I can see some of your points but do not think it was being hypocritical.
To start with your first point of him wanting to be in the back of the plane, well that makes sense. Yes he has been in the airport with thousands of people but most guidelines put it at about 15 minutes or more of being near someone. Now I don’t know if he was around the same people in close proximity in the airport for that length of time but for sure he would be on a plane and he wanted to keep his distance as much as possible. I get that.
As for the plexiglass dividers I agree. If you want it safe, you shouldn’t complain.
As for seeing videos online and reading about what WDW is like, well it’s literally changing daily. Social distancing has gone by the wayside fir the most part of what I’m reading.. people feeling crowded with no room to stand by themselves with distance. Now in the last few weeks most rides are filling up all the rows, something someone would have no idea about if they booked months ago. I can see the complaints and don’t criticize him for that at all.
Most know the basics of what is closed and not going on in Disney so there should be no complaints about that. But the changes taking place daily or weekly now, that’s another story. Maybe if they said something like.. On February 1st we will open up all rows of rides.. might help with people that thought something different when they booked and give them a chance to make the decision of going or not.
The article implies that his family has been to WDW before so I wouldn't put him in the category of being new to the parks experience. Granted it doesnt state how often they visit, but if he was inclined enough to write an article about the diminished experience, I would hope he's been enough times to know the difference, otherwise he is doing his readers a huge disservice.
The article also shows his high level of concern for the safety of his family. The man works in the media business and should absolutely know that there is a treasure trove of vloggers who are at the parks on a daily basis documenting any and every change being made from cupcakes to new safety protocol. Not to mention myriad of websites such as this one. For him to not take advantage of these outlets is nobody's fault but his own.
A simple change to the title of the article would make a big difference. IMO, it is very hypocritical of him to criticize Disney and then warn others not to visit due to his own mistakes in planning. It also seems a tad selfish to be so strict in regards to following the safety guidelines such as mask, plexiglass dividers, distancing, etc, which are to prevent you (such as him, the author) from spreading the virus, (not catching it), but also blatantly disregard the advice to not travel (especially across country) or attend large gatherings (such as a theme park).
As we all know, the safety protocols are primarily to protect others, not yourself. The author seems far more concerned for his family and not for others. Quite selfish to take the seats in the back of the airplane for his family's safety. Why not give up your seats to an elderly group or someone who is at higher risk? That's the point of the safety measure, right? Aren't we all in this together? And yes, I'm being overly critical, but only to highlight the ridiculousness of this article, and to a larger scale of how so many people make a stink about others not following safety guidelines yet they go out and violate them themselves.
I see masks littering parking lots at grocery stores, gas stations, on the side of the road when I go for a jog and many other places where there's a trash can within 50 feet, but people just toss them on the ground. I see people pull their mask down to cough or sneeze. It shows that their true concern is only for themselves. They seriously think wearing a mask will prevent them from getting the virus and that's why they wear it. They don't wear it to protect others. They tops their germ infected mask on the ground for someone else to pick up. This author is no different, IMO. Either practice what you preach or sit down and be quiet. Don't criticize the very place (WDW) that ALLOWS you to bring YOUR family (which he took full advantage of), to enjoy a vacation during what has a been a very trying and difficult year for so many, and that also takes EVERY safety precaution they can and then turn around tell others not to go that same place because he felt they weren't doing enough, or it was less "magical" due to the very same safety measures he him self practices.
He should have written his article about a grocery store or big box store, which I'm sure he has visited both many times and which are both doing far, far less than WDW in regards to the safety he seems to care so much about.