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I'm scared about the pandemic will be long time forever maybe as future variants will be more scary as ending of everything this is going to be very very very long pandemic trip for many years to come....I hope the pandemic ends very soon.IMO this virus will be with us a long time simply because of the number of infection world wide coupled with the viruses higher mutation rate
"RNA viruses have high mutation rates—up to a million times higher than their hosts—and these high rates are correlated with enhanced virulence and evolvability, traits considered beneficial for viruses."
The delta variant today-- some other variant tomorrow. Let us hope it does not mutate into something more virulent in the future.

Or worse.....

If the unvaccinated people won't get vaccinated by fall/winter. Things gets worse as new variants would be even worse than Delta as they will resistant stain for vaccines as ending the world as we know it, I hate this pandemic so much! What this could be this future to be like for 2022-2026, even the pandemic will get EVEN worse as this millions of people with vaccinated will ALL dead by then if the future variants will ending vaccines. That the world will be ended as well. Dr. Fauci may told warning to unvaccinated people if they don't get vaccinated right away, then the future pandemic will gets EVEN worse as all people will die soon. @GoofGoof @ImperfectPixie