Well-Known Member
I guess I don't see your point. If you were running a business of that scale with 10's of thousands of people entering your parks, how would you do it differently and more efficiently? Would you not care about liability? Legal ramifications? If you didn't you'd be out of business pretty quickly.
Let's revisit what I wrote. I was responding to the notion that screenings are not theatre.
Furthermore, for the most part, I would not do it differently if I were Disney decision makers. There is only so much an organization like Uni and Dis can do. The real world prevents intrusive, far reaching measures.
Disney is getting good mileage out of the process it has in place for the very two reasons I clearly stated: reduce the prospects of higher payouts when something terribly goes down and lift its image.
Irrespective it's still security theater and to think otherwise shows naivete.
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