Cupcakes Delivered to Your Room


Well-Known Member
The Great Cupcake Caper

Hey all,

I have an unusual dilemma hopefully someone can assist me with. On our last trip, my wife fell in love with the chocolate cupcakes (with vanilla frosting) served at the Port Orleans Riverside food court. These are very ordinary cupcakes, but that's what she likes about them. No other cupcake will suffice - a point which she has made abundantly clear over and over again.

We are planning to stay at the Art of Animation Resort this Nov. This puts the Port Orleans cupcakes out of reach. I kid you not, when my wife discovered that the food court at Art of Animation did not serve the exact same cupcakes as Port Orleans Riverside, she went bananas. To the point where I seriously considered switching resorts (which would be difficult since there are 5 of us this time) solely based on the availability of these plain chocolate cupcakes.

We won't have a car. But if we do stick to the plan and stay at Art of Animation, I am seriously considering renting a cab just to run over to Port Orleans and buy some cupcakes. These very specific cupcakes could make or break the trip (then again, if you have read my 2010 trip report, just about anything can tip the apple cart where that is concerned).

I was also wondering if there was any way to have cupcakes from one resort delivered to another. I know Disney will deliver gifts and such to your room. I called the hotline to inquire about having these cupcakes delivered to our room and they were no help at all. They gave me a line for specialty cakes, but they delivered to restaurants rather than in-room deliveries.

I fully suspect that my wife will take one bite of these cupcakes and say they don't live up to her memory of them. But if there is a way for me to deliver the (sure to disappoint) cupcakes and be a hero for 10 seconds without mortgaging the house, I'm game. Any suggestions?


Cupcake Acquisition

Here's what you do. When you leave a park during the day just get on a bus that takes you to Port Orleans. It looks like Epcot is closest to Port Orleans Riverside so it would be a short bus trip. You could then take a bus back to Epcot to get on Art of Animation's bus.

It also looks like DD is really close so you could take a bus from there and back.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Here's what you do. When you leave a park during the day just get on a bus that takes you to Port Orleans. It looks like Epcot is closest to Port Orleans Riverside so it would be a short bus trip. You could then take a bus back to Epcot to get on Art of Animation's bus.

It also looks like DD is really close so you could take a bus from there and back.

I did something similar last trip. In 2010, we had free theme park tickets waiting for us at All Star Music. We were staying at POR. So, we all headed to DTD for dinner. Which was a nightmare because it was St. Patrick's Day. My wife was positively furious.

I needed to get the tickets so we could get into the park the next morning. So I sent the girls back to POR and I took a solo bus trip to ASM and back. Then hopped a bus from DTD back to POR. All told, it was roughly 2 hours on the bus. Well worth it for free theme park tickets, but not for cupcakes.

If I had it to do over again, I'd spring for a cab. Disney World time is too precious to spend shuttling to and from resorts. Especially when there are cupcakes every 10 feet

My hope is that we'll get there and my wife will discover some other confection that will satisfy her sweet tooth. It's unlikely because once she has set her mind to something, there is no shaking it.

I am already being told that "it's not about the cupcakes" and "it's the principle of the matter". The principle apparently being that I am not basing all our vacation decisions around cupcake availability.

This in spite of the fact that my wife chose AoA over Port Orleans. After the last trip, she swore of POR because she hated the buses. She doesn't actually want to stay there again. She just expects me to find some way to deliver the cupcakes to a different resort.

Push comes to shove, I will hop a cab. I don't care if these turn out to be $20 chocolate cupcakes with vanilla frosting which most people would consider identical to the ones at the local bakery. (Okay, maybe I do care a little). I'll do whatever it takes to keep everyone happy. But I'm definitely not spending 2 hours on a bus for a cupcake.

Wish me luck!
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Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Oh, lebeau, this was the high point of my day. I love your stories about your wife! :lol:
(I mean that respectfully--as a redhead, "contrary" and "strong-willed" are part of my dna, although I'm certain that my husband might substitute "pigheaded" for the second quality)

My very favorite part:
"I fully suspect that my wife will take one bite of these cupcakes and say they don't live up to her memory of them. But if there is a way for me to deliver the (sure to disappoint) cupcakes and be a hero for 10 seconds without mortgaging the house, I'm game."

Unfortunately, you are probably 100% right on that one.

I loved this one, too:
"To the point where I seriously considered switching resorts (which would be difficult since there are 5 of us this time) solely based on the availability of these plain chocolate cupcakes."

That one made me actually Laugh Out Loud.

As has been pointed out, a cab or a connecting bus trip (the Epcot or Downtown Disney suggestions were good, I thought) is your only hope.

I am delighted that you are getting a return trip to WDW so soon after the last one. Good luck to you in your pursuit of cupcakes!! :wave:
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Just for the sake of discussion, how did you determine that AoA will not have the cupcakes in question? As of late Disney does seems to be doing quite a few specialty cupcakes that are unique to a particular location, but the ones you are describing sound like the standard cupcakes they have almost everywhere.
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Well-Known Member
Just for the sake of discussion, how did you determine that AoA will not have the cupcakes in question? As of late Disney does seems to be doing quite a few specialty cupcakes that are unique to a particular location, but the ones you are describing sound like the standard cupcakes they have almost everywhere.

More to the point: what if they don't sell them anymore? Or discontinue selling them by the time of his trip?
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Oh, lebeau, this was the high point of my day. I love your stories about your wife! :lol:
(I mean that respectfully--as a redhead, "contrary" and "strong-willed" are part of my dna, although I'm certain that my husband might substitute "pigheaded" for the second quality)

My very favorite part:
"I fully suspect that my wife will take one bite of these cupcakes and say they don't live up to her memory of them. But if there is a way for me to deliver the (sure to disappoint) cupcakes and be a hero for 10 seconds without mortgaging the house, I'm game."

Unfortunately, you are probably 100% right on that one.

I loved this one, too:
"To the point where I seriously considered switching resorts (which would be difficult since there are 5 of us this time) solely based on the availability of these plain chocolate cupcakes."

That one made me actually Laugh Out Loud.

As has been pointed out, a cab or a connecting bus trip (the Epcot or Downtown Disney suggestions were good, I thought) is your only hope.

I am delighted that you are getting a return trip to WDW so soon after the last one. Good luck to you in your pursuit of cupcakes!! :wave:

I'm glad you had a laugh. I figured the cupcake delivery was a long shot. So aside from being a bit of a Hail Mary pass, my goal was to have a chuckle over a frustrating situation.

I'll opt for a cab over the buses. But if I were to do the bus thing again, Epcot or DTD were definitely the best suggestions to make. Hats off to Redtogray for making them!

Your last comment actually struck a chord. In my mind, this has been a pretty long wait between trips (nearly 3 years). However, on that 2010 trip, Mindy told me she never wanted to come back again. I haggled my way down to 5 years. So really, less than 3 years is "soon after the last one".

Just for the sake of discussion, how did you determine that AoA will not have the cupcakes in question? As of late Disney does seems to be doing quite a few specialty cupcakes that are unique to a particular location, but the ones you are describing sound like the standard cupcakes they have almost everywhere.

This whole thing started a few weeks ago. I believe it was the Disney Food Blog that posted photos of the menu board for the AoA food court. I showed them to Mindy expecting her to be pleased with the variety. But her only take-away was that her beloved chocolate cupcakes were not included in the photograph.


If anyone visits AoA when it opens, check out the cupcake variety for me! I would be eternally grateful for any information one way or another!
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
This whole thing started a few weeks ago. I believe it was the Disney Food Blog that posted photos of the menu board for the AoA food court. I showed them to Mindy expecting her to be pleased with the variety. But her only take-away was that her beloved chocolate cupcakes were not included in the photograph.

If anyone visits AoA when it opens, check out the cupcake variety for me! I would be eternally grateful for any information one way or another!
I have a sneaking suspicion that if they have the typical bakery counter that those cupcakes might be there among the rice crispy treats, cookies, etc.
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Well-Known Member
That was an entertaining post.

I wonder if part of the enjoyment of a plain cupcake has to do with your wife associating the cupcake with Port Orleans.

That would suck if she ate it at AoA and spit it out. "Bleh! This doesn't taste the same!"
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Well-Known Member
might try making a phone call to disney. i would believe that a phone call would be a lot cheaper than getting a cab over there and back.

wouldn't hurt to call and see if those cupcakes will be available at AoA and if not to see if there's a possibility of buying some and having them delivered to your room for when you arrive.
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Original Poster
I have a sneaking suspicion that if they have the typical bakery counter that those cupcakes might be there among the rice crispy treats, cookies, etc.

I hope the Force has granted you some kind of clairvoyance, Master Yoda. If the cupcakes are there, I should have minutes of peace before someone gets upset about something I have absolutely no control over. ;)

That was an entertaining post.

I wonder if part of the enjoyment of a plain cupcake has to do with your wife associating the cupcake with Port Orleans.

That would suck if she ate it at AoA and spit it out. "Bleh! This doesn't taste the same!"

Happy to entertain.

No, Mindy HATED Port Orleans. She'd like never to see the place again. She's extremely claustrophobic and thought the rooms were too small. That's part of the reason we are staying in a suite this time.

She loved the cupcakes because she loves food that is bland. If food has ever been in the presence of an onion, it's "spicy". Eating mild buffalo wings reduces the woman to tears. She can't stand Miracle Whip because it's "nasty". (Rough translation of "nasty" is "tangy".) Light mayo on Wonder Bread is her ideal sandwich.

I have shown her pictures of the fancy cupcakes at Starring Rolls. No appeal whatsoever. She becomes agitated when we see new flavors of Oreos at the super market. Even Double Stuff pushes her buttons. She's a Single Stuff kind of girl. In her mind, no food should have more than one flavor.

There is very little chance that any cupcake will satisfy her at this point. She's built the PO cupcakes up in her mind as some kind of ultimate cupcake. The Cupcake to Which All Other Cupcakes Aspire. I have no doubt that if I go to the trouble to obtain a PO cupcake, her reaction will be "Ew, not as good as last time."

I don't want to say there is no pleasing the woman. But just because I don't want to say it, that doesn't mean it's not true.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
might try making a phone call to disney. i would believe that a phone call would be a lot cheaper than getting a cab over there and back.

wouldn't hurt to call and see if those cupcakes will be available at AoA and if not to see if there's a possibility of buying some and having them delivered to your room for when you arrive.

Over the last two years, I have actually made a few phone calls to Disney over these silly cupcakes. I have had several people ask for the recipe. Apparently it's some deeply guarded secret. Where Disney will give out the recipe for signature items like the Brown Derby grapefruit cake, they will not give out the secret to their plan chocolate cupcake at Port Orleans Riverside.

I placed a couple phone calls this morning to see about room delivery for cupcakes. The people I spoke to acted as though I was requesting a delivery of plutonium for my Delorean. But I'll try again after AoA opens.
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Well-Known Member
I don't want to say there is no pleasing the woman. But just because I don't want to say it, that doesn't mean it's not true.

That's pretty funny!

See if I had someone like that in my life it would be hard to not mess with them. If I found any cupcake nearby that resembled the one at PO I would go take an hour or so to myself, maybe spend time lounging at the pool, going for a walk around the resort - if I really wanted to push it, go to a park and do a ride.

Then return, get the cupcake from AoA (or wherever I found it) and tell her I just got back from PO and picked it up for her.

Funny part is, if she's fooled by it you now have an hour or two to yourself everyday to do whatever you want...could be a win-win
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
That's pretty funny!

See if I had someone like that in my life it would be hard to not mess with them. If I found any cupcake nearby that resembled the one at PO I would go take an hour or so to myself, maybe spend time lounging at the pool, going for a walk around the resort - if I really wanted to push it, go to a park and do a ride.

Then return, get the cupcake from AoA (or wherever I found it) and tell her I just got back from PO and picked it up for her.

Funny part is, if she's fooled by it you now have an hour or two to yourself everyday to do whatever you want...could be a win-win

You are an evil genius!

And a bigger fear???

Are you sure PO still serves that particular cupcake?

I will wake up in a cold sweat tonight clutching the sheets and muttering "where are the cupcakes?"
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Well-Known Member
I'm probably going to be crucified for saying this by other members, but come-on, it's a cupcake, talk about high maintenance, she needs to live with a little disappointment. If she's not pregnant and having craving, then I would tell her too bad so sad.
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Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Your last comment actually struck a chord. In my mind, this has been a pretty long wait between trips (nearly 3 years). However, on that 2010 trip, Mindy told me she never wanted to come back again. I haggled my way down to 5 years. So really, less than 3 years is "soon after the last one".

I remembered the "never again" from your trip report, and recalled seeing you mention the five year goal in another thread. That's why I was happy for you to see that you were going back already! ;)
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I am seriously considering renting a cab just to run over to Port Orleans and buy some cupcakes. These very specific cupcakes could make or break the trip...

I think you would be a very smart man to grab a cab and head on over to Port Orleans. You can have the cabbie wait for you. Go in and grab a half dozen (or dozen) and head on back to the resort. That way, no stress involved and the cupcakes will be with their rightful owner in no time and in the refrigerator. Seriously, if these cupcakes will be the make or break portion of your upcoming vacation, I would consider the cab. It will be the fastest and least stressful option. I really don't think it will be that much money and if $20-$25 is the difference of making your wife happy, then do it. Happy wife, happy life!!

Option 1: CAB. Do it. It will be worth it in the long run. Time approximately 30-40 minutes.

Option 2a: Resort bus from AAR to Epcot. Epcot to POR. Buy cupcakes. POR to DTD via boat. DTD resort bus to AAR or come back by resort resort bus to theme park and bus to AAR. Time approximately 3-4 hours.

Option 3: Spend time at theme park. Resort bus to POR. Buy cupcakes. POR to DTD via boat. DTD resort bus to AAR or come back by resort bus to theme park and bus to AAR. Time approximately 3-4 hours.

I don't know who you have going but send the four to a park and then you'll meet them. Take option 1.
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