On thing that frustrates me are stories like these:
Officials say students vacationing in Myrtle Beach took back COVID-19 to West Virginia and Ohio as souvenirs.
Yes, Myrtle Beach like many other popular tourist destinations is a covid hot spot. That is to be expected. But why blame the tourist town when tourists
willingly visit and return to their home towns bringing the virus? Nobody in Myrtle Beach held a gun to their head demanding they spend their vacation time there. The precautionary measures are laid out in practically every business you enter.
Same with Orlando, Vegas, and my town of Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg that are sending many tourists back home after vacations with covid as an additional souvenir. People made the choice, used their own liberties to come to these places. Nobody forced this on them.
@TrainChasers mentioned earlier, there are state parks, natural areas with less tourist population, other alternatives for escapism which lead to far lesser chances of becoming infected. In the meeting in my town of Pigeon Forge yesterday, it was recommended to encourage our families & loved ones to visit those lesser traveled options, and stay away from our area while this thing spreads. Let the tourists not connected to our families be on the front lines, not our relatives. The same when Disney opens soon. Nobody connected to the Mouse is forcing a visit down there against free will. So stop blaming the destinations! We are trying our best to operate as safely as possible, needing to remain open for livelihoods, but also trying to be as honest as possible with the public as to what you're entering. That's a juggling act which is easier said than done.