Well-Known Member
With all due respect, this is why we have the problems we have today. Most people who spread COVID would say they truly believed they were not infected on the days they spread it. Sure, there are the idiots who test positive or have a close contact who they already know is positive, but they are outnumbered by the people who claim, "I did everything right, and I still got it." People are horrible at evaluating risk.
I think you may be overestimating the number of people who spread it with no idea they were a risk to spread it. Here is an example (I've actually heard a few similar stories):
My brother is an assistant coach for a youth baseball team. In the third inning of a game two weeks ago, they were informed that a kid who was playing in the game just got a positive test result and needed to leave. His mom had symptoms a few days earlier and tested positive. The kid got tested due to the close contact with his mom even though he was asymptomatic. However, he continued his normal life until he received a positive test result. He should have quarantined just from the close contact with a positive (and symptomatic) case. I think there are at least hundreds of thousands of stories like this.