No, we aren't. We have not implemented passports. We have not come close to vaccinating 80% of adults. We have not maintained indoor mask mandates.
Stick to facts.
You're vastly understating the speed with which those diseases were practically eliminated. (not whether "officially deemed")
Measles by year:
View attachment 561743
And just like we can now develop vaccines faster than we did 50 years ago, we can also produce them and distribute them faster.
But you keep contradicting yourself:
Israel has practically eliminated Covid. You claim we are following their model and we are going to achieve the same results! But then, in the next breath, you move the goal posts:
Me: We should do the same thing as Israel, and get to the same results!
You: We are going the same thing as Israel, we are going to get to the same results!
Me: Adjusting for population, the equivalent of Israel would be 500 cases and 33 cases per day
You: It's impossible to get those results, we will be successful even if we don't get anywhere close to those results, etc, etc
Just a few weeks ago, you thought I was prematurely saying we were going to drop mitigation faster than Israel. So, my concerns were valid after all?
As I've been saying for a long time, if we simply put in place passport requirements 6 weeks ago, we would likely be where Israel is right now. We would be down to 500 cases per day, and we could easily drop all mitigation right now.
So yes, had we put in place passports from late April to present, Covid would basically be eradicated by now.
And if we haven't given up so early, then Covid would be eradicated by now.