Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Premium Member
You do realize that most landlords are people. Is the City going to drop the tax to zero for the time the landlord has to forgive the rent? Are the utility companies going to give free service to everyone? Who is going to pay for all this? BTW if the cities and states don't get the tax payments they have to layoff workers. Plus what about their pension funds? With interest rates plummeting and stocks falling, the contribution they are legally required to make skyrocket. In New Jersey with property taxes the highest in the nation, get ready because you ain't seen nothing yet. One of the highest income tax rates, up it goes. Sales ta, yes that will have to go up too. Businesses, your unemployment taxes are on the way up. Oh, if you want government services, they will be cut.
It’s not my bill so chill out. I was just posting what was being proposed. There’s money in there for landlords as well. Utilities have already started to offer payment plans and deferrals for bills. Everyone is going to have to do a little to help the masses get by. The bulk of the costs will be paid for by the federal government. It’s not going to be cheap.


Well-Known Member
It didn’t pass yet. It most likely won’t get pass the Senate in its current form but something is coming. NY Governor was already talking about 90 day forbearance for mortgages (meaning you make no payment for 3 months then they add those months to the back end of the loan). Some form of relief is coming. The checks for individuals is still up for debate but they are deciding how much not if.
Yeah I think I said it above the plan in place for my mortgage during hurricane irma was crap. It was ‘don’t pay for 3 months and at the end of 3 months you owe it all spread over 12 months’ which wasn’t helpful at all!


Well-Known Member
Asian culture is ALL about respecting your elders and authority.

This was best exhibited by the Korean Air Culture and their track record with crashes.

Also anecdotally, as an Asian, you are genetically engineered to never question your Parents. Ever.

I can't tell if you are sarcastically trying to point out that I'm being stereotypical or agreeing with me using sarcasm.

If the former, I said that Asian cultures TEND to respect elders and authority, not that every single Asian person does. I have many Asian friends from different countries and the way they treat their parents and grandparents is FAR more respectful/helpful than the way a large percentage of my non-Asian friends do, or even that I do quite frankly.

Virtual Toad

Well-Known Member
Point taken. Apologies...didn't mean to lump everyone together like that.
No worries. :) I feel for the folks already here on vacation as well. Clearwater Beach is getting the lion's share of bad press because it's always the bay area's most crowded beach, spring break or not. We took a drive along Gulf Boulevard from Clearwater all the way south to Pass-a-Grille the other night. Plenty of folks walking around all along the coast. Fortunately, the other beaches aren't as densely populated so some social distancing was possible.

Moving forward, perhaps our city, county and state leadership would be well-counseled to follow Disney's lead. If Disney shutters WDW due to a biological threat, all beach communities and tourist areas should immediately follow its lead.


Well-Known Member
It’s not my bill so chill out. I was just posting what was being proposed. There’s money in there for landlords as well. Utilities have already started to offer payment plans and deferrals for bills. Everyone is going to have to do a little to help the masses get by. The bulk of the costs will be paid for by the federal government. It’s not going to be cheap.
I already saw a lady on Facebook that is a landlord and she was like ‘nope I don’t care what’s going on- I’m not helping the tenant- they owe me the money each month like normal’

Some people were totally supporting her- and I understand she needs the money too... but holy crap I’m glad she’s not MY landlord!


Well-Known Member
It’s not my bill so chill out. I was just posting what was being proposed. There’s money in there for landlords as well. Utilities have already started to offer payment plans and deferrals for bills. Everyone is going to have to do a little to help the masses get by. The bulk of the costs will be paid for by the federal government. It’s not going to be cheap.
No one should wonder why gun sales are soaring. Desperate times means desperate purchases.


Premium Member
How can you be so irresponsible and post something with blatantly false facts? Discussions like this on a "Disney" fan board are dangerous and reckless. How do you compare the seriousness of pandemic to minor viruses like Hendra for example that has 7 cases (that is a true) worldwide? This is inexcusable.

H1N1 had a fatality rate of 17.4%? That's absolutely false. First off there were 60.8 million cases in the US alone and the death rate was 0.02%.

Coronavirus is far more deadly than many other viruses and that is a FACT. 1918 Spanish Flu is an exception. Most experts are predicting that when all is said and done the death rate will be about 0.5%, but right now that number globally is hovering at about 3.4%! Real facts show you how serious it is.
You need to relax. What is inexcusable is jumping down someone’s throat without grasping the context of what was posted. Go back and look at the actual post and the one I was responding to. I was responding to the other person’s question on whether it was possible for corona to disappear on its own similar to how SARS and MERs seemed to. The chart was showing how many countries and people were infected WORLDWIDE. The table isn’t mine and you can see from the bottom it’s sourced from the WHO, CDC, Johns Hopkins and other reputable sources. The stats for H1N1 worldwide are usually in a range due to lack of good record keeping in a lot of places. Worldwide it was much more deadly than it was here.


Well-Known Member
A lot of the problem is people in the Central Florida area specifically are theme park workers who fell in love after the CP and just never wanted to leave or are college kids or both. They have four people living in a rentable house working unreliable hours and if they are not full time or part time, many are picking up shifts to make more money with no backup plan. Many of these people will not be able to afford things anymore and will have to go home or find a plan b.


Well-Known Member
It didn’t pass yet. It most likely won’t get pass the Senate in its current form but something is coming. NY Governor was already talking about 90 day forbearance for mortgages (meaning you make no payment for 3 months then they add those months to the back end of the loan). Some form of relief is coming. The checks for individuals is still up for debate but they are deciding how much not if.

I really hope that they write the bill in a way that it puts the money in the hands of people that need it. It will be complicated, but even for the lower income groups, if they either still have their job or are getting paid by their employer, they don't really need a check to replace their income. Obviously, people in the higher income groups should have enough savings to make it a couple of months without a paycheck (I'm talking probably top 10%). I personally don't need a check. If they send me one, I will immediately spend it at struggling small businesses, whether I need their product or service or not.


Well-Known Member
I really hope that they write the bill in a way that it puts the money in the hands of people that need it. It will be complicated, but even for the lower income groups, if they either still have their job or are getting paid by their employer, they don't really need a check to replace their income. Obviously, people in the higher income groups should have enough savings to make it a couple of months without a paycheck (I'm talking probably top 10%). I personally don't need a check. If they send me one, I will immediately spend it at struggling small businesses, whether I need their product or service or not.
That's a great gesture. Some owners I know of small business poured their entire life savings to start and operate them. Sadly some will not reopen.


Well-Known Member
I can't tell if you are sarcastically trying to point out that I'm being stereotypical or agreeing with me using sarcasm.

If the former, I said that Asian cultures TEND to respect elders and authority, not that every single Asian person does. I have many Asian friends from different countries and the way they treat their parents and grandparents is FAR more respectful/helpful than the way a large percentage of my non-Asian friends do, or even that I do quite frankly.

I apologize, but I think a lot of this got lost as you do not know much about me. I am Asian, Filipino to be exact. I was dead serious when I stated that Asian culture is all about respecting your elders. This was not sarcasm or meant to be facetious. I was brought up to basically never question an elder. I believe it got lost in not being able to hear my tone of voice.

In Filipino culture you should not talk to an elder with direct eye contact. If you have an elder sibling you refer to them as Ate (insert name here if female) or Kuyo (insert name here if male) as a sign of respect. You NEVER call an elder by their first name. Must always have some prefix, such as Lola (grandmother), Lolo (grandfather), Mr, Mrs., etc. Regardless if you have reached adulthood. Whereas in American culture once you have reached adulthood it is acceptable to call other adults regardless if they are older or not by their first name.

I agree, In general, compared to American culture most of my Asian friends had much greater respect (or fear based on how you place the context) for their elders than my non Asian friends. Even from observation of my wife’s family (she is white) there is an entirely different dynamic between her parents and her compared to the dynamic between me and my parents.

I agree 100 percent and think it just got lost via not being able to hear my voice and not knowing my background. If you look at the profile pic, that is definitely not a white guy peering from Behind that camera. Lol.


Well-Known Member
There is another talk forum on wdwmagic talking about Apple idea of taking over Disney. Even Iger talked about working with Jobs and combining companies. Apple has the billions in cash to buy Disney if they want to.

If Iger talked to Jobs that was obviously a while ago. Today there are rumors about Apple buying Disney. In this case, (my hope) is that Apple would let Disney be Disney and Apple and Disney have some sort of a synergistic relationship.

This would of course be a much better than a corporate raider that would buy Disney and sell off its parts.


Well-Known Member
I apologize, but I think a lot of this got lost as you do not know much about me. I am Asian, Filipino to be exact. I was dead serious when I stated that Asian culture is all about respecting your elders. This was not sarcasm or meant to be facetious. I was brought up to basically never question an elder. I believe it got lost in not being able to hear my tone of voice.

In Filipino culture you should not talk to an elder with direct eye contact. If you have an elder sibling you refer to them as Ate (insert name here if female) or Kuyo (insert name here if male) as a sign of respect.

I agree, In general, compared to American culture most of my Asian friends had much greater respect (or fear based on how you place the context) for their elders than my non Asian friends. Even from observation of my wife’s family (she is white) there is an entirely different dynamic between her parents and her compared to the dynamic between me and my parents.

I agree 100 percent and think it just got lost via not being able to hear my voice and not knowing my background. If you look at the profile pic, that is definitely not a white guy peering from Behind that camera. Lol.

I've enjoyed reading your posts - but I want to add one thing. I have a Filipino doctor friend here who still has lots of nurse family back in the Philippines - and they said they haven't seen any of the same situations that you described in previous posts in their hospitals/towns. I'm guessing it is more city/regional? This was as of yesterday.

I agree on the major cultural differences!

Giss Neric

Well-Known Member

Told ya face masks should be worn even though some say it doesn't have any effects. It's now mandatory in the other side of the world where majority of the population wears masks to begin with.


Well-Known Member
Another medication that's showing some promise. The sample size was really small so don't get overly excited, but for those wanting some good news this might help.
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