Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
Just for information from Manchester in the U.K. our local newspaper, The Manchester Evening News is reporting 68 schools have had an outbreak of Covid-19 and have sent kids home as a result. This includes children from the ages of 3-18 . The terrible thing is that schools have only been open for pupils for between 8 and 4 days. Don’t know what else to say but stay safe.
With the reintroduction of in person learning comes increased testing (I hope!) so they may be finding the cases that felt well and attended or had a lag in testing. We had a couple that went to school with pending tests and learned they were positive at school. Hope it settles down with quarantine and tracing for you soon.
Just for information from Manchester in the U.K. our local newspaper, The Manchester Evening News is reporting 68 schools have had an outbreak of Covid-19 and have sent kids home as a result. This includes children from the ages of 3-18 . The terrible thing is that schools have only been open for pupils for between 8 and 4 days. Don’t know what else to say but stay safe.
I wonder what the number is for them to close? Our district in US has been open 14 days. There are 11 cases, mainly in High School. No talk of closing just more talk of quarantine as there are 3k enrolled in the in person class option for the high school. Thankfully we chose the full time distance learning option the school gave. It is going well so far.

I was curious if the UK even offered that as an option?


Well-Known Member
I keep seeing pictures from Europe with crowds without masks. UK just had to re-mandate them with taking a step backwards in re-opening.
I never see this mentioned as it's a small country that few people pay attention to, but the government in The Netherlands has gone as far as to say masks do little to stop the spread of the virus. We only have to wear them on public transport and hardly anyone wears them elsewhere.

Meanwhile, new infections in The Netherlands up to today...

Screen Shot 2020-09-11 at 4.59.14 pm.png

I spent a few weeks in Italy over summer and there you at least had to wear them in shops, which most but certainly not all people paid attention to. It was a little unsettling to see how many people working in super markets, for example, pulled them down under their nose.

Side note, I thought contact tracing was supposed to help Europe avoid a surge?
And just to make it clear, I’m not happy about this surge in Europe. Especially since I have family there that I care about.
I can only, again, give the experience I have had here in The Netherlands. However, there was a big announcement that contract tracing would be at the centre of the government's strategy to prevent a second wave. A few days later they conceded they didn't have the resources for effective contact tracing and told people who tested positive to call people they'd been around themselves.

It will be an interesting winter. People are just carrying on as though nothing is happening and, honestly, I think that's the approach more and more governments and people in Europe are taking as it becomes clear the virus is not going anywhere anytime soon. Look at France, for example.
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Well-Known Member
This assumes that an effective vaccine is a forgone conclusion.

yes, correct. And I’m confident to say that all indications point that it will be an effective vaccine. And yes I am aware about the astra Zeneca pause. I think it’s fair to say that all trials of therapeutics experience similar side effects that are accounted for but typically rare. So let’s please not debate the efficacy and safety of the vaccines in the pipeline just yet.


Well-Known Member
I wonder what the number is for them to close? Our district in US has been open 14 days. There are 11 cases, mainly in High School. No talk of closing just more talk of quarantine as there are 3k enrolled in the in person class option for the high school. Thankfully we chose the full time distance learning option the school gave. It is going well so far.

I was curious if the UK even offered that as an option?
Perhaps I should clarify, it is not the whole school that has to quarantine, it’s either the year group or their class bubble, so schools do remain open. An ex colleague of mine has an 11 year old who has to self isolate/quarantine Who only started at the school on Tuesday, while her elder brother, at the same school is expected to attend! There are no options for distance learning and if parents choose to keep their children away from school, at the moment they will be fined for non attendance. Have to say I think I’d take the fine if there was a case at school but that’s because I’m a worry guts!


Well-Known Member
This is exactly what I’m talking about on overstating Europe. Their recent “surge“ in cases isn’t anywhere like our summer surge. The surge is to a level that is still well below where FL is today and people are pushing for bars to open and theme park capacity limits to be lifted in FL. Nobody is saying masks will bring cases to zero.

10k cases in a day in France isn’t a surge? UK is almost back to April numbers. It’s not as bad as USA, but by their standards, they’re surging


Well-Known Member
And then Fauci will say 2022
No, first he'll change it to October 17th, then 2022.
I’m not sure what both of you are saying. Fauci is lying? Fauci doesn’t know what he’s talking about? Please explain if I’m wrong in what I read to both answers. And please, don’t respond with a quote from February or March when no one had any idea about anything yet.


Premium Member
I’m not sure what both of you are saying. Fauci is lying? Fauci doesn’t know what he’s talking about? Please explain if I’m wrong in what I read to both answers. And please, don’t respond with a quote from February or March when no one had any idea about anything yet.
I just assumed he said October 17 because that was the first day of the vacation we canceled 😆

Andrew C

You know what's funny?
I’m not sure what both of you are saying. Fauci is lying? Fauci doesn’t know what he’s talking about? Please explain if I’m wrong in what I read to both answers. And please, don’t respond with a quote from February or March when no one had any idea about anything yet.
I think what they are saying is Fauci offers lots of opinions on various topics and those opinions don’t necessarily turn into actual directives. Or maybe that’s just what I’m saying. lol.


Well-Known Member
I think you can mask your way out of it, but you can't mask mandate your way out of it - as it doesn't cover private behaviors. When you're getting together at home with your friends and family (or you're in college going to a party), there's no requirement to wear a mask. And those are also likely instances where you're spending extended time around people. We've heard at various times that these types of social interactions are driving many of the infections recently.
No, you can't mask your way out of it if by "mask" you mean cloth face covering. If you had the population wearing properly fitted N95 masks everywhere and changing them every however many hours they are certified for then you could mask your way out of it. The things that are being called masks, while "better than nothing," don't have that big of an effect.

If they did, you wouldn't see the surge in places with mask mandates. Miami-Dade has had the mandate for months and has the worst record of any county in Florida. I'll play the mask game because it allows me to do things like go to WDW but it's mostly "public health theatre."


Well-Known Member
I’m not sure what both of you are saying. Fauci is lying? Fauci doesn’t know what he’s talking about? Please explain if I’m wrong in what I read to both answers. And please, don’t respond with a quote from February or March when no one had any idea about anything yet.
Because he has contradicted himself more than a politician. In February and March, when he said stuff but had no idea about it, he should have said that he didn't know yet. Instead he stated things as fact and as an expert that were just basically pulled out of his rear end.


Well-Known Member
Because he has contradicted himself more than a politician. In February and March, when he said stuff but had no idea about it, he should have said that he didn't know yet. Instead he stated things as fact and as an expert that were just basically pulled out of his rear end.
He was going by the science that had at the time. Why is that so hard for people to comprehend? Science evolves every minute. As you find out more about what’s being studied, you present that to the public. If you find out there’s a better way by the next day, you inform again. If it takes weeks or months to come to another conclusion, you inform again. It’s science. And it doesn’t care what you or I believe in, it just keeps moving along and coming up with better answers.


Premium Member
This isn’t a knock on Fauci directly but keep in mind that expert opinion is the lowest form of evidence. Someone posted below the other month. And this is why some don’t like when experts float out opinions on everything, all the time, without other evidence.

View attachment 497143
Isn’t he just doing his job? So should he only comment on things that have case controlled studies or higher? So if we have an outbreak of a novel virus and they ask his opinion he should say nothing? Leave it the politicians or the public to decide on their own maybe?

Andrew C

You know what's funny?
Isn’t he just doing his job? So should he only comment on things that have case controlled studies or higher? So if we have an outbreak of a novel virus and they ask his opinion he should say nothing? Leave it the politicians or the public to decide on their own maybe?
I have no issue with Fauci expressing his expert opinion and doing his job. But when he says something that may, in his own words, happen with masks, I’m not going to treat that as any sort of definite. I tend not to take the opinion of just one person as the gospel. But I do appreciate his expertise and am glad we have him available. He’s a key voice.


Well-Known Member
This isn’t a knock on Fauci directly but keep in mind that expert opinion is the lowest form of evidence. Someone posted below the other month. And this is why some don’t like when experts float out opinions on everything, all the time, without other evidence.

View attachment 497143
Something has to be the lowest. Have no idea where that chart came from but let’s say it’s accurate. Let’s go from the top down. The top three are trials and case studies. I believe we can all agre they take a very long time. Months.. years sometimes to understand everything about what’s being studied. In fact we know trials are always at the end of something that’s been studied a long time.
The next three are also time consuming events. In face in the pyramid they are all listed as studies. Less time then trials but cross referencing, and mechanics take time also. We aren’t talking a week or two for any of this.
Then we hit the bottom, expert opinions. The lowest on this chart. Ok, I’ll go with it. A pandemic or something major happens so the public rely on what a expert says about it.. someone who knows more then us. They will start out by telling us something they might know, or what has happened in the past that they can compare to what’s happening. Why? Because us lay folks in the dark need to hear something about what’s going on. Of course they will be the lowest on that pyramid because they are expected to talk about something they don’t have a grasp on yet. Because we need somebody saying something instead of we don’t know. We have no idea. So they rely on what’s happened in the past and adjust their opinions on what happens as we move up that pyramid.
Fauci is one of the world most frequently cited scientists across all scientific journals. His developed therapies for like 4 or 5 formally fatal diseases. The guy has more credentials then most in his field has ever had.
Sorry for the rant and being long winded but when I see someone(not you) on a Disney forum, spouting off about something he said that wasn’t right months ago it just irks me.
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