Premium Member
I hear what you are saying, but the problem is we (and other countries) tried that and it didn’t work. It‘s not like when the first case hit the US things went immediately to lock downs. We were first told to practice social distancing, wash your hands, use hand sanitizer. My office put out signs and extra Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer stations and many other did too. It didn’t work. The disease spread out of control. We then tried just large public gatherings but that wasn’t enough. Italy and China tried the same approach, also failed. There’s no reason to assume everyone can just continue to go to work and restaurants and bars and theme parks and as long as they wash their hands and practice proper social distancing the spread will slow enough to keep us from a healthcare crisis. I would love it if we could all just be a lot more careful and that would be enough but that doesn’t appear to be the case. Will the lock downs work? We will see.Yes, and people are complaining that all should go to it.
Guys, let’s really think about this.. without any fluff.. We have taken many precautions.. no one is living life as normal, many businesses are closed, or employees working from home, or restaurants being take out or delivery only.. people are (supposed) to be practicing social distancing, many are... We all can acknowledge this, honestly, without pretending like it isn’t happening.
We are in a stage right now where governors and mayors are trying to make the best decision for the health of their people (and this country) and the livelihoods of their people.
We will see what happens., but we can not be so naive to think it’s as simple as “just shut everything down all across the USA!”