Creativity brings Nemo to life at Epcot


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Greetings all from a "recovering from the flu" Geek Labs

Saw this tid bit of news today regarding the work gone into the Nemo additions to the Living seas.

I must give kudos to WDI they did a good job. I cant wait to see what the rest of the rehab turns out to look like.

Walt Disney Imagineers recently transformed several areas in and around The Living Seas at Epcot into exhibits inspired by Finding Nemo, the hit Walt Disney Pictures presentation of a Pixar Animation Studios film.
Kathy Mangum, Vice President/Executive Producer at Walt Disney Imagineering, said her team felt The Living Seas was the perfect location to educate Guests about the sea creatures found in Finding Nemo.

"We saw The Living Seas as a place where we could really showcase the film, while at the same time enhancing the pavilion with a character overlay," Kathy said. "We tried to find a way to blend the characters in the film with the storytelling that we already do at The Living Seas. The Living Seas is all about exploring the undersea world and the animals inhabit it, and how to conserve their environment. We worked very strongly at making the two pieces tie together so that the characters tell the story.

"In the 'Nemo and Friends' exhibit, the story comes through the characters who share facts about themselves while showcasing the real fish they represent. In the clownfish tank, which we've called 'Can you find Nemo?,' the graphics at the base of that tank have a picture of Nemo next to a photograph of a real clownfish, with all the fun facts and information you wants kids and parents to know about clownfish."

Another new feature, located just outside The Living Seas building, is a garden area featuring eight sculptures of Finding Nemo characters, displayed with nautical music, aquatic rockwork and live plants. Kathy said Imagineers worked with Pixar Animation Studios on the creative elements of the garden in order to ensure character integrity.

"We've got some of the best sculptors in the world," Kathy said. "In the movie, you're looking at a flat character. Translating that character and interpreting it into a 3D version needs to fit with what you know about the character.

"The plant material [in the garden] was carefully chosen to simulate an underwater environment. We planted some unique, succulent plants … There are little details in the planting that are just phenomenal."

Marilyn Waters, Director of Walt Disney Imagineering Media Relations, said bringing animated characters into the theme parks is important to our Guests.

"One of the missions of Walt Disney Imagineering is that we're constantly looking for new ways for the Guests to experience the characters," Marilyn said. "That is, taking a 2D character (any character appearing onscreen is considered a 2D character) and bringing it to life in a unique 3D way. It takes incredible attention to detail, and we know our Guests who love Nemo are going to take the time to discover these details.

"We have over 140 different types of professions here at Walt Disney Imagineering -- everything from Engineers to Sculptors to Project Managers to Landscape Architects. It's pretty complex, and working together lets us create these types of experiences for our Guests."

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Wow, this is great. When I first heard about NEMO, I thought that it would ruin the living seas and not fit in with the Epcot theme, but they did a pretty good job on it. NEVER underestimate the imagineers!:sohappy: :sohappy:


Does anyone know when the overhaul will be comlete? My family is planning on visiting WDW next Christmas and I really want to see the complete project.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by General Grizz
. . . now that the tests were given high reception, expect some much bigger changes.

Sounds like somebody better video record the pre show and put it on #disney-central :lol:

General Grizz

New Member
Originally posted by AkEverestAK
more big changes? like what?

Total overhaul. Nemo in nearly every section (if not all). Brand new films/activity areas (Interactive Crush stations is the only one I know of). Sea Cabs. :D

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by General Grizz
Total overhaul. Nemo in nearly every section (if not all). Brand new films/activity areas (Interactive Crush stations is the only one I know of). Sea Cabs. :D

Well, I hope its not for the entire pavillion. I think they should have a few nemo things here and there and a few Sea Base alpha futureistic things here and there. Like half Nemo and half Alpha.


Well-Known Member
What are sea cabs? Is that what the ride was in the Living Seas? I remember that as being a pretty good ride. Why did they even take that out?

Kind of embarassing story. Even though I go to WDW every year, I hadn't been inside the Living Seas im about seven or eight years. Last year I went in and after I rode down in the elevator things, I couldn't figure out where the ride was. Finally, I went over and asked a CM how to get on the ride. She looked at me really funny and was like, "Umm, we took that out years ago!!" :hammer:


New Member
Personally i think a total Nemo overlay is necessary for the Living Seas and is a very good move at synergy. Also Disney can advertise this as a new experience (not costing 150 million aka Mission Space). Kids come to Disney to have fun and as we all saw last year kids AND adults had a heck of a lot of fun with Finding Nemo and its a great way to edutain:D


Well-Known Member
I wonder if the moulds they used for the Nemo characters might be reused for the Submarine Ride Nemo rethemeing at Disneyland Al Lutz was talking about.
I haven't seen them, would they be the correct size for such a thing?


Well-Known Member

So it looks like this Nemo retheming is semi-official. Have they said anything about putting in a new intro film? Or is it just speculation on our part that they will?


Well-Known Member

"We have no obligation to make history. We have no obligation to make art. We have no obligation to make a statement. To make money is our only objective." —Michael Eisner

I know Eisner says alot of dumb things, but when did he say this?


Even though I know "the deluge"'s days are now officially numbered, at LEAST there's a good indication of WDI/Disney bringing back the seacabs. I'm not the world's biggest finding nemo fan, but I'd rather have the movie work as a catalyst for Living Seas rather than see the pavilion go to waste due to neglect.

Being a WDW enthusiast has really taught me (the hard way) to count my blessings and be thankful for what still exists.



New Member
I wouldn't count on the Sea Cabs coming back... the attraction still doesn't have a sponsor after losing United Technologies more than 2 years ago. Disney didn't want to pay for the rehab of the cabs themselves, and without a sponsor to defray the cost they just walled off the area. It's my understanding the cabs are just sitting there behing the walls still on the track.

Until Disney gets a new sponsor for Living Seas (which doesn't seem likely anytime soon - until the economy recovers for a year or 3), I would put my smart money on not seeing the cabs for a long while, Nemo redesign or not.

By the way - - one thing that was really confusing for my 2 year old daughter was why the tank labeled "Can you find Nemo?" had about 25 clown fish in it. There was only one blue Dory fish in the tank, but lots of Nemos. The rest of the Nemo work so far - - from Mr. Ray's tank, to the blowfish, to the molded figures outside were all done really well.

-- M

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