Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Active Member
First-hand knowledge of the vaccine rollout in Hillsborough County (Tampa) FL today, courtesy of my mother and father-in-law, who went together today to get their second doses of the vaccine, which thank goodness they did after a nearly four hour delay. 80 year olds stuck in their car in 8 lane traffic for hours.

The cause: reportedly the state took over from the county at the site today, and started denying the vaccine to folks who simply showed up like the card they received after their first vaccine dose told them to. Think of a Fastpass lane gone horribly wrong on a massive scale-- officials engaging in heated conversations with frustrated seniors who had every right to show up for their second dose, but were turned away because the state changed the rules at the last minute without telling them.

My wife and I were panicked after receiving calls from our frustrated parents, who were themselves suddenly panicked about possibly not receiving their second doses. But they were fortunate. Having not taken the return date notice on their cards for granted, they actively sought out actual follow-up appointments and brought additional proof of those appointments with them. So again, they are the lucky ones.

But there are a ton of extremely heartbroken, frustrated and disillusioned seniors in the Tampa Bay Area this evening. Keep them in your thoughts and hope the state gets its act together soon. The story is all over the news right now here and rightfully so. To think that we put our cherished elders through this because the state can't get its act together. Understanding that this thread now includes political discussion, am I allowed to express my anger and frustration at DeSantis and his administration for screwing this up? Enough is enough. He needs to be recalled and recalled now. If that is politically out of bounds for this thread I apologize and will remove the comment. But if the State of Florida thinks it's doing the job its citizens deserve in this crisis, they need to do some serious soul searching, get their act together and step up their game big time.
Look on the bright side...could have been Cuomo in New York and thrown them in a nursing home. You should thanks Desantis!


Well-Known Member
Maybe they should be the vaccination sites and you get a chicken sandwich with your second shot.

That would be a serious incentive for many!

My wife got her 2nd shot yesterday morning (Pfizer). Ran a low fever in the middle of the night. It's gone now, but she feels very achy and nauseated. Anecdotally, from the people I know that got the shot the 15% side effect # seems pretty low.

Our school system is actually going full remote for 3 days at the end of the month when our teachers are scheduled for their 2nd shot because they figure there will be too many staff absences to handle with in-person learning.


Well-Known Member
Look on the bright side...could have been Cuomo in New York and thrown them in a nursing home. You should thanks Desantis!
It is New York that should be quarantined w air travel rerouted to other hubs.
Look on the bright side...could have been Cuomo in New York and thrown them in a nursing home. You should thanks Desantis!
If California and New York states were declared quarantined and all travel to and from them restricted I bet this pandemic could be better controlled. It is ridiculous that the two states with the worst infection statistics and worst records managing the situation do the most finger pointing.


Premium Member
It is New York that should be quarantined w air travel rerouted to other hubs.

If California and New York states were declared quarantined and all travel to and from them restricted I bet this pandemic could be better controlled. It is ridiculous that the two states with the worst infection statistics and worst records managing the situation do the most finger pointing.
The recent story that talked about travel restrictions specifically mentioned CA as well but that’s ignored because it’s easier to make it political and pretend it’s an attack against FL. Unlike Governor Ron’s arbitrary travel restrictions in the Spring which were not backed by either science or statistics and were basically a political stunt this potential plan would be to look at actual statistics.


Well-Known Member
The recent story that talked about travel restrictions specifically mentioned CA as well but that’s ignored because it’s easier to make it political and pretend it’s an attack against FL. Unlike Governor Ron’s arbitrary travel restrictions in the Spring which were not backed by either science or statistics and were basically a political stunt this potential plan would be to look at actual statistics.
Do not agree. Gov Ron went with the available information at the time and in line with the actions of Gov Cuomo (who led the way cough, cough) about travel restrictions. There is no comparison to Cali though, it's like another country.


Well-Known Member
The recent story that talked about travel restrictions specifically mentioned CA as well but that’s ignored because it’s easier to make it political and pretend it’s an attack against FL. Unlike Governor Ron’s arbitrary travel restrictions in the Spring which were not backed by either science or statistics and were basically a political stunt this potential plan would be to look at actual statistics.
The travel "restrictions" that Governor Desantis put in were no different than what the Northeast States did a few months ago. They were similar quarantine requirements.

The one difference is that at the time, the picture of the virus spread wasn't clear and it seemed that it was mostly isolated to around Seattle and the NYC metropolitan area. Many people who live in the NYC area either own second homes in FL or have close friends or relatives in FL. Therefore, it was convenient for them to flee both the apparent risk and the shutdown and go to FL which, at the time, had very low case counts.

New Orleans was also an early hot spot so people traveling from there were added. Once it became clear that the spread was in every State, the quarantine requirement made little sense because it wasn't going to do anything. I don't know why Desantis left it in place as long as he did.

The recent stories about the discussed restrictions mention CA. However, the initial leak was specific to FL. As I've previously stated, it wouldn't not be reasonable to restrict travel from any geographic area unless there was an explosion of infections that was extremely disproportionate to the rest of the country and was at a level where at least 10% or more of the population was likely to be infectious.

In the current environment regarding case levels, I don't think there is any chance any kind of restrictions from the Federal Government would even be attempted. It's basically something that created a bunch of click bait for stories.

Parker in NYC

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Many people who live in the NYC area either own second homes in FL or have close friends or relatives in FL. Therefore, it was convenient for them to flee both the apparent risk and the shutdown and go to FL which, at the time, had very low case counts.
There is so much presumption here. Many people in many states have second homes in FL or have close friends in FL. But keep on pushing this narrative that it's NY ("many" is a thinly veiled denominator, wouldn't you agree?). I wonder how much of what you're saying is based in stereotypical demographic assumptions.


Well-Known Member
I see we're still throwing around the blame. Funny, since most of you didn't even take it seriously back in the day! (Coronavirus and Walt Disney World General Discussion, pp. 1-2686, give or take a few hundred pages).
No throwing around anything. Gov Cuomo and NY just stand out in all your references. Just the facts mam, just the facts.

Parker in NYC

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
No throwing around anything. Gov Cuomo and NY just stand out in all your references. Just the facts mam, just the facts.
The whataboutism continues to boil my blood. I no longer support Cuomo but I'm not going to sit here and say that no one else is culpable. Maybe if the President had set a PRECEDENT early on instead of playing up conspiracy theories (welcomed and supported by many in this thread)... see, I can do whataboutism too.


Well-Known Member
If anyone is looking for an interesting case study in subculture and worldview, take a few minutes to go back to the beginning of this thread and compare all the predictions and outlooks from early in the pandemic.

Originally we did not know much about the virus, so the opinions expressed here were based on limited data. But the same people who were wrong at the beginning...
  • Called @ParkerLoLs a hypochondriac for expressing misgivings about visiting WDW while the virus was spreading
  • Downplayed the threat, minimized the risks, spun the numbers
  • Scoffed at mitigation protocols
  • Made bad predictions about the decline of the pandemic, impact on Parks
  • Compared the virus to the flu (or anything else)
  • Prioritized the political/economic aspects of virus response over the social/public health
...have continued to do so. For 2600 pages of discussion. 475K deaths. Yet the same arguments, ideas, jokes, and attitudes continue. The discussion just goes round and round.

In my opinion, the real challenge we face as a society is that we have made it possible to live in completely different realities from even our families or next door neighbors.


Premium Member
The travel "restrictions" that Governor Desantis put in were no different than what the Northeast States did a few months ago. They were similar quarantine requirements.

The one difference is that at the time, the picture of the virus spread wasn't clear and it seemed that it was mostly isolated to around Seattle and the NYC metropolitan area. Many people who live in the NYC area either own second homes in FL or have close friends or relatives in FL. Therefore, it was convenient for them to flee both the apparent risk and the shutdown and go to FL which, at the time, had very low case counts.

New Orleans was also an early hot spot so people traveling from there were added. Once it became clear that the spread was in every State, the quarantine requirement made little sense because it wasn't going to do anything. I don't know why Desantis left it in place as long as he did.

The recent stories about the discussed restrictions mention CA. However, the initial leak was specific to FL. As I've previously stated, it wouldn't not be reasonable to restrict travel from any geographic area unless there was an explosion of infections that was extremely disproportionate to the rest of the country and was at a level where at least 10% or more of the population was likely to be infectious.

In the current environment regarding case levels, I don't think there is any chance any kind of restrictions from the Federal Government would even be attempted. It's basically something that created a bunch of click bait for stories.
Come on. He left the restrictions in place until August. In July and August TX and AZ and CA all had 20 to 50 times as many cases as NY/NJ but were not restricted. It wasn’t science based or statistic based it was political at a time when his overlord was fighting publicly with Cuomo. Let’s call it like it was.

I agree it’s unlikely a federally imposed restriction is ever in place. If you read the details of the story the unnamed government sources said that any action would be taken in conjunction with State and Local governments. They never even implied that there was a desire let alone a plan for the Federal government to impose travel restrictions directly. I agree it’s a clickbait story and one that has been politically spun into an attack against FL.


Premium Member
Do not agree. Gov Ron went with the available information at the time and in line with the actions of Gov Cuomo (who led the way cough, cough) about travel restrictions. There is no comparison to Cali though, it's like another country.
...he left the restrictions in place until Aug when NY/NJ had a positivity rate below 2% and 1/50 the number of cases of other “red” states that were not restricted at the same time. So fa none of his apologists have been able to explain that. It was a political hack job, plain and simple. Travel restrictions based on actual statistics make sense. If a state hits the threshold they go on a list.

Parker in NYC

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
If anyone is looking for an interesting case study in subculture and worldview, take a few minutes to go back to the beginning of this thread and compare all the predictions and outlooks from early in the pandemic.

Originally we did not know much about the virus, so the opinions expressed here were based on limited data. But the same people who were wrong at the beginning...
  • Called @ParkerLoLs a hypochondriac for expressing misgivings about visiting WDW while the virus was spreading
The last thing I ever expected was for this thing to become yet another political divide. It didn't take even 2 pages for me to realize that we were absolutely screwed.


Well-Known Member
If anyone is looking for an interesting case study in subculture and worldview, take a few minutes to go back to the beginning of this thread and compare all the predictions and outlooks from early in the pandemic.

Originally we did not know much about the virus, so the opinions expressed here were based on limited data. But the same people who were wrong at the beginning...
  • Called @ParkerLoLs a hypochondriac for expressing misgivings about visiting WDW while the virus was spreading
  • Downplayed the threat, minimized the risks, spun the numbers
  • Scoffed at mitigation protocols
  • Made bad predictions about the decline of the pandemic, impact on Parks
  • Compared the virus to the flu (or anything else)
  • Prioritized the political/economic aspects of virus response over the social/public health
...have continued to do so. For 2600 pages of discussion. 475K deaths. Yet the same arguments, ideas, jokes, and attitudes continue. The discussion just goes round and round.

In my opinion, the real challenge we face as a society is that we have made it possible to live in completely different realities from even our families or next door neighbors.
To be fair, the worst offenders are now mostly MIA.

Parker in NYC

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
It's unfortunate how this had to be due to politics. I think the worst thing that came out of this is the whole rehtoric that " the cure can't be worse then the disease". For something that I would have thought would have brought people together has divided us all.
Oh well, it'll be in the history books for future generations to read. At least folks haven't died - and other folks continue to die - completely in vain.
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