Cool secrets/favorite things in Adventurer's Club?


Well-Known Member
Yes I know what you mean, once I wore a sequin top and got refered to as "spangle girl" all night and we have on our home video a lot of the characters talking into our camera as if its part of the show and one particular part Samantha Sterling announces to the library,"Well Glen & Pippa from the UK are here, they've been here drunk every night for the last week!"


Well-Known Member
I just got back from my first Disney World trip in 4 years and for the first time I dropped in on Pleasure Island to check out the clubs. Most of them didn't impress me that much though Mannequins Dance Police was very interesting (as was the clientele). But the place that really stuck out was the Adventurere's club. I arrived just in time to be pushed into the library for a floor show. I was really intrigued with the ghost organ, but before I knew it Samantha made her entrance. She wasn't entirely pleased with the way she was received, so she stopped the performance and picked out a group of teenaged boys with their dad near the door. Desiring a more positive reaction when she came in the room, she instructed them that they better fawn all over her when she came back in, "Just try and act like you're worshiping me, I guess it's alright if you end up touching me, but don't make it look like I touched you back. I'd rather not go to jail tonight." Funny stuff, and when she began her song in earnest she seemed to notice a few people in the crowd she had seen before and let them sing a few words of her song for her. Afterwards we were all ushered out into the main foyer for the honorary member initiation, and though I don't know the character's names, one of them, a portly "icthyologist" with a fez and a southern accent was especially funny. The butler had a great deadpan sense of humor too, and drew laughs when he loudly said that his drink of choice that night was the hurricane (this was 2 days before Frances).
I hadn't read anything about the club before, so I didn't know anything about the sinking bartstools or the animated ship-in-a-bottle, though I did see The Colonel come to life for an interesting exchange between him and Bleehole. I never thought I'd see an audio animatronic say, "Yes, 'nipple' is the word we are not allowed to say during a new member initiation ceremony." I also made a long cell phone call from the mask room, and none of them talked or moved their eyes.
Anyway, I had a good time, and plan on going back next time I'm on Property.


New Member
Bairstow said:
I just got back from my first Disney World trip in 4 years and for the first time I dropped in on Pleasure Island to check out the clubs. Most of them didn't impress me that much though Mannequins Dance Police was very interesting (as was the clientele). But the place that really stuck out was the Adventurere's club. I arrived just in time to be pushed into the library for a floor show. I was really intrigued with the ghost organ, but before I knew it Samantha made her entrance. She wasn't entirely pleased with the way she was received, so she stopped the performance and picked out a group of teenaged boys with their dad near the door. Desiring a more positive reaction when she came in the room, she instructed them that they better fawn all over her when she came back in, "Just try and act like you're worshiping me, I guess it's alright if you end up touching me, but don't make it look like I touched you back. I'd rather not go to jail tonight." Funny stuff, and when she began her song in earnest she seemed to notice a few people in the crowd she had seen before and let them sing a few words of her song for her. Afterwards we were all ushered out into the main foyer for the honorary member initiation, and though I don't know the character's names, one of them, a portly "icthyologist" with a fez and a southern accent was especially funny. The butler had a great deadpan sense of humor too, and drew laughs when he loudly said that his drink of choice that night was the hurricane (this was 2 days before Frances).
I hadn't read anything about the club before, so I didn't know anything about the sinking bartstools or the animated ship-in-a-bottle, though I did see The Colonel come to life for an interesting exchange between him and Bleehole. I never thought I'd see an audio animatronic say, "Yes, 'nipple' is the word we are not allowed to say during a new member initiation ceremony." I also made a long cell phone call from the mask room, and none of them talked or moved their eyes.
Anyway, I had a good time, and plan on going back next time I'm on Property.

You were there Thursday night! We were the two guys sitting right next to the bookcase and next to the dad and teenaged boys that you mentioned during Samantha's Cabaret. It was the last night they were open before Hurricane Frances, and the hurricane jokes were flying. Very fun. It was also the birthday of the actress playing Samantha, but she didn't want to make a big deal of it so it wasn't mentioned.

Anway, glad you enjoyed it, and will be back.



Well-Known Member
You weren't by any chance one of the two dudes sitting beside the two characters during the initiation ceremony, were you?


Original Poster
Bairstow said:
I came in alone and sat at the bar during the show next to the couple where the young woman admitted to "taking more classes" to keep from marrying her fiance. Samantha sure knows how to find whatever is off kilter in a relationship.QUOTE]

Wow, wonder what her fiance thought of that little admission...


New Member
Bairstow said:
You weren't by any chance one of the two dudes sitting beside the two characters during the initiation ceremony, were you?

Depends on which one. We sat there for the initiation ceremony that was run by Hathaway Brown and Samantha Sterling, but we were standing up between the bar and the statue of Zeus for the one run by Otis T. Wren and Emil Bleehall.


Well-Known Member
The first time I went to the AC was one of the first years it was open. I was about 14 or 15 at the time, but I had a blast there. Loved the mask room, and I was sitting near the entryway to the Trophy Room when the Professor character came in to do a presentation and was the one that he "dropped" the yam statue in front of so he of course blamed me for breaking it. I played along arguing with him until Beasley the floating head bitched him out. It was such a great time. :D


Well-Known Member
I'm so glad this thread was started because I have some questions regarding the AC. I'm going to WDW with my best friend Oct 9-16. Neither of us are shy (we will talk to anyone!) so I figure the AC is right up our alley. My questions are:

1) What is the best night of the week to go to AC (or does it matter)?
2) What time does the action start?
3) How many "shows" are performed nightly?

I've heard/read from others that they didn't see much happending and left before they experienced the show.



Well-Known Member
I've been there various nights of the week, and always had a great time, but others have said that Thursdays are particularily fun.

The last time I was at the AC this past summer, I noticed that if you look carefully on the wall next to the Mask Room, the Trophy Room and the Library, the times (and titles) of that evening's shows are posted. I believe there are five different main shows in the library each night, but I'm not absolutely positive on that one.


New Member
the reason (or A reason) Thursdays are so fun...

at least as of my last stint on the College Program, Thursday nights were one of two Cast Member nights at PI, where CMs got in free. As a wee ickle under-21 college student at the time, I didn't get to partake in the booze portion of the evening (I still need to taste the sweet nectar of a Kungaloosh), but I loved the shows so much I was pretty much a regular on Thursday nights.

So yes, the characters know they've got fellow CMs on all sides, and it makes things a lot more, erm...interesting, shall we say? :drevil:


I'll throw in my two cents I guess.

I've only been once, but I got to sit in on a Mask Room "show" as well as the Library. Wenever I actually get back to WDW, I do plan on frequenting this club as I can see it would be a heck of a lot of fun with a group of friends (As well as alone)

I do have to say it is the most unique and best themed club I have ever seen and definitely give it two thumbs up.


Active Member
I'm an AC regular...there just about every night. I'll have to look @ the suitcases @ the JC once it's up and running again and take some pics, didn't notice they belonged to AC members.


New Member
I have been to the ADVClub many times and have to say it is one of my favorite places in all of disney world and my fav club at PI (Comedy Warehouse is also a very close second) Anyhoo, the shows generally are as such

Mask Room- Changes somewhat nightly, no exact schedule followed
Trophy Room- See Mask Room
Main Salon- Never know whats going to happen here, expect visits from Babylonia "Goddess of all things fertile" and Colonel SuchBench. Oh and warning he doesnt like the Colonel Sanders jokes, i tried that once big mistake.

Library- 8:10- Welcome Party- This is a great way to introduce people to the club. If you like this show you will most likely love the rest of the shows. Its basically songs and a good amount of "audience participation", also a lot of getting picked on, its all in good fun. One of my fav shows of the night. Note: Sometimes this show is cancelled if attendance is too light in the club.

8:45- Radio Broadcast- Very heavy audience participation, another great show as Pamelia and Otis have lost half the cast and they cant run a half cast show so who do you think they will get, another one of my fav shows.

9:35- Balderdash Cup- Medium audience participation, This is a also a very good show featuring the men of the adventurers club as they compete to win the coveted Balderdash Cup, while I like this show a lot if your thinking of taking a break and maybe hitting the comedy warehouse this would be the time.

10:10- Radiothon- This is one of my personal favs as it features almost the entire adventurers club cast and features many great songs and jokes, its just super goofy what else can I say Note: This show is probably the most laidback of the shows and only features light to medium audience participation

11:00 Samanthas Cabaret- Samantha does her one woman cabaret and talks to the crowd about relationships. Be careful as she does have the urge to pull other people into the show. Fun songs and many relationship stories ensue. Note: Due to the heavy audience participation this show can get pretty risque (for disney that is) so its best to tuck in the kids by this time

12:05 Maid Sing A Long- Another great show that changes all the time depending on what Maid you get and the energy of the room Note: This show takes place normally on Friday and Saturday although sometimes can take place on peak nights, Personal Fav Maid: Sugar Snap

12:40 Hoopla- HOOPLA! The final show of the night, tons of singing, just tons of good old craziness, no two hooplas are ever the same. and remember whenever someone says hoopla you have to say it back
Note: The Hoopla usually starts earlier when the maid show isnt running.

Thats generally what happens on a nightly basis at AC but its always a little different and crazier every night.


Well-Known Member
I have not been in years but do recommend it. I don't like clubs so that one fits the bill a little better.

Last time I was there we all went into the room with the piano crashed through the stage. The maid brought me up on stage and sang to me about how I made her love me (I think that was it). Made fun of me about my tie dye Donald shirt saying since we broke up I can't do my wash anymore and all the colors ran (something to that effect). I don't remember the whole thing as

1) I was embarassed

2) I was so sick and had a fever but did not realize it. I wound up I had strep throught. I hope she did not get sick from all the kisses she gave me while she sang.

Quite embarassing. :lol:


Well-Known Member
You guys all this talk of the AC is making me sad that I have an ocean between me and the club :cry:

But I feel priviliged that I've been in the first place :sohappy:


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