Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
Why did the pandemic resurface 2 times???? Was it a different type like H1N1?
Yes, there were different strains. And no vaccines yet.
Yep. And a little more. Influenza is a whole class of viruses, with 4 types: A, B, C, and D. H1N1 is actually a strain of Influenza A (and it was the strain responsible for the 1918 flu) For this "Coronavirus" is the catch-all term, and SARS-CoV-2 is the specific type. The common cold is also a coronavirus.

And since we are all learning our infectious disease history. The 1918 flu was actually the 1918-1919 flu, because it came in 3 waves, the 2nd wave was the really deadly one. I recently learned that here in Colorado, in the community of Gunnison, they had no cases in the first and second waves of the 1918 pandemic. The town had a doctor, upon hearing the news of an outbreak, ordered the community be barricaded and that anyone arriving via train had to be quarantined. The sheriff backed him up by arresting anyone who tried to sneak in. But after the success of the first two, they let their guard down, and ended up with about 100 infections when the 3rd wave arrived.

So when people say we could be hearing about this again come next year, there is a real possibility.

The Mom

Premium Member
Yep. And a little more. Influenza is a whole class of viruses, with 4 types: A, B, C, and D. H1N1 is actually a strain of Influenza A (and it was the strain responsible for the 1918 flu) For this "Coronavirus" is the catch-all term, and SARS-CoV-2 is the specific type. The common cold is also a coronavirus.

And since we are all learning our infectious disease history. The 1918 flu was actually the 1918-1919 flu, because it came in 3 waves, the 2nd wave was the really deadly one. I recently learned that here in Colorado, in the community of Gunnison, they had no cases in the first and second waves of the 1918 pandemic. The town had a doctor, upon hearing the news of an outbreak, ordered the community be barricaded and that anyone arriving via train had to be quarantined. The sheriff backed him up by arresting anyone who tried to sneak in. But after the success of the first two, they let their guard down, and ended up with about 100 infections when the 3rd wave arrived.

So when people say we could be hearing about this again come next year, there is a real possibility.

That is also my fear. People will have to be on guard for a few years. And when a safe, effective vaccine is available - GET IT if you can to protect those who can't. And yourself, of course.


Well-Known Member
If that were true some 40 million-120 million people would die. If true the panic we've seen so far is an under-reaction of exponential proportions. Not true and the people stating these things and causing mass panic should be sent to prison for life.

The most populous countries in the world are China, India, US, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Mexico and Russia. China clamped down hard, the US has medical infrastructure, even if they become overwhelmed, the rest of those countries...

I hope we don't get US-centric again and assume that if our numbers don't go "worst case" that it meant we shouldn't have taken this seriously globally.


Premium Member
Disney Springs remains open today but with just three locations operating


Well-Known Member
HIV attacks the immune system and therefore prevents you from fighting it off. No human has ever cured themselves from HIV.

Other viruses, your immune system produces antibodies to fight off. Once your immune system "learns" to fight a particular virus, it is able to fight it more easily in the future. This is the concept behind vaccines.

There is no HIV vaccine because no immune system has "learned" to fight it off.
Same with HPV strains. They lie dormant and then resurface


Active Member
Not important in the grand scheme but it is a fan site for Disney...... Wonder what on earth WDW will cut to try, when reopened, to try and mitigate this massive massive loss for them.


I'm Just A Tourist!
Premium Member
Yeah the cost thing is a whole different issue. The parks have been riding on significant price increases as demand has skyrocketed - but those days are gone for now. I foresee incentives and discounts ahead, along with some major cost cutting measures.
Someone's already started a thread on that very topic...


Well-Known Member
I guess I'll take this time to promote something in Central Florida that is in line with social distancing but allows for a fun night out. There is a drive in movie theater in Lakeland FL I have been to a few times. It's quite charming and you won't even have to leave your car. Throw some snacks in a cooler, watch the movie and you're good to go.

Due to a lot of movies cancelling or being postponed, they're playing a double feature of Back to the Future and Jaws this week. I'm planning on attending.



Premium Member
Not important in the grand scheme but it is a fan site for Disney...... Wonder what on earth WDW will cut to try, when reopened, to try and mitigate this massive massive loss for them.
It will be similar to what has already been put in place - more labor savings, entertainment cuts. Basically every department will be asked to cut costs.


Well-Known Member
I am surprised by the number of people here still blaming "the media". I know I shouldn't be. A lot of people have been conditioned to have a knee-jerk response to anything and everything. No matter what "the media" is doing, it's doing it wrong. It's not reporting something important. It's over-reporting something trivial. "The media" is always responsible for covering something up or creating a panic sometimes simultaneously.

"The media" is not a monolith. It consists of everything from blogs to Facebook to the nightly news. "The media" includes all political points of view from Breitbart to MSNBC and everything in between. You can't discuss "the media" like it's all one thing. You have to talk about specific media outlets. Give examples.

I find that when most people complain about "the media" covering something incorrectly, they are either speaking in generalities or they don't follow the news source they are discussing. When someone tells me such-and-such paper or network didn't cover a story, it's usually exceptionally easy to find the story that supposedly wasn't covered with a quick Google search. But no one ever tries to disprove their own assumptions.

It should be obvious to everyone that this isn't some creation of "the media". We have to come to terms with our new reality, pull together and defeat this thing. Until then, complaining about the supposed over-reaction of the media sends a dangerous message. That message, unfortunately, was taken to heart by a lot of people who still haven't adopted the recommendations of the CDC, the WHO and the White House.
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Well-Known Member
HIV attacks the immune system and therefore prevents you from fighting it off. No human has ever cured themselves from HIV.

Other viruses, your immune system produces antibodies to fight off. Once your immune system "learns" to fight a particular virus, it is able to fight it more easily in the future. This is the concept behind vaccines.

There is no HIV vaccine because no immune system has "learned" to fight it off.
Not true


Premium Member
Meaning the CP and entertainment like the Epcot performers?
Well the CP is very cost effective, which is why it forms such a big part of the workforce. The labor savings will be more like a reduction of middle managers, removing perceived dead weight, and generally reducing the number of CMs in various locations. For example, in a gift shop where there were previously say 6 registers open, it will be reduced to 4. Think that type of change across the board of restaurants, attractions and stores.


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Well-Known Member
Well the CP is very cost effective, which is why it forms such a big part of the workforce. The labor savings will be more like a reduction of middle managers, removing perceived dead weight, and generally reducing the number of CMs in various locations. For example, in a gift shop where there were previously say 6 registers open, it will be reduced to 4. Think that type of change across the board of restaurants, attractions and stores.
Right. I understand. My husband and I were calculating things based on seniority at his particular location and they could minimally operate with 4. He’s got several under him with lower seniority but he’s next right after them 😳

we still have no word on what happens after the 31st
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