It’s a hoax...Ron said so in a news conference in May
Deaths do lag cases...
Florida reports deaths slower than many other states, waiting for greater confirmation than other states require.
Florida also likely underreports deaths. They take the approach of, "it's only a Covid death if we are 100% certain it's a Covid death. Otherwise, it doesn't count." Other states take the approach of, "if it's more likely than not a Covid death, then it counts as a Covid death."
There is often a misperception that deaths can be narrowed down to a single cause. In fact, most deaths have multiple contributing factors. The majority of deaths are ultimately caused by cardiac arrest -- the heart stops -- but that doesn't mean most deaths are caused by a heart attack. Someone may, (non-Covid example), die from a cardiac arrest. But the cardiac arrest is secondary to kidney failure. And the kidney failure is due to multi-organ failure from sepsis. And the sepsis is due to a bacterial infection. And the body didn't properly respond due to the bacteria, because the person has an auto-immune disease. And the bacteria was introduced when someone was scratching their eczema. So the death was caused by eczema, auto-immune disease, sepsis, kidney failure, and finally cardiac arrest.