Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Giss Neric

Well-Known Member
They have the best spaghetti!! Although McSpaghetti is pretty tasty too!
I have tried the spaghetti but I prefer the rice noodles one with shrimp and the orange sauce. Spaghetti is too sweet for my liking. I do however love the fried chicken.


Well-Known Member
A lot of the problem is people in the Central Florida area specifically are theme park workers who fell in love after the CP and just never wanted to leave or are college kids or both. They have four people living in a rentable house working unreliable hours and if they are not full time or part time, many are picking up shifts to make more money with no backup plan.

You think this is unique to central Florida and Disney? Lots of actors move to nyc or LA and work multiple jobs in between auditions and theatre work that may or may not pay the bills.

Every town will have people of all ages and skill sets without work. The medical profession are the only people that have true job security.


Well-Known Member
My family in the Philippines lives in Quezon City. Which for all intents and purposes is basically Manila. It’s basically one huge city. That would be the island of Luzon.

Where does your friend live. Based on their reports they are overrun. My cousin is not likely to lie about being drafted to work in the ED as a radiologist. My family is very scared. They said their concern is Duterte imposes the lockdown overnight with no warning, so everyone in Manila fled like rats from a burning ship to get back to provinces and may have increased transmission. This is speculative at this point.

My other cousin is neurologist in the Quezon City, working for FEU (Far East University). She said they are totally overrun, and many physicians have been infected. She stated several are already on the vent, and testing numbers are low, because only those that can afford are getting tested. This is just what I heard from my relatives. Take it for what it’s worth. Could be lies and overblown or exaggerated, but they are typically pretty reliable I have found but please don’t take my word as the law as that is second hand info.


Premium Member
I really hope that they write the bill in a way that it puts the money in the hands of people that need it. It will be complicated, but even for the lower income groups, if they either still have their job or are getting paid by their employer, they don't really need a check to replace their income. Obviously, people in the higher income groups should have enough savings to make it a couple of months without a paycheck (I'm talking probably top 10%). I personally don't need a check. If they send me one, I will immediately spend it at struggling small businesses, whether I need their product or service or not.
Ideally they would only give relief to those who need it, but that’s not very practical. The checks going to everyone helps jump start the economy, but not everyone will need relief from mortgage payments or rent. They should at least require people to apply for that aid instead of automatically doing it.


Well-Known Member
I'm not mis-placing blame though. I live in nor'easter and blizzard territory. Yes, the stores get slammed then, too, and there is an empty shelf or two for a day...maybe two. What we're seeing isn't an empty shelf or two. It's six, or seven, or eight. Even during a blizzard or epic nor'easter we can still get hamburger and other meats. The meat section at all the stores here have been WIPED OUT. Home Depot sold out of freezers, so all those people who bought them are now filling them with meat that they cleared out of the supermarkets - that NEVER happens because of a storm. There is a big hoarding and panic-shopping issue going on.

Again, you are missing the big picture. This isn't a blizzard, it is a pandemic.

Our system just isn't set up for this.


Premium Member
Greg Abbott on Thursday issued broad restrictions statewide to limit the spread of the coronavirus, limiting public gatherings of 10 people or more and shuttering restaurants, bars, gyms and schools.



Well-Known Member
Where did I take any issue with the number of people dying? You wanted to know why we couldn’t just isolate those who are high risk and move on, but that group and their dependents and care givers is a much larger chunk of the population than you allude.

You also continue to mischaracterize the disease as something that only effects a small group of the elderly while everyone else is just fine. That is not true. 55% of the Americans who have required hospitalization so far are aged 20-64 and these stays are proving to be long stays.
Just like in the other countries, that is because we are in the infancy stages so the only people who are being diagnosed are the ones going to the hospital and are the serious cases. Once the testing reaches the masses, the percent of serious cases and the fatalities will dramatically decrease (assuming the US follows the same patterns) and the fatalities will be concentrated (obviously not exclusive) to the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions.


Premium Member
I already saw a lady on Facebook that is a landlord and she was like ‘nope I don’t care what’s going on- I’m not helping the tenant- they owe me the money each month like normal’

Some people were totally supporting her- and I understand she needs the money too... but holy crap I’m glad she’s not MY landlord!
You can’t get money from someone who doesn’t have it. It takes a while to evict someone from a house or apartment and the government can increase that time through a mandate. I think if the government helps landlords too by giving them some mortgage relief they will be made mostly whole. They still have real estate taxes and potentially maintenance costs but they should also be getting a check from the government to cover lost income like everyone else. If this lasts 2 or 3 months at most I don’t think it’s that harmful to landlords.


Well-Known Member
Another medication that's showing some promise. The sample size was really small so don't get overly excited, but for those wanting some good news this might help.
Agreed, the sample is tiny, but the good thing is that this medicine is already in use so there are no real hurdles preventing it from widespread use if it continues to prove effective.


Premium Member
Just like in the other countries, that is because we are in the infancy stages so they only people who are being diagnosed are the ones going to the hospital and are the serious cases. Once the testing reaches the masses, the percent of serious cases and the fatalities will dramatically decrease (assuming the US follows the same patterns) and the fatalities will be concentrated (obviously not exclusive) to the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions.
As testing ramps up the number of cases will balloon but the % that are serious and the mortality rate should go down as people who are less symptomatic start getting tested. At least that’s the hope.


Well-Known Member
Im sure the kids are rejoicing cause no school. Kids here in my area are bored as hell but they would rather not go to school.
Not all are happy. Mine is in 5th, she may miss her 5th grade graduation if they keep this up. And being her last year in elementary saying goodbye to her younger friends. Already :cry::cry::cry: because her music recital she got a solo in was canceled.


Well-Known Member
Again, you are missing the big picture. This isn't a blizzard, it is a pandemic.

Our system just isn't set up for this.
Dear Lord...I'm not missing the big picture. Panic shopping and hoarding are a HUGE problem right now...even though supply lines haven't been drastically impacted for supermarkets. Slowed a little, yes, but they haven't come to a screeching halt because no one can drive anywhere. I'm fully aware that this is a pandemic.
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