where Mommy wants to go."

I saw my chance at redemption!

Taking a day to go to Universal is completely impractical. The girls are too young. Harry Potter phase 2 is under construction. It makes more sense to wait a couple years and go back when that's done. The plan has always been to wait a few years and then go back for a Universal/Sea World trip. (Mindy loves Sea World.)

However, I decided to put what I learned from the Great Cupcake Quagmire of 2012 to use. I offered to rearrange our schedule to allow for a day-trip to Universal. I told her the difference in cost would be ballpark $200/300. I showed her the Universal website so she could review all the attractions.

She went over it all for a while. At the end, she came to the same conclussion I did. Josie might have an okay time at Islands of Adventure. But there's very little Kara could do. It makes sense to wait a little longer.

But she appreciated the gesture. I know, it makes no sense at all, but her attitude towards the trip and the cupcakes has completely turned around since I dangled Harry Potter in front of her. I don't get it either. :shrug:

I've got a secret weapon to hopefully guarantee her good mood for the trip. She's been hinting (and by "hinting" I mean demanding) that she wants a Kindle Fire. I have been shooting down the possibility with regularity. So, she's not expecting one at all. Mindy's birthday is 10/30. We leave 11/01. I figure I can use that $200 I would have used for Universal and get her the Kindle for her birthday.

That ought to buy me enough good will to get through the trip cupcakes or no. Preferably with cupcakes though.
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Well-Known Member
I have done a lot of kidding in this thread. But this stemmed from a real problem. Something about this situation had really been bugging my wife for a couple weeks to the point where she would not stop making little comments about it. We had discussed it a few times, but I couldn't get anything more substantial out of her than "it's the principle of the matter".

At one point, she told me that she wanted me to offer to get the cupcakes so that she could realize how impractical it was and then tell me not to bother. :confused: Yes, I was as confused as you are, guys.

Anyway, we turned a corner this weekend. I was in the other room and Mindy was watching TV with the kids. There was a commercial for Universal on. She saw the Harry Potter part and told Josie, "That's where Mommy wants to go."

I saw my chance at redemption!

Taking a day to go to Universal is completely impractical. The girls are too young. Harry Potter phase 2 is under construction. It makes more sense to wait a couple years and go back when that's done. The plan has always been to wait a few years and then go back for a Universal/Sea World trip. (Mindy loves Sea World.)

However, I decided to put what I learned from the Great Cupcake Quagmire of 2012 to use. I offered to rearrange our schedule to allow for a day-trip to Universal. I told her the difference in cost would be ballpark $200/300. I showed her the Universal website so she could review all the attractions.

She went over it all for a while. At the end, she came to the same conclussion I did. Josie might have an okay time at Islands of Adventure. But there's very little Kara could do. It makes sense to wait a little longer.

But she appreciated the gesture. I know, it makes no sense at all, but her attitude towards the trip and the cupcakes has completely turned around since I dangled Harry Potter in front of her. I don't get it either. :shrug:

I've got a secret weapon to hopefully guarantee her good mood for the trip. She's been hinting (and by "hinting" I mean demanding) that she wants a Kindle Fire. I have been shooting down the possibility with regularity. So, she's not expecting one at all. Mindy's birthday is 10/30. We leave 11/01. I figure I can use that $200 I would have used for Universal and get her the Kindle for her birthday.

That ought to buy me enough good will to get through the trip cupcakes or no. Preferably with cupcakes though.

You have found Gold! Pity? Not from this guy! More along the lines of empathy. There is a difference. Pity is something that I feel for you.."poor guy" empathy is an emotion I feel with you. " I feel you brother" I too was married to a "Mindy". That said I think you found the key to said gate keeper. Not only will you have ten days of Disney Bliss but it may last longer. The Kindle will be a gift that last long beyond the ME ride back to the airport. The cupcakes will be a temporary satisfaction of cupcake . The kindle will be a gift that keeps on giving. The plan is layed, it is now up to you to execute! While you and the girls aare living your WDW dreams she will be in Mindy heaven sitting on a bench clutchin g her fire reading the latest Dr Phil expose' As one poster as said......Happy wife....Happy Life. Now you can relax and know that your upcomming trip will be stress free!

P.S. As long as you get the cupcakes that is. Without them The Kindle will be feutal.
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I wouldn't want to go to Disney without a cupcake... they really are good... and I look forward to them. So, if I knew I wasn't going to get one, it would kind of ruin my trip. Part of her probably wants the offer, but, I'll bet another part of her really wants the cupcake! (I'm telling you I know how she probably thinks... you can't get them anywhere else.) So, get her the cupcakes if you can because it will be worth it. Get her the kindle too... you will have a great vacation if you do :)
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When I read that, I realized it was pathetic... I would still want to go to Disney... I just would be sad for a minute about the red velvet cupcake. (I know it's a different one)
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