From what I can tell, the OC State of Emergency was declared at the start of the last humongous wave. It listed in the "whereas's" a bunch of stats that showed things were bad, and therefore, it imposed a mandate, which it couldn't really enforce due to the Governor's and legislature's ban on fines/punishment.
So, we don't know when exactly the OC will lift their toothless mandate. BUT... it seems they're going to be following the CDC guideline and will drop the 'mask mandate' when OC hits "moderate risk." The OC SoE is renewed on a weekly basis as they check the current stats.
And it seems that's what WDW is going to do, too, voluntarily.
But, we don't know for sure. But it would look bad for WDW if the CDC is saying everyone *should* be masked in public indoor spaces in places in which community spread is significant (and OC is currently in the CDC's "high risk" category), and they don't follow. WDW also has to contend with unions that want to protect their members, so, they're involved, too.