Well-Known Member
Our percentage case trends are really pointless. They change very quickly with small increases/decreases in numbers week to week. When you have ~1M people in such a huge landmass, I think you’re more at risk of a mountain lion mauling you in your own back yard.I think your numbers should continue to go down. The tourists are leaving. Don't you guys hibernate in the winter......joking of course.
I really wish it was the tourists that caused our surge, so that we could blame it on someone else . Watching personal behavior, and the necessity of our situation, it was probably ranchers and folks from the far reaches coming in to major population centers stocking up at Costco or whatever but not knowing what to do with more than 100 people around them at a time. What is already frustrating in a normal summer became kind of obnoxious this year. I felt safer at UOR and HS in August than I have in Home Depot all year.
We sure as heck don’t hibernate, but we enjoy watching the tail lights head toward the state line