I think if you know other Latinos who took the shot too, have them try to help. Trust from your own is easier than outsiders so to speak. Part of why I did the trial was to use my experiences to help others. I know distrust is real and not at all a made up conspiracy.
It happens all the time with many things, not just medicine too. Deep rooted biases and prejudices really do bring harm to others. My state is doing townhalls for those who are among the most scared. I am personally far more understanding of marginalized reluctance vs the conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers. I'm doing what I can little by little to promote confidence. Even if it is telling my loved ones all about it and then scheduling their appointments for them
my husband has been using me too to promote it as well.
I'm not sure it is wise to push on some groups that are disproportionately hit or not. Some will take it. Quite a few Hispanic friends and loved ones have. Many we need to work on.
Now the deniers and anti-vaxxers I view differently because that's mostly crazy talk with zero backing behind it. I have far less patience with them but I try.