Well-Known Member
The best strategy is all states follow the same thing Orange county is doing. Masks stay in place til 70% are vaccinated.Outside of theme parks in FL that just dropped masks outdoors for everyone (not recommended by the CDC) most businesses didn’t drop masks completely. There’s a big difference between saying fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear a mask and just dropping masks. The area where the most progress has been made is on the employer side. I’m seeing more and more businesses adopting the CDC policy and requiring people be vaccinated to drop the masks. If you are unvaccinated what’s a bigger incentive to get vaccinated: not having to wear a mask for 8+ hours a day while working or not having to wear a mask for 15 minutes while you run into Target for a few things? Clearly the bigger motivator is on the employer side and that appears to be working in a lot of cases.
On the second part, you are missing the point. There was a time here too where people were filling appointments non-stop. We figured out pretty easily how to handle that rush. We are in a new phase of the vaccine rollout where you have to pull in the hesitant and the people not rushing to get vaccinated. If people were still filling appointments non stop there would be no need for a strategy. There are states here where the vaccination rate is much higher than others. It is not helpful for Mississippi (lowest rate) to try to follow the plan used in Vermont (highest rate). Each state and even areas within each state need to address their own situation with different plans. One plan doesn‘t work for everyone. A plan to get inner city residents in Miami needs to be a lot different than the plan to get people in rural Mississippi or a plan to attract young adults anywhere.