Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
I'm wondering if we see less cold and flu cases than normal because people are wearing masks and just more aware of their surroundings/cleanliness in general? Silver lining maybe?

I was thinking about this too but in a different way:
How many fewer fatal car accidents as a result of the lockdowns?
How many fewer fatal accidents of any kind as a result of the lockdowns?
How many more babies were conceived as a result of the lockdowns :) ?


Well-Known Member
I was at Springs Monday night and saw 98% mask compliance. The people crying on Twitter about the lack of enforcement have proven again to be anti Disney by pushing those fake narratives.
Springs was much better last week than what I saw earlier in the opening. I’m not sure how much of that is due to more enforcement or people are just used to it, but either way it was good to see.


Well-Known Member
Is there any proof that weather has anything to do with it? I know we see increases in winter during the flu season, but this thing seems to beat to it's own drum. I legitimately don't know but what makes people think winter will be worse for covid specifically?
Warm weather declines was a hopeful assumption based on the cold and flu. The concern now about winter is that it is when hospitalizations tend to peak every year. If hospital is are already running at high winter-level capacity what happens when there is that annual increase?

I'm wondering if we see less cold and flu cases than normal because people are wearing masks and just more aware of their surroundings/cleanliness in general? Silver lining maybe?
It’s a possibility. This is why self-isolating for those with the flu and masks for those with cold or flu symptoms should remain the norm going forward.


President of Animal Kingdom
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Well-Known Member
that's perfect. It really is.

I see a lot of (in general) "I" "I" "I" "me" "me" "me" and its really about "us."

Thats one of the reasons why other countries did so well at fighting the virus. We are an individualistic country. We care about the success of the self and setting off as individuals into the world and I'm not saying theres anything wrong with that normally, but during hard times we fail to come together. Other countries celebrate the culture of being together and they lean on their neighbors for everything. (I lived in Europe for a few years so I know the difference--I lived the difference)

To some degree I agree with you but I also see the other side. The science behind masks and completely shutting down the economy is not 100%. I do think in March/April we needed to take a drastic approach as there was so much we didn't know. Now I don't agree with how we are proceeding. I think we are going too slow and also destroying small businesses but allowing large businesses to go unharmed. This is not using a common sense approach but it seems targeted to destroy our economy and not to keep people safe.

The other part of American unwillingness to accept the mask mandate is part science but also part government over-reach. There are a growing number of citizens that are asking how did we end up here? In 4 months the government has destroyed the economy and turned citizens against one another. Could there be another agenda going on here that is taking advantage of the situation? I am very worried about the government mandating what citizens do without following our constitution and how laws go into effect. We should be questioning these things as citizens. It is more than just mandating masks at this point.

All this to say that yes COVID is real (I have had it and so far am suffering from some lingering lung damage so I understand why we have to take this serious) and we need to change some behavior to keep the disease from taking on uncontrolled growth. But at this point it is not going to ever go back to zero unless something miraculous happens. Can we all just be a little kinder and not call everyone who questions the current narrative selfish or just in it for themselves? There are many reasons to question things and while we all aren't experts we have the right to make decisions for ourselves and our families.


Well-Known Member
This isn’t a US problem, it’s a worldwide problem. Is your business ready for any disaster? Do you have supplies and facilities to continue functioning during a nuclear war and resultant winter?

Ok maybe that’s too harsh, you’re from New Jersey, is every business in your state now prepared for the next Hurricane Sandy that you can recover and resume functioning immediately without government help?

This is a natural disaster. We have civic institutions to help society deal with these.

True but shouldn't our hospitals be held more accountable when they are an essential service? There is other PPE that could be bought that would be reusable and would be more protective to staff (like full head respirators). They could have a decent supply in storage for this.

And what about local government? Shouldn't each county/state have their own stockpile for things like this? This isn't all on the Federal government. Each state and each essential business should have emergency plans to get them through...


Well-Known Member
True but shouldn't our hospitals be held more accountable when they are an essential service? There is other PPE that could be bought that would be reusable and would be more protective to staff (like full head respirators). They could have a decent supply in storage for this.

N95s were $0.09 cents a mask last year, PAPRs require an electric motor and batteries that need to be maintained. I think you can see where economicly everyone was going to N95s.

As for a potential reusable non motorized mask, the problem lies with sterilizing it between uses. Notice I didn’t say cleaning (which removes a majority of germs but not all of them.) Sterilization requires a combination of abrasive chemicals, UV light and/or scalding water. It’s incredibly time consuming and a mistake can let germs survive. Hospitals have been moving to one and done supplies for years as it as seen as cheaper and better for the patient (by eliminating contamination due to improper sterilization.)


Premium Member
True but shouldn't our hospitals be held more accountable when they are an essential service? There is other PPE that could be bought that would be reusable and would be more protective to staff (like full head respirators). They could have a decent supply in storage for this.

And what about local government? Shouldn't each county/state have their own stockpile for things like this? This isn't all on the Federal government. Each state and each essential business should have emergency plans to get them through...
Doing it at a hospital or even state level is highly inefficient. We all pay for the stockpile. It’s not free. So if every hospital needs to stockpile everything that’s a big cost that is passed on to patients and not every hospital needs it at the same level. If you move it to the state level you gain a lot more efficiency but it’s still not nearly as efficient as a federal program. Whether it comes from state or federal money we pay for it in tax dollars. I look at this as no different than FEMA or other federal disaster programs. Instead of every state fielding enough workers and supplies for all conceivable natural disasters it falls to the federal government. One year they end up in TX, the next year FL and the year after NC. It’s way more efficient to have a federal program where resources are allocated where they are needed.


Active Member
At least it is happening in July and not January. I'm not being facetious or sarcastic, that is somewhat protective. I'm dubious that everywhere will actually run out of room rather than just being insane Winter levels of busy in the summer. I think that's important to say because I do not think hospital capacity is the be-all end-all marker of success. It's just a surrogate for unmitigated disaster.

On the opposite side of things, this will be born out in deaths. Maybe not in a single state fashion, but there are several large states involved in this cycle. Eventually I assume deaths will creep back towards April levels US-wide. Or stay sustained at a moderate level for a longer period of time.
I'm going to get in my time machine real quick and go back three months. In the middle of April, we were over a month removed from things going crazy in Italy. At first everyone thought we were going to turn into Italy with people dying on the floors of hospitals, but as it turns out, we realize that aside from NYC the hospitals are pretty much empty, and even there the hospitals were not overrun anything like we assumed they would be. Just a few weeks later, things were opening back up and people were seeing that our hospital system was not overrun.

Over the last 6-7 weeks, I've heard constantly how much worse the situation going to be, because 1) The number positive cases are so high in this country making America is the laughing stock of the world, 2) The percent positive in testing is so high, we should be ashamed of ourselves, and 3) Our hospital system is so close to being overwhelmed, this thing is out of control!!!

According to CNN, things have gotten so bad with the virus that after weeks and weeks of worry and doomsday predictions, we've only almost gotten back to the levels of hospitalization we were at in the middle of April? And that's somehow bad news?

Call crazy for not buying into the hysteria, but the media and the dooms-dayers sound to me like the boy who cried "wolf".


Premium Member
This map... did some piece of NY, NJ, MA or FL break off and float into the Atlantic?
I believe that’s where all the hypodermic needles dumped off the Jersey Shore washed up;) I’m really dating myself with that reference. Happened so long ago WDW was still only 2 parks and River Country:)


Premium Member
I'm going to get in my time machine real quick and go back three months. In the middle of April, we were over a month removed from things going crazy in Italy. At first everyone thought we were going to turn into Italy with people dying on the floors of hospitals, but as it turns out, we realize that aside from NYC the hospitals are pretty much empty, and even there the hospitals were not overrun anything like we assumed they would be. Just a few weeks later, things were opening back up and people were seeing that our hospital system was not overrun.

Over the last 6-7 weeks, I've heard constantly how much worse the situation going to be, because 1) The number positive cases are so high in this country making America is the laughing stock of the world, 2) The percent positive in testing is so high, we should be ashamed of ourselves, and 3) Our hospital system is so close to being overwhelmed, this thing is out of control!!!

According to CNN, things have gotten so bad with the virus that after weeks and weeks of worry and doomsday predictions, we've only almost gotten back to the levels of hospitalization we were at in the middle of April? And that's somehow bad news?

Call crazy for not buying into the hysteria, but the media and the dooms-dayers sound to me like the boy who cried "wolf".
While you are in the time machine can you go back to the beginning of March and remind me to not wait another week for a haircut ;). Tell me to get more TP and Clorox wipes too :)


Active Member
I'm a fairweather visitor to this page. When we talk about other states surpassing NY, isn't that because of more testing? We formerly didn't test people that weren't sick enough to need care. That directive went on for at least a couple months. No? My point being that NY likely had way way way more cases that were unaccounted for.

Hawg G

Well-Known Member
I was thinking about this too but in a different way:
How many fewer fatal car accidents as a result of the lockdowns?
How many fewer fatal accidents of any kind as a result of the lockdowns?
How many more babies were conceived as a result of the lockdowns :) ?

How many more drug overdoses and addictions happened?
How much more family/child violence has happened?
How much more depression has happened?
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