CP: A Disney Distopia to Some


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
I'm not disagreeing with you....

To me the vast majority was indifferent. So like you, to me, the vast majority did not hate it.


New Member
Originally posted by MKCustodial
About the apartment issue. When we got to Vista, we were asked how we wanted to be placed. Smoking, non-smoking, drinking, non-drinking, all Brazilians, different nationalities. I asked for a full-American non-smoking home and got it. So there I was, beginning of December, with 5 Americans who had gotten there in June or something and were leaving early January. When they left, they made me pack and move to another place. They actually crammed all Brazilians inside 2 or 3 buildings. If you think Brazilian groups at WDW are bad, you should have seen this slum. But I digress. When I got to my new room, the "previous owners" were still there. THey were smoking, dropping ashes and putting out cigarettes on the carpet, spitting, there were actual fist-sized holes on the walls, a broken bad and broken sofas. We were told by Vista management to leave our luggage there and go out for the day. When I returned, the PRETENDED to have cleaned the place. SO I went to the clubhouse and DEMANDED a full fix. They actually changed the furniture and the carpeting, and fixed the walls. But the place still stank.
My point is, it can happen, you know?

As for the program, I was a Custodial (duh) and not only had wonderful roommates, I also had wonderful across-the-hall and downstairs neighbors. Some of those people I still talk to regularly, I even phone some of them on special occasions. My managers were awesome, and one particular trainer (Custodial Rick, from Forintierland) turned me into the Disney freak I am today. The guy had this incredible Pixie Dust aura around here, you could just tell he was proud to be a CM, he talked as if he knew Walt personally and he made me feel good about what we did, specially in the beginning when I still wasn't sure messing with garbage would be a fun way to spend 2 months.
Now would I have enjoyed the program if my roommates sucked and I got stuck inside a kitchen for 2 months? Probably not. That's why I think it's hard to judge the "program" as a general experience. You get handed lemons and you gotta try to make a good lemonade. I came back with the feeling my lemonade was pretty darn good. :cool:

You made a good situation out of something that maybe wasn't the greatest. I think if more college kids would think that way, the program would be a success for everyone!




Well-Known Member
You know i had my bad times and my good times its all what you make of it. Some people loved and others hated it what can i say....


Well-Known Member
I speak with no authority or experience with the CP...Just that ive thought about doing it a lot.
But I never looked at the JOB i got as being the experience...because how could pushing a button to make the ride go REALLY help you with the corporate world? i thought of the experience as being valuable to teach you about the general public, and getting along in a new environment,. LOTS of other things happen while you're flipping burgers. for many people this will be a first time being away from home, and for some even, a first job. Why this kid asked when the "real" internship started baffles me... I dont really think it was a valid article to post... i mean im SURE it was a valid disappointment for him...but it actually sounded like my first semester at college and im still here


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
the problem is that a LOT of the recruiters (primarily those sent by WDW from Florida... NOT THE CAMPUS REPS), only tell part of the story... and embellish facts... and sometime just flat out lie.

I went to a presentation at UF for the program, and after listening to the recruiter I was appalled. I intend on doing this at the USF presentation and if I hear the same thing, I will be packing photos and statements, as well as call out the lies.


New Member
Originally posted by mkt
the problem is that a LOT of the recruiters (primarily those sent by WDW from Florida... NOT THE CAMPUS REPS), only tell part of the story... and embellish facts... and sometime just flat out lie.

I'll agree that some of the actual reps do lie (they have a quota, you know), though luckily mine don't. And I try to make it very clear to students what's going to happen--"you're leaving home for 3 to 8 months, you'll be working, buses suck, etc."--but honestly I had a marvelous time. Even though they made us move from Chatham to Vista Way with two months left to go in our program, breaking up our little roommate family, I still had a great time. I realize, of course, that not everyone does (and believe me I know some people who had a miserable time), but I think it's very important the attitude they go in with. Everything in life is a risk, and the CP is no exception. Personally I think some people who are the most miserable make themselves that way because they insist they're getting screwed by the program...

OK, back to the "real" job now... ;)
I was part of the International Program in 2000.

We got to stay at Vista Way and it was a blast. You gotta get into the lifestyle there or it ain't so much fun.

We worked 40hrs a week for minimum wage, 4000 miles from home (some people lived FURTHER!)

Monday night was Ale House and 50c beers at a pub at Crossroads (can't remember name)

Tuesday night was JellyRolls
Wed - Bennigans $5 for 5 beers
Thu - PI
Fri - TGI Fridays - $1 V.I.P beer
Sat - Bennigans $5 for 5 beers
Sun - Night in the apartment with my 3 mates (case of 24 Bud)

Now, apart from having slight drink problems, we were all great at our job and 3 out of 4 of us won Ambassador Of The Month.

You get out what you put in.

MillVillDavid - Returning to the World on April 2nd 2004.
Hey, I'm glad I took the risk to quit my job and move across the Atlantic to a place I had only been ONCE and knew NOBODY.

I met people who are now very good friends and I also spent a fair bit of time and money in Rehab! Only joking!

As for people being misreable, I couldn't understand it, although homesickness is a HUGE factor.

It also pays to be 21 or over :animwink:


Jungle Skipper

New Member
I read that article this morning too and I was disappointed he printed it. To me, several of the things the writer said seemed so far from realistic..like the room had already been inhabited, the toothless trainer with the extraordinary vocabulary (cog in the corporate machine...puh-leeze!). and they let us know what roles we would have (and how much itpaid) before we accpeted.

I loved my CP....I had great recruiters who in no way lied or misguided me (or anyone I knew on the CP. The only people I know from my CP that were disgruntled like this kid were:

A) Freshman who just didn't cut it at college and wanted to go party all the time...these are the people who had never worked before in their lives.

B) People who were constantly in trouble for partying to much and or got terminated for stuff they already knew could get the ousted (i.e. drugs)

Personally, I think the writer of the article was just hacked because he acctually had to do work for the first time in his life(gasp!) and he got caught fraternizing (sp?) with the wrong crowd and got terminated. I just don't buy that his room was suddenly raided and they found pot that he knew nothing about....sure...whatever.

Anywho...I loved my CP! I wouldn't change a thing about it...okay, well, i might have been a bit more sociable...but i loved it! however I agree with the sentiment that it's not for everyone.

Jungle Josh


Active Member
I was on the CP in the Spring of 2001. When I first signed up I wanted to get out of snowy Vermont for six months and do something fun. I applied and I was offered a role in operations.

About 4 weeks before I was sceduled to leave for Disney I get a call from somebody at DAK asking if I would be interested in doing a phone interview for an Advanced Internship. The interview went well and I was offered a position in Animal Programs as an Animal Presenter. It was my dream internship and I loved it and I got along with all 7 of my other roommates.

I know this is not a very common way of getting an AI and I am very lucky.

I am also a campus rep although I just did my last presentation because graduation is in 3 months!


Well-Known Member
Again yes you can listen to the stories but those are what those people experienced. You have to go and experiece it yourself and enjoy it. I know I heard stores before I went but I looked past them and went on to do it and had the best 8 months of my life!!!!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mkt
however... for a more realistic view on the CP (i dare ANYONE to argue this with me)...

Most of the CP's are indifferent. To them, they just wanted to get out of school for a few months while having something that looks good on their resumé.

Then the number of students who loved it and hated it are pretty much equal.

Going back over 5 years now, I know just as many students that hated it and loved it, but most I know just wanted a few months to rest.

Im inclined to agree. However, the few Cp'ers that i know and are tight with, actually give a darn about Disney and their job. But just one look at the lines for PI on a Thursday night says almmost everythign about the program....


Active Member
While Jim Hill's article is EXTREMELY exagerated (no surprise..aren't all of his articles written that way), and I almost suspect that he or the supposed student embellished the story, the CP is definitely not this wonderful lifetime experience that the recruiters make it out to be.

My issue with it, personally, is that they refer to it as an "internship", which it is not. Flipping burgers, sweeping floors, or pushing the buttons on rides does NOT constititute a job internship.

However, I will say that in MY experience in talking and attending presentations by ten different WDW recruiters, is that NOBODY has mislead ANYBODY into thinking they could get them into a role which wasn't designated in the guidelines of the WDW College Program. On top of that, the WDW Campus Reps (CP Alum) often hold meetings on campus where they explain the reality of the CP and what you won't hear in the actual presentation. Like anything, as long as you do your research and ask questions, there should be absolutely no surprises as to what goes on in there.

As for "Vista Lay"...I think that's also an extreme over-statement. "Vista Way" "Chatham" and "The Commons" (the 3 living arrangements for College Program/International Program students) are similar to ANY college dorm. Yes, drinking does go on, people may be smoking pot, and sure kids are going to be "hooking up", but I implore anybody to find one college dorm or apartment building that doesn't have that going on. They just don't exist. If you want to avoid that crap, stay at home. I'm not justifying it by any means, but this is common behavior of college-aged students, and the only way not to be exposed to it, is to barricade yourself from anybody within the ages of 18-23


Well-Known Member
I must also agree that this story seems WAY out of no where from what I have done and heard about on the CP.

I do know that I asked to be a M:S or Space Mountain and BOOM there I am pushing trains out of storage at space. Only 1 person at space really didn't want to be there. The rest of us just had the times of our lives. The only time I really was upset was when I asked for a day off and didn't get it but a CP who didn't ask for the day off got it. Other then that I always got what I wanted down there. Did all kinds of stuff that I would not change for the world.

Being able to sit on Main Street and watch Wishes before it opened to the public was THE highlight of my time down there. But the way days of working at Space showed me so much about myself

Roommates, well I got along with all of them but won't say that I ever really liked them that much. But they kept all the parties out of our room and heck everything that really went on went on away from building 34. Only once did I ever hear music when I was inside our room. But then again I only slept and took a shower there. I was always at the parks doing something cool like watching the fireworks get unload for Illuminations or something.

But really from what I have seen it all depends on the person you are down there. I know people that made ever job THE best one that they could do. Now I know I lucked out getting space like nobodies mama but I still belive that the CP program is the best ever. No one lied to me about it and heck really nothing came out of no where for me. I knew everything that was about to happen.

Now I am a campus rep and still spend time at Space when I can. Plan on going back down for a adv intership once I am done with school and go Full Time after that.

btw: 6 bucks a hour for some reason always ment I had at least 120+ on my paycheck after room was taken out.

But unless you work at AK then this applies

The Walt Disney World College Program
-We keep the Magic open late!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by markc
As for "Vista Lay"...I think that's also an extreme over-statement. "Vista Way" "Chatham" and "The Commons" (the 3 living arrangements for College Program/International Program students) are similar to ANY college dorm. Yes, drinking does go on, people may be smoking pot, and sure kids are going to be "hooking up", but I implore anybody to find one college dorm or apartment building that doesn't have that going on. They just don't exist. If you want to avoid that crap, stay at home. I'm not justifying it by any means, but this is common behavior of college-aged students, and the only way not to be exposed to it, is to barricade yourself from anybody within the ages of 18-23

As I mentioned before, I asked for no-party roommates and I got them. We'd get together for a movie or just a get together to talk, one of the guys even held Bible study sessions. So it's very possible to stay away from "problems" if YOU want it.
Even when I was forcibly transfered to the "Brazilian slum", I managed to land with guys who realized that, if they wanted to party, they had to look for one instead of creating one at our place.
Bottom line, it's all about what YOU want.


Well-Known Member
When I moved to my new appartment I moved into hell!! I told them I wanted the room to be cleaned so they sent a letter to the girl before I moved in. It did not get any better. All I can say thank goodness I knew people that worked for Disney so I could stay with them and not in that mess. She also brought in alcohal which could of gotten us all terminated, if you see something thats does not look good all you got to do is tell someone dont be afraid of being a tatle tale.


Active Member
Originally posted by MKCustodial
As I mentioned before, I asked for no-party roommates and I got them. We'd get together for a movie or just a get together to talk, one of the guys even held Bible study sessions. So it's very possible to stay away from "problems" if YOU want it.

It's possible to avoid it, but I think anybody thinking that they will not encounter such behavior is fooling themselves. Especially since the majority of the CP participants end up getting random room-mates based on their arrival time (i.e. the first four people in line who want a four person apartment will be room-mates automatically) rather than their behavior characteristics.


New Member
Unfortunately, the College Program is made up of College students, many of whom are looking for a good time. I personally was a twenty-four year old in an apartment of eighteen year olds, and we got along great. I can honestly say I never walked in on anyone having ______, I never saw anyone smoking pot, and if our apartment got dirty we had a meeting and said "Look, this needs to stop." One roomate got drunk at a party, and we made sure she didn't die, and as soon as she was sober we smacked her upside the head and told her if did it again we were reporting her and having her sent home.

OK, I'm rambling now so I'll stop. :) But basically, it all depends on you. Find good people and stick with them and you don't have a problem.

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