Because the DCP hoped, applied, dreamed, applied again and some worked towards this for years only to be told rather unceromoniously _GO HOME!? I know my kid planned to do it from an early age and took dual credit classes in HS so she could take a semester off to do the DCP (she ended up doing 2, got accepted for this fall for a 3rd but has decided to not delay grad school)
yeah no-payday is on Thursdays. So for some this paycheck may be gone already on food and other stuff. Unless Disney is advancing the money
There is a reddit and twitter thread from a front line ICU doc in Seattle that has said some drug has shown great promise for reducing the chance of ARDS and need for vent. Also said that the protocol in China for Acute respiratory distress is high dose steroids-and now some evidence is showing that may possibly contribute to a higher fatality rate. Also the drug that showed promise is in clinical trials but not yet released widely, but has been able to get some out through "compassion use"-however the company has put restrictions on it clinically - and now is being appealed to lift those clinical restrictions (lab values within a range).
H1N1 2009 was a pandemic and now it is around all the time-and in the vaccine
Actually just read something about NOT keeping schools closed and teaching them personal sanitation habits etc would be better overall. Was interesting.
Show them this
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This is what we should have watched last night instead of Trump’s speech. <a href=""></a></p>— Hand Washer Hobby (@strobist) <a href="
">March 12, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Or having your college grad plan for grad school in Seattle!
Flu season seems to have peaked at least, and with all these measures will hopefully die out quick, so may help with that damn "flatten the curve" Too bad the media quoting those "experts" don't ever mention this happens EVERY flu season with a surge of flu cases! Panic is profitable though
Also---China and Italy account for 65% of total cases...>70% of fatalities. At least so far.