Cupcakes Delivered to Your Room


Well-Known Member
The Great Cupcake Caper

Hey all,

I have an unusual dilemma hopefully someone can assist me with. On our last trip, my wife fell in love with the chocolate cupcakes (with vanilla frosting) served at the Port Orleans Riverside food court. These are very ordinary cupcakes, but that's what she likes about them. No other cupcake will suffice - a point which she has made abundantly clear over and over again.

We are planning to stay at the Art of Animation Resort this Nov. This puts the Port Orleans cupcakes out of reach. I kid you not, when my wife discovered that the food court at Art of Animation did not serve the exact same cupcakes as Port Orleans Riverside, she went bananas. To the point where I seriously considered switching resorts (which would be difficult since there are 5 of us this time) solely based on the availability of these plain chocolate cupcakes.

We won't have a car. But if we do stick to the plan and stay at Art of Animation, I am seriously considering renting a cab just to run over to Port Orleans and buy some cupcakes. These very specific cupcakes could make or break the trip (then again, if you have read my 2010 trip report, just about anything can tip the apple cart where that is concerned).

I was also wondering if there was any way to have cupcakes from one resort delivered to another. I know Disney will deliver gifts and such to your room. I called the hotline to inquire about having these cupcakes delivered to our room and they were no help at all. They gave me a line for specialty cakes, but they delivered to restaurants rather than in-room deliveries.

I fully suspect that my wife will take one bite of these cupcakes and say they don't live up to her memory of them. But if there is a way for me to deliver the (sure to disappoint) cupcakes and be a hero for 10 seconds without mortgaging the house, I'm game. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm probably going to be crucified for saying this by other members, but come-on, it's a cupcake, talk about high maintenance, she needs to live with a little disappointment. If she's not pregnant and having craving, then I would tell her too bad so sad.

I doubt you'll be crucified at all. In my last trip report, most readers came to view her as a villain. Some people are theme park people. Most likely, if you are posting in a Disney World forum, you love the place. My wife is not at all a theme park person. Her ideal vacation involves watching lots and lots of judge shows on TV. So, Disney World makes her a tad grumpy.

The funny part is, most of my family think she is a saint for agreeing to go to Disney World every 2-3 years. It's all a matter of perspective. Disney fans are ready to form a lynch mob whereas Disney haters think she should be sainted.

I remembered the "never again" from your trip report, and recalled seeing you mention the five year goal in another thread. That's why I was happy for you to see that you were going back already! ;)

Your memory is incredible!

In all honesty, this trip was more Mindy's idea than mine. I had been planning to wait until the FLE was completed. But the kids want to go back. And Kara's in such a cute princess phase right now. So Mindy decided she WANTED to go back.

Since then, she has repeatedly said that she would not be gloomy on this trip as long as she had cupcakes. I took this to mean that any cupcakes would work. As usual where these things are concerned, I was WRONG!

Now she keeps bringing up the cupcakes and telling me how I broke my one promise. And she's not kidding. Not even a little bit.

At least the trip report should be an entertaining read.
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Well-Known Member
I'm probably going to be crucified for saying this by other members, but come-on, it's a cupcake, talk about high maintenance, she needs to live with a little disappointment. If she's not pregnant and having craving, then I would tell her too bad so sad.

Well, you won't be crucified by me. My first thought was to tell him to say, "Good luck on your cupcake quest, honey. I'll be in the parks enjoying myself while you hunt down the cupcakes that everyone know you won't be happy with anyway...see you in a few hours!"

But love is blind...and deaf...and occasionally a "Yes, Dear." and a 3 hour doomed to fail cupcake quest is a better alternative to whatever happens when she doesn't see him scrambling to get a cupcake. I wouldn't do it and I wouldn't ask anyone else to but I can't explain some peoples actions in the name of love (or fear...not sure which one it is in this case)
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I think you would be a very smart man to grab a cab and head on over to Port Orleans. You can have the cabbie wait for you. Go in and grab a half dozen (or dozen) and head on back to the resort. That way, no stress involved and the cupcakes will be with their rightful owner in no time and in the refrigerator. Seriously, if these cupcakes will be the make or break portion of your upcoming vacation, I would consider the cab. It will be the fastest and least stressful option. I really don't think it will be that much money and if $20-$25 is the difference of making your wife happy, then do it. Happy wife, happy life!!

Option 1: CAB. Do it. It will be worth it in the long run. Time approximately 30-40 minutes.

Option 2a: Resort bus from AAR to Epcot. Epcot to POR. Buy cupcakes. POR to DTD via boat. DTD resort bus to AAR or come back by resort resort bus to theme park and bus to AAR. Time approximately 3-4 hours.

Option 3: Spend time at theme park. Resort bus to POR. Buy cupcakes. POR to DTD via boat. DTD resort bus to AAR or come back by resort bus to theme park and bus to AAR. Time approximately 3-4 hours.

I don't know who you have going but send the four to a park and then you'll meet them. Take option 1.

Herc, I think you're dead right.

My plan is to check out the food court when we get there. We'll sample the cupcakes first thing. If they are in any way less that satisfactory, I will get a cab. I'd gladly drop $50 on cupcakes if it will make the rest of the trip run smoothly.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well, you won't be crucified by me. My first thought was to tell him to say, "Good luck on your cupcake quest, honey. I'll be in the parks enjoying myself while you hunt down the cupcakes that everyone know you won't be happy with anyway...see you in a few hours!"

But love is blind...and deaf...and occasionally a "Yes, Dear." and a 3 hour doomed to fail cupcake quest is a better alternative to whatever happens when she doesn't see him scrambling to get a cupcake. I wouldn't do it and I wouldn't ask anyone else to but I can't explain some peoples actions in the name of love (or fear...not sure which one it is in this case)

Bit of both... ;)
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Active Member
I really hate to be the person to say this, but the cupcakes do differ by resorts. Even the chocolate with vanilla frosting are different. These are also my favorite, but for some reason if I remember (and I may be mixing up resorts), the ones at Animal Kingdom may have had some sort of whipped cream frosting and not the butter cream frosting. On one trip, I was trying to find the delicious cupcakes and would try them at the different hotels where we had dining reservations. The Contemporary cupcakes did not have the good frosting.

The good news is that they may have the cupcakes at POP and you may just have to walk across the lake to get them. They have a dessert counter, but more importantly, they also have cookies and cupcakes in the back area where you get bottled drinks and other items. They might have the same setup at AOA, and these items are not on a menu board like the picture you posted.

Good Luck!
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Herc, I think you're dead right.

My plan is to check out the food court when we get there. We'll sample the cupcakes first thing. If they are in any way less that satisfactory, I will get a cab. I'd gladly drop $50 on cupcakes if it will make the rest of the trip run smoothly.

Put it this way, I have not read any past trip reports or view this request as being odd. I would gladly do the same thing for my wife. In the past, we would have to make a special trip over to Dixie Landings just to get the carrot cake. Don't ask me why, but it brought a smile to her face.

Now if she wants, she can stay back in the room one day, eat a few cupcakes and watch all the judge shows that are on while you have a wonderful trip with the kids in the parks. Everyone is happy.
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Well-Known Member
I'm probably going to be crucified for saying this by other members, but come-on, it's a cupcake, talk about high maintenance, she needs to live with a little disappointment. If she's not pregnant and having craving, then I would tell her too bad so sad.


She helped to make these two. Let her have the dumb cupcakes.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I really hate to be the person to say this, but the cupcakes do differ by resorts. Even the chocolate with vanilla frosting are different. These are also my favorite, but for some reason if I remember (and I may be mixing up resorts), the ones at Animal Kingdom may have had some sort of whipped cream frosting and not the butter cream frosting. On one trip, I was trying to find the delicious cupcakes and would try them at the different hotels where we had dining reservations. The Contemporary cupcakes did not have the good frosting.

The good news is that they may have the cupcakes at POP and you may just have to walk across the lake to get them. They have a dessert counter, but more importantly, they also have cookies and cupcakes in the back area where you get bottled drinks and other items. They might have the same setup at AOA, and these items are not on a menu board like the picture you posted.

Good Luck!

You are right. The cupcakes are different. Sometimes subtly so. A slightly grainy frosting will be a deal-breaker. I have shown her pictures of cupcakes in different display cases from around the resort and she scrutinizes them like a CSI investigator.

I did search a few cupcake pictures. The ones at Pop do look a lot like the ones at POR aside from the spray-on tie-dye coloring. Those might do in a pinch.

Here is a rare picture of a POR cupcake:


Here is a Pop Century chocolate cupcake.


On the upside, the plain chocolate cupcake doesn't seem to make the menu boards at the food courts. So its exclusion from the AoA menu board may not be cause form concern.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Put it this way, I have not read any past trip reports or view this request as being odd. I would gladly do the same thing for my wife. In the past, we would have to make a special trip over to Dixie Landings just to get the carrot cake. Don't ask me why, but it brought a smile to her face.

Now if she wants, she can stay back in the room one day, eat a few cupcakes and watch all the judge shows that are on while you have a wonderful trip with the kids in the parks. Everyone is happy.

She helped to make these two. Let her have the dumb cupcakes.

You two are overflowing with wisdom.

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Well-Known Member
Some other ideas, Have you taken her to the bakery on Main Street, They might have them if not they have a lot of other baked good she might fall in love with and enjoy more than the cupcakes, why not do this on the first day to see if she can be pleased without the cupcakes. Second, I don't know the restaurants at PO but if you are getting a Taxi, it's the same price if you go or the whole family, why not check out the restaurants and see if there is one you would like to make a reservation at. Go for a Lunch or Dinner and then pick up a dozen cupcakes as you leave. This way you don't have to leave your family at the resort for a few hours.
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Le Beau this thread has made me laugh so much, but at the same time it has also created a urge to read your Trip Report!!! Please can we have a link to said report this may get me through tomorrow!! :ROFLOL::lol:
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Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Am I the only one who opened this thinking this was a new service at the resorts?


I think you should all go to POR for a meal and get the cupcakes. It's your vacation, too. Relax. Make life easier for yourself. :)
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Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Le Beau this thread has made me laugh so much, but at the same time it has also created a urge to read your Trip Report!!! Please can we have a link to said report this may get me through tomorrow!! :ROFLOL::lol:

Claire, the link is in his signature: The Agony and The Ecstasy trip report. He titled it well, it is a great read (and the pictures of the adorable children are nice, too!)
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Well-Known Member
Am I the only one who opened this thinking this was a new service at the resorts?


I think you should all go to POR for a meal and get the cupcakes. It's your vacation, too. Relax. Make life easier for yourself. :)

I completely thought that was what it was about! I wish!!!!! Especially those from Starring Rolls! YUM!!!
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Well-Known Member
I am surprised she likes them that much. I never thought they were all that good.

I'm even more surprised that they won't have them at AoA...they have them in like every other hotel.

But if she is that hung up on the cupcakes and you wish to be Super Hubby, stay somewhere else. Get two rooms at the PO resort. :)

You should get a cape, too! :) could always take the resort monorail and get one at one of those hotels. I specifically remember having one at the Poly.
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Well-Known Member
In the Parks
what makes these boards so great are these posts that you just never expect. hope the cupcakes live up to her expectations. haha:lol:
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Some other ideas, Have you taken her to the bakery on Main Street, They might have them if not they have a lot of other baked good she might fall in love with and enjoy more than the cupcakes, why not do this on the first day to see if she can be pleased without the cupcakes. Second, I don't know the restaurants at PO but if you are getting a Taxi, it's the same price if you go or the whole family, why not check out the restaurants and see if there is one you would like to make a reservation at. Go for a Lunch or Dinner and then pick up a dozen cupcakes as you leave. This way you don't have to leave your family at the resort for a few hours.

Those are some solid ideas.

We have been to the Main Street bakery. They have very similar looking cupcakes. But they are "not the same". She did have breakfast there one morning and if I remember correctly she liked the breakfast sandwich she got. I'm sure she will be doing this again.

On the last trip, we had planned in advance to eat a quick breakfast in our room before going to the park. Something like a Pop Tart or a Nutrigrain bar. I had asked everyone what they wanted and packed accordingly. On the first morning, I unpacked the breakfast bars and the response was, "You were serious about that?" The "quick breakfast" plan went out the window. But she was much happier after her hot breakfast every morning. Now I know.

If I end up getting a taxi, I'll extend the invitation to anyone who wants to join me. My guess is I will end up going alone or with my oldest daughter. Mindy has no desire to revisit Port Orleans. She just wants the cupcakes.

Even that isn't entirely true. She tells me the cupcakes are beside the point. There's some kind of principle at work here that I don't fully grasp. I should probably watch more Dr. Phil or something.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Le Beau this thread has made me laugh so much, but at the same time it has also created a urge to read your Trip Report!!! Please can we have a link to said report this may get me through tomorrow!! :ROFLOL::lol:

Glad you had a laugh. If you enjoyed my cupcake misery, check out the links in my sig:

My Pre-Trip Report for Nov 2012
The Ecstacy and the Agony: March 2010 Trip Report

The Ecstacy and the Agony was my 2010 trip report. Any time I find myself missing WDW too much, I reread it and remind myself it is better to wait.

Am I the only one who opened this thinking this was a new service at the resorts?


I think you should all go to POR for a meal and get the cupcakes. It's your vacation, too. Relax. Make life easier for yourself. :)

Sorry to bum you out. I actually hate when thread titles are misleading. Perhaps I will retitle this thread. Yep. Definitely have to do that.

If the gang wants to grab a meal at POR, that would work. My guess is that they would rather I just run over there myself. The less I drag Mindy around, the smoother things tend to go.

:lol: No but now that you mention it...fantastic idea. A little cupckae cart that comes door to door with a variety of cupcakes for sale! :slurp:

I am frankly surprised nothing like this is currently offered. When I opened the thread I really thought that there would be a way to have cupcakes delivered to your room for the right price.

Take my money, Disney!

I completely thought that was what it was about! I wish!!!!! Especially those from Starring Rolls! YUM!!!

I have never had a Starring Rolls cupcake. I have shown pictures to Mindy to try to get her excited to try one. She has no interest. But I plan to get one myself during the trip. Maybe when she sees one in person, she'll at least give it a try.

I am surprised she likes them that much. I never thought they were all that good.

I'm even more surprised that they won't have them at AoA...they have them in like every other hotel.

But if she is that hung up on the cupcakes and you wish to be Super Hubby, stay somewhere else. Get two rooms at the PO resort. :)

You should get a cape, too! :) could always take the resort monorail and get one at one of those hotels. I specifically remember having one at the Poly.

I found them to be very middle of the road cupcakes. Just like the ones at the Kroger bakery but bigger. But, she likes middle of the road. That's her thing. :shrug:

It's possible AoA will have them. We won't know until they open I guess.

I brought up the possibility of switching resorts. It was not met with enthusiasm. She really wants a suite at AoA with the cupcakes she had at POR. It doesn't really matter if this is impractical. It's what she wants. And anything other than that will be a failure on principle.

Good to know about the Poly. We'll be having dinner at Chef Mickey's. If they have the same cupcakes at the Poly, that would be a simple solution. One extra stop on the monorail and mission accomplished. :sohappy:
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