Are you saying asking what the long-term effects are is not a legitimate concern?
Context matters here. In August/September 2020, this was a very legitimate question. In August 2021, it's been answered. There's no long term risk.
Because this again is what I am referencing when I say things are being oversold. I don't care how long mRNA has been in development. The vax for covid was not, the delivery system was. I don't care whether or not Dr. Malone played a part in the development of the mechanism or not. We rapidly deployed this tech on a massive scale never before seen in human history.
This is emotional reaction to not liking the answer above. It's been answered, there' s no long term risk. I don't ask what the long term risk is to the paper cut I got 6 months ago. In the first week, that was a valid question, it might have been infected. Now, I know it wasn't and there's no way for that papercut to come back and get me later.
The fact that people would be (and frankly should be) concerned is not a fleeting or trivial matter. The anecdotal evidence is that the vaccine appears relatively safe with 50% of the US now inoculated.
It's not anecdotal anymore. It's been validated, tested, and statistically checked in a rigorous manner. Back in July/August 2020, it was anecdotal. We're long past that now.
Time told.
I always get flack for this position and it makes no sense.
You get flack because this is a tried and true standard Anti-Vax talking point. It's been answered. To ignore the answer and suggest it isn't known yet is repeating an Anti-Vax talking point, even if you don't think you mean it to be Anit-Vax. It's actually worse then. At least people who are clearly Anti-Vax know they're stating and Anti-Vax message.
I am concerned because I and everyone I love have this stuff in them. Questioning it doesn't mean you can't see the value that the vaccine represents in fighting the pandemic. But people are not out of bounds wanting to know the trade-offs when taking this new medicine. I find this just as off-putting as ardent anti-vaxxer conspiracy theories.
A vaccine is one of the most tested, most rigorously tested, safest types of medicine you can take. Combined with, it's one of the smallest doses of medicine you take with just a couple of doses. There's no concerns about long term build up, because there is no long term repetition of doses.
Timing and context matter a lot. ALL of these concerns were completely valid back before December 2020. Now, in August 2021, they've all been answered.