Well-Known Member
They’ve literally told us to do so. My family had COVID-19 11 months ago. There’s no data to suggest we have any significant immunity at this point (I hope we do, but I won’t hang my hat on hope. I’ll get vaccinated when it’s my turn).
Emerging Data Support Lasting COVID-19 Immunity Via T Cells
Antibodies are just one part of the body's immune response. And growing evidence suggests many of us could already have cross-reactive cellular immunity to the “novel” coronavirus.
Study of Healthcare Workers Shows COVID-19 Immunity Lasts Many Months
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare workers around the world have shown willingness to put their own lives on the line for their patients and communities. Unfortunately, many have also con…
T Cells May Tell Us More About COVID Immunity
Many hope T cell response will mirror that for SARS and MERS: 2 to 10 years
There is actually PLENTY of evidence and has been coming out for a few months now-but media likes to have the screech of 'WAINING ANTIBODIES" alarm while ACTUAL virologists who have been studying viruses for decades groan and refuse to go on TV as talking head reduced to a soundbite. Studies with SARS-CoV 1 suggest there is years long (at least partial) immunity. It is also thought that a significant portion of population have innate immunity (at least partial) from other coronaviruses. Funny how this was speculated on months ago, now that there is actual studies coming out it is ignored. Ask yourself why that is...
Podcasts TWiV and MedCram have been excellent throughout this with scientific information without a political (popular press) filter.