Premium Member
I think this is a fair assessment although part of the problem with the people doing stuff with no masks, distancing or sanitation is a lot of them still don’t get Covid which then just makes people more likely to avoid taking precautions. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve heard say things like “we did XYZ and nobody got sick so I think it’s fine to do”. It’s sorta like Russian roulette where you may play for a while and get the empty chamber but eventually you lose.Different folks act differently when they feel safe.
Some folks who feel safe go to mass gatherings with no masks, no distancing, no sanitation. These folks are at a high risk of getting COVID, they most likely will get COVID, they most likely will not die from COVID.
Some folks feel safe because if masking, distancing, and sanitation. I suspect the folks who feel safe when masking, distancing, and sanitizing have less of a chance of getting COVID.