Crazy About Animal Kingdom


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In reading numerous posts I've got the sense that Animal Kingdom is generally not as well received as the other WDW theme parks.

Am I alone in believing that it is a masterpiece of theming? Yes I wrote MASTERPIECE.

I must have listened to the music from the Animal Kingdom CD hundreds of times. Everytime I hear that music I am transported to some quiet green corner a thousand miles away...

Of course, I spend my days in Manhattan so I'm a chump for a green space.


New Member
I gather that everyone thinks AK is a "Masterpiece" in theming, quality, and Animal Habitats in general. What I see is that everyone feels that Animal Kingdom does not have enough to fill a day, and needs more rides to better balance out. But that's what I see and hear. In about 5 to 10 years, I know it will be my favorite park.


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Originally posted by spider-man
What I see is that everyone feels that Animal Kingdom does not have enough to fill a day, and needs more rides to better balance out.

There is some truth to that, and more attractions- if well done- would only enhance the experience. From my perspective Animal Kingdom is a park to slow down and take in all the fine detail. To appreciate all the carefully chosen plant and animal life in one day is impossible.

The entrance garden between the gates and the Tree of Life was imagineered as a decompression zone for guests. But I believe the entire park is a place to decompress from the stresses of your previous existence first, and then from all the glitz and razzmatazz of the other Orlando attractions.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about y'all... but I recently visited DAK with my aunt and her boyfriend... We got there around 9:30, and left around 4:30, and STILL didn't have time to do everything.

There wasn't much in lines... and we didn't ever wait for any of the shows... we hit everything just right. But one thing we did do was explore. There are so many off the beaten paths that you can take, that will lead you to animal viewing areas. And it's not as if we lingered there.. saw the animal, and moved on. The only one we stayed to watch more than like 2 mins was the Gorillas... they were amazing to watch. I've been to DAK many times, and even this time, I found new areas to go and explore, and new animals to see, that I had never seen before.

Too many people rush through DAK, and they miss 75% of the park. They don't take the time to slow down and enjoy all the park really does have to offer. DAK is not for the Kamikazi tourist.


Originally posted by Fantasia Boi
Too many people rush through DAK, and they miss 75% of the park. They don't take the time to slow down and enjoy all the park really does have to offer. DAK is not for the Kamikazi tourist. [/B]

I agree with you Fantasia Boi. DAK is a place to stop and smell the roses. By the way, I really enjoy that park:)


My wife and I spent about two-thirds of one day in AK. We didn't enjoy it as much as the other three parks, but there are a few reasons why.

1) It rained...ALL DAY
2) We live in East Tennessee...lots of 'green space'
3) The animals weren't very active in the rain, contrary to what all the AK CMs told us.

We both though, however, that our 22 month old (he stayed with his grandparents THIS time he goes with us!) would have probably loved it more than the other three, or at least as much as them.

The Imagineers did a fantastic job with it. Maybe next trip down will be nice and sunny the day we go there.


Well-Known Member
Hands down, in my opinion...DAK is the best park (theme-wise). Tyler, I totally agree with you that a lot of people "MISS" what this park is all about. Why did people go to EPCOT when the "World" was only 2 parks? A. To escape the hustle and bustle of the Magic Kingdom B. To relax and explore C. To learn...
A. A DAK day is the exact OPPOSITE than a Magic Kingdom day...A Magic Kingdom day consists of show after parade after ride after ride after parade after show after ride.
B. DAK (at one time) even had paths that weren't on the map so that you could EXPLORE and find these on your own...By doing this and watching the animals you get to relax and have a "slow-down" day.
C. DAK teaches about "LIFE" and the "ANIMAL KINGDOM" and "Conservation" (really the important things!)

People loved and visited EPCOT when that is what EPCOT was all about...and now this park is picking up where EPCOT left off...and people complain that there isn't enough THRILL RIDES or MAJOR ATTRACTIONS. (I visit DAK EVERY TRIP...and will continue to do so)

PiMpErNeL ^oo^

New Member
While I think that it is themed excellent I just don't think it will ever be a favorite park of mine. It has an excellent atomosphere and I love seeing the animals. I just don't think it has enough to offer. To me it just seems like a typical zoo with the Disney touch. I don't hate the park but if I had to skip a park on a trip to WDW Animal Kingdom would be it.:)


New Member
I really enjoyed the park, and i think as they add on to the park with more lands, and rides, i think it will will be as good if not better MGM, i watched a special on the travel channel, and from what they say they still have a lot of erea to develope. i like wondering and going slow, i don't need to go a mile a minute.


New Member
I've been to Animal Kingdom three times now, and it is fast becoming my favorite park. I end up taking more pics there than anywhere else. I see something different and new every time I'm there. The theme and the layout are superb. The African Safari ride is pure genious. Could anyone other than Disney even attempt to pull something like that off?

That being said, if you like thrill rides, DAK ain't it.

BTW - Is there a tour for DAK similar to the 'Keys to the Kingdom' tour at the Magic Kingdom?


New Member
I think Animal Kingdom is a great park. I think there is plenty to fill one day. Like other people on the forum have said, I think you have to enjoy the zoo type aspect of the park. If you are just a ride person, it can be done less than a full day most likely.

To truly enjoy Animal Kingdom, you must enjoy just walking around and exploring the scenery as pointed out by Fantasia Boi: "They don't take the time to slow down and enjoy all the park really does have to offer."

Plus for me, I think Kilimanjaro Safaris itself is worth spending sometime at Animal Kingdom.


Well-Known Member
Disney's Animal Kingdom is my favorite park. Everything is so detailed, and the rides they do have are great!

My whole family likes it...I love the African-themed area. I think it's a great park, with a great message...Animal Conservation...:)


New Member
Originally posted by GaryT977
I've been to Animal Kingdom three times now, and it is fast becoming my favorite park. I end up taking more pics there than anywhere else. I see something different and new every time I'm there. The theme and the layout are superb. The African Safari ride is pure genious. Could anyone other than Disney even attempt to pull something like that off?

That being said, if you like thrill rides, DAK ain't it.

BTW - Is there a tour for DAK similar to the 'Keys to the Kingdom' tour at the Magic Kingdom?

I happen to think Dinosaur is a great Thrill Ride, it sure thrills the heck outta me. :lol:


New Member

I agree with everything said by all of you. DAK is truly a quiet time kind of a place. Love it! We don't do thrill rides so the fact that there are only a couple doesn't really matter. Last trip we did the Backstage Safari. Our guide was excellent. Very sincere and full to the brim with info. I got to pet a rhino. How cool is that? In January we are going to do the other tour - Wild By Design. Not sure what we will see but I'm sure it will be great. We usually do the KSafari when we get there and again before we leave. . . and one of the best safari's that I have been on we in a monsoon. I didn't kow there were actually that may animals in there. Everything in plain view and moving about. The gorilla's are my favorite. I spend at least 30 minutes just watching them. Hope all that didn't have a good time there will go back and try it again.


Quack, not only do I agree with everything you have said. but I love your name and avatar! I'm a big Donald fan too. :wave:


New Member
Can I just say that prior to becoming a Cast Member EPCOT was far and away my favorite park. I am now a seasonal CM at DAK. I absolutely love it! There is so much to discover and learn. True, there are not many rides, but I disagree that there is not enough to fill one day. I worked the Tip Board and helped people to see all that there is to do so much obviously. There are three good shows, two of which are broadway quality...Lion King being far and away the best show on Disney property. These shows alone take 80-90 minutes. Tough to Be a Bug with wait if there is one would take about 30 minutes....8.5 minute show. CTX and Kali...long waits, pretty short rides. Safari 20 minutes without wait. So just doing these main attractions take 3/4 day alone. Then the walking tours, "street" entertainment, different paths and of course Conservation Station and Rafikis Planet Watch. Granted this area does need some work, but what is there is good. Especially if there are keepers out there, they know what they are talking about and love to talk to guests.

The Backstage Safari is sweet...I did it once when the AZA/AAZV came down....most CMs never have that chance and I must say that was the highlight of my experience there. If you get that chance, take it by all means! I got to pet the baby rhino that was born last so cool! imagine a 500 pound baby! heheh.

So to all you DAK haters...take your time, talk to the tip board guy, especially if its me! I'll help you discover a great adventure!


New Member
I just love DAK. The shows are great and the animal displays are wonderfull. My parents always go to the tigers. That's because my mum misses our cat when she stays in Florida 6 month of a year. The way they move reminds her of our cat.
The other day we went first thing in the morning to the gorillas. There was nobody there. Only a castmember who couldn't stop talking about these wonderfull creatures. We loved listening to him. There was a bit of mist and there was so much peace and quit it was paradise. Later on the day we went back. Lots of people making monkeynoises and having a total lack of respect for the animals. I wish these people would go to Sicks Flags or something...


Well-Known Member
AK LAUGH......

I love AK too!

The funniest/strangest/most outrageous thing I see when I go there is how people of all ages break into a freakin' sprint to get to the Safari as soon as the gates open!!

Senior citizens can suddenly push, shove, and run as fast as the rest of us. Parents dragging kids on leashes through the forest area and over the vridge and not know ing which way to run first to get to the Safari. Two weeks ago, I even saw a father with one of those "baby backpacks" on -with kids inthe front AND the back, running over the bridge with a video camera - totally oblivious to the fact that if he fell orran into someone, both He and the kids could be seriously hurt. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?!

These are the folks who never take the time to look around and really enjoy the park.

By the way....whoever started the rumor that you MUST go on the Safari first thing in the morning because thats the only time you see animals was wrong!

My favorite thing to do is get over the bridge and grab a cinnamon bun and a cup of hot chocolate and sit at the outdoor tables right nearthe bridge and watch those lunatics invade Africa. It makes me VERY glad I am not in line with them. The 2pm safari is just fine with me!


New Member
I agree that a lot of people miss the point with AK. It's not just a ride-to-ride place.

The thing I don't like about it is that it always seems so jam-packed with people. Like there's not enough room for everyone to fit. Maybe I just hit it on a couple of busy days.

Anyway, although it is not currently my favorite park, I agree that it is wonderful and expect it will get even better with expansion.

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