I've been a bit skeptical about this overhaul myself, but after reading through this thread I'm more angry with a majority of the people who call themselves "fans." We're literally being spoon fed something that's reminiscent of the parks original vision and aesthetic, and people are still unhappy. It's a gift shop - it's not going to be groundbreaking and, personally at least, I think it's a bit ridiculous to expect anything more than that (especially considering what we've seen so far is anything but a disappointment compared to what we're used to). Considering what used to occupy this space, I fail to see how this isn't an improvement. The name "Creations" isn't nearly as ridiculous as many people are playing it up to be.
Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit myself, as I'm not trying to praise Disney for doing the bare minimum. What bothers me is that a lot of the people here can't recognize a good thing when they see it, and then wonder why Disney won't cater to their personal wish list for the parks. If you're not a fan of the design, you're justified to think so. However, don't act like utilizing another character or slapping pavilion logos all over the place would make the theme any more captivating or inspired.