Crazy About Animal Kingdom


New Member
Doesn't appear that too many people do hate the AK. Seems most love it now or like it very much but want more. In my book wanting more of a good thing is a good sign. There are a couple who don't seem to like it but I'd say that's true with any park.

Personally I think we need a lot more Animal Exhibits, I for one love zoos, and go to the NC Zoo (large) often. It always takes a full day to do that zoo, but I still find AK lacking right now, so :p


Well-Known Member
Let me think???????

:D DAK is my FAVORITE park at WDW. Now to fill you in a bit, I am 34 and my first trip to WDW was 8SEP01-15SEP01, second trip 20JUL02-27JUL02. Both trips with my wife and son (who turned 5 at the Magic Kingdom). DAK was the third park I went to, MK first MGM second, Epcot can go away as far as I am concerned. I love the themeing of the park. Also I believe it did fufill Walts dream of having LIVE animals, since he really wanted them on the jungle cruise ride, but was not able to get that. blah blah blah blah .............

Have a wonderful day and HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!

All I want in life now is to live at WDW, maybe I can win the lottery and make my dream come true....:hammer:


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Originally posted by DisneyInsider

You mentioned a AK CD. Where did you find it?


The CD is called "Music from Disney's Animal Kingdom Park" and contains the background music heard in the entrance garden and around the Tree of Life.

I bought mine at the Animal Kingdom, but I think it is available at other WDW shops and downtown disney. I don't believe it is available anywhere else.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by spider-man
Personally I think we need a lot more Animal Exhibits, I for one love zoos, and go to the NC Zoo (large) often. It always takes a full day to do that zoo, but I still find AK lacking right now, so :p

I had the same thought too... but then I discovered some "hidden" pathways and trails that led me to all these animals that I had never seen before...


New Member
Originally posted by Fantasia Boi
I had the same thought too... but then I discovered some "hidden" pathways and trails that led me to all these animals that I had never seen before...

Hmmmm.... well I will think about this some actually.

I know AK is a relax and enjoy and Discover park, but the rest of WDW... and Orlando get you in fast pace do do do mindset, plus I like for things to be a little more straight forward. It's harder to correctly look at AK, cause all the surrounding competition is so different. In any other part of the world I think DAK would be packed and people would stay all day... but the slow down is a tough thing to pull off correctly in Orlando. Now Discovery Cove seems to pull this idea off very well and they get a hefty price per customer too, but it works. I don't want to see DAK go higher in dollar amount, but maybe something like Tour Guides as part of your ticket price could help people linger more, I dunno, it's tough.


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Originally posted by Fantasia Boi
I had the same thought too... but then I discovered some "hidden" pathways and trails that led me to all these animals that I had never seen before...

Many people also don't realize that there are hundreds of varieties of plants that have been transplanted onto the grounds that represent the native vegatation of the ecology being represented. These plants are constantly being replaced when they die because of climate differences between FLA and the plant's native climate.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by spider-man
Hmmmm.... well I will think about this some actually.

I know AK is a relax and enjoy and Discover park, but the rest of WDW... and Orlando get you in fast pace do do do mindset, plus I like for things to be a little more straight forward. It's harder to correctly look at AK, cause all the surrounding competition is so different. In any other part of the world I think DAK would be packed and people would stay all day... but the slow down is a tough thing to pull off correctly in Orlando. Now Discovery Cove seems to pull this idea off very well and they get a hefty price per customer too, but it works. I don't want to see DAK go higher in dollar amount, but maybe something like Tour Guides as part of your ticket price could help people linger more, I dunno, it's tough.

Hmm...interesting! Although, I don't think I'd want a "tour" because I like to do what I want to do when I want to do it. (although...for a lot of people, it would REALLY be a big help!)

Big Pooh

New Member
Originally posted by spider-man
Hmmmm.... well I will think about this some actually.

I know AK is a relax and enjoy and Discover park, but the rest of WDW... and Orlando get you in fast pace do do do mindset, plus I like for things to be a little more straight forward. It's harder to correctly look at AK, cause all the surrounding competition is so different. In any other part of the world I think DAK would be packed and people would stay all day... but the slow down is a tough thing to pull off correctly in Orlando. Now Discovery Cove seems to pull this idea off very well and they get a hefty price per customer too, but it works. I don't want to see DAK go higher in dollar amount, but maybe something like Tour Guides as part of your ticket price could help people linger more, I dunno, it's tough.

Very Well said Spider-Man :) AK is the most beautiful theme park in the world, and if it were anywhere else in the world it would be very popular indeed. I do think AK could use 3 or 4 more attractions, to balance out the park. It needs a family dark ride REALLY bad. Another water ride would be nice too, especially in the summer, when AK is almost unbearable in the afternoons. If Forbidden Mtn happens, I expect it will be a height restricted thrill ride, so I would hope that the next couple of attractions after that be ones everyone can enjoy.

Cheers :wave:


New Member
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't saying that everyone hates DAK, I was just saying that given what is there now, there is a whole day of stuff to do!

The rides and stuff will come, I mean the park is only four years old for crying out loud. I mean look how long it took to get Norway at EPCOT...and that is one of the best WS pavillions...beautiful women, good food, great attraction, great cologne, seriously, check out the Geir cologne for men, smells so good!

And as for the crowdedness, DAK is maxed at like 25-30 thousand people or something crazy like that. EPCOT is like 55000 or something, MK similar. So it doesn't take much to feel crowded. One day (September 12th, 2001) we had 1200 people in park the whole day. Yeah that was nuts! For obvious reasons, no new guests due to Sept 11 and the monsoon like weather we were having at the time! Great fun! I had to stand out in the pouring rain at times!

Thanks to all of you who love DAK, keep up the good work, spread the word about it too! In order to get more things, more people have to go and more people have to stay for the day....sad truth.


New Member
Originally posted by DAKTOLCMM

In order to get more things, more people have to go and more people have to stay for the day....sad truth.

I believe the "If you build it they will come" and "You gotta spend money to make money" ideas, but you could argue a lot has been spent on AK already.. true, but don't stop... keep it coming... and apparently with Australia and Forbidden Mountain on the Horizon... they are, so we should be good.;)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by spider-man
I believe the "If you build it they will come" and "You gotta spend money to make money" ideas, but you could argue a lot has been spent on AK already.. true, but don't stop... keep it coming... and apparently with Australia and Forbidden Mountain on the Horizon... they are, so we should be good.;)

Sorry for the slight drift...but...has Australia been green-lighted?

I've been waiting for this since the first rumor started :)


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Originally posted by Erika
Quack, not only do I agree with everything you have said. but I love your name and avatar! I'm a big Donald fan too. :wave:

Thanks Erika!

Animal Kingdom also has terrific restaurants. Tusker House is my favorite themed restaurant. But even more I love to go the Flame Tree Barbecue and eat behind it in the outdoor seating. They have gorgeous water garden back there, and if you sit in the right spot you're looking out at Discovery River (?). From that point while you eat you can see both Africa and Asia. While the food is just barbecue style, the atmosphere is transcendent (thank you

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member

I love Animal Kingdom more and more with each visit. It such a great park to walk SLOWLY and look around in, AND possibly learn something along the way. I get great satisfaction in enjoying myself, being relaxed, and then actually feeling smarter when I leave!

Also, AK is a photographer's dream! It's actually difficult to take a bad picture there!:)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by crazyquackers
Animal Kingdom also has terrific restaurants. Tusker House is my favorite themed restaurant. But even more I love to go the Flame Tree Barbecue and eat behind it in the outdoor seating. They have gorgeous water garden back there, and if you sit in the right spot you're looking out at Discovery River (?). From that point while you eat you can see both Africa and Asia. While the food is just barbecue style, the atmosphere is transcendent (thank you

I haven't tried Flame Tree yet... however, I did try the Tusker House. The food was GREAT! A notch above your typical quick service eatery.

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