Well since I don't ever go to Sam's Club, you can guess what I am talking about

my judmental comment was relating to anti-vaxxers only. I have little to no patience for that. Not referring to anything else about them, just simply being stubborn about not vaccinating. And obviously no issues for those who legitimately cannot or having a hard time getting it.
Generally speaking though understanding of all views really is needed. I even listen and try for those who are being weird about not following rules.
My home state has not had an outdoor mask mandate, but I am fully aware some areas did. It will just take time for some to readjust. Just like it took time to adjust to masks. I didn't just maskless then and I won't just mask wearers now.
Though indoors here we have a mandate through the end of the month so nothing can change here yet. Outdoors we do not mask and only did if the management asked (zoo and some metro parks did for a while). Last time I wore a mask outside (besides prepping to walk into a store) was March at the zoo as it was required. I'm comfortable with my vaccination status completely though.
Oh and I'm awfully tired of people judging masks in car wearers. In the winter it kept me warm and since I hate the cold, it stayed. PITA to remove with my mittens or fluffy gloves too and removing gloves outside in the cold wasn't happening either

(Being totally light hearted here, but truthful in keeping on for warmth
