You're prepared for the next 2-3 weeks and have set that in your mind, mentally. You've prepared yourself. What if May/June turns into July/August? What if the worst is in September? Are you mentally prepared to keep the lock downs going?
And I say this as someone who feels like we should've shuttered between mid-March through mid-May. This would've required these factoris and corporations to go into overdrive to get the necessary supplies out to hospitals and health care workers, to put tremendous focus on finding cures, solutions, and eventually a vaccine. This would've required the government to do everything in their power and then some to make people whole so they didn't have to stress/worry about it and could actually enjoy their forced time away to do the right thing. There are many who can continue to work (raises hand) from home. There are others who can't make a living if their business is shut. You've got to make everyone whole for the sacrifice they're making.