A couple thoughts from this thread:
Today, February 12, one of NPR's news stories was 'China says no new Covid19 cases reported in the last day'. Hopefully meaning China is getting a handle on this.
On Disney's conference call, they mentioned Shanghai and HK parks down for two months and the company taking a 135 million hit for that. Not a huge amount in the scheme of things. Investors and analysts are usually forgiving if they know it's coming. Disney stock is almost a dollar today. My curiosity was how did they figure two months? I'm sure they have experts on the topic they consult for this info.
On takeovers, there are a handful of companies that could pull it off: Apple, Alphabet and Amazon. I highly doubt US regulators would let a foreign company takeover a US media/news organization (ABC), so no worries about Aramco or other wealthy Middle East companies doing so. And on the three A's: Apple, Alphabet and Amazon, Congress thinks they are too big already, every once in awhile you'll hear some Senator suggest they should be broken up. I don't think regulators would approve one of them making a play for Disney.
All that to say, I think Disney is in pretty good shape.
An Apple/Disney merger would never get approved in the current climate. Aren't apple and a lot of the tech companies dealing with an anti-trust probes atm?