What really got to me once was the time we got on the bus with our girls, who had just run out of steam and started falling asleep while waiting for the bus. Of course, our line was the only one that was several busses long, and that no busses came for ....
We finally were able to get on a bus, and had to stand there, with a 6, 4, and 2 year old. I was holding the youngest, while the other two clung to DH and I. Some rude couple, 20-ish, were sitting next to me, chatting about how mean we were for forcing our kids to stay out until they were asleep. Clearly, a couple without children, because they had no clue that kids could be completely amped up one minute, and totally crashed out the next. It just killed me, though, that they sat there debating my parenting decisions, all the while, watching me struggle to hold one sleeping child on my hip, and one my leg, and try not to fall over with the bus starting and stopping in the manner they do.
For the record, now that my kids are getting a bit bigger, I try to find a seat for the youngest (just now 5), and let the other two hold on ... I would never remain in my seat if there's someone holding an infant, or a pregnant woman fighting to stand .. I remember too much how difficult it was to be ignored when I was in a similar situation. The same goes for the monorails .. I will always get up if there's a child or needy adult. I am too capable to stand if there's someone who needs the seating more than myself.