Contemporary Rehab/Chef Mickey question


Original Poster
I tried to do a search on this, but couldn't find it. Will Chef Mickey's location in the Contemporary be moved during the rehab or was this just a rumor at one point?

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
At this point there is a rumor that the Concourse Steakhouse would be closed and they would open up something called "Chef Mickey's Express" (whatever that is) or greatly expand the seating area for chef mickeys. Right now though nothing has officially been announced.


New Member
Umm that sounds a little farfetched considering how far in advance people make their Reservations for Chef Mickey's. I highly doubt they would move it due to the difficulties that it would probably cause, I haven't even heard a rumor like this floating around so i'm thinking it's not true and not going to happen.


DisneyInsider said:
At this point there is a rumor that the Concourse Steakhouse would be closed and they would open up something called "Chef Mickey's Express" (whatever that is) or greatly expand the seating area for chef mickeys. Right now though nothing has officially been announced.

From what we have been told Chef Mickeys is going to be going up to the 14th floor (where California Grill is located) this will give it more room . They will be moving the "fine dining" restaurant to where the "Food & Fun Center" is at, then making the Chef Mickey's/Concourse Steakhouse area into a more "Quick Casual Service" location.


New Member
frcouk83 said:
From what we have been told Chef Mickeys is going to be going up to the 14th floor (where California Grill is located) this will give it more room . They will be moving the "fine dining" restaurant to where the "Food & Fun Center" is at, then making the Chef Mickey's/Concourse Steakhouse area into a more "Quick Casual Service" location.

That's way off, California Grill is an extremely successful restaurant and they make bank off the image and view- it's not going anywhere. The area that CG uses is pretty small compared to the concourse level. The rumor that's flying around is Chef Mickey's will expand out across the entire concourse area currently being used for the Outer Rim and Concourse steak house. The Concourse Steak house and Outer Rim will then be moved downstairs utilizing the area currently held by the Food and fun center.I doubt this will happen but that is popular scenario rumor. If the Food and Fun center goes I'll flip out.


Well-Known Member
frcouk83 said:
From what we have been told Chef Mickeys is going to be going up to the 14th floor (where California Grill is located) this will give it more room . They will be moving the "fine dining" restaurant to where the "Food & Fun Center" is at, then making the Chef Mickey's/Concourse Steakhouse area into a more "Quick Casual Service" location.

Sorry, I don't believe that for a second. (I'm not calling you a liar frcouk83, it just doesn't fit!! :wave: ) The Cal Grill has awesome food, yes, but people also go there for the view and the atmosphere. They're not going to move the fine dining restaurant to the hole (I'm sorry, it is a hole, it's awful) where F&F Center is. There is plenty of room on the 4th Floor Concourse for Chef Mickey's to expand if they take over the Concourse Steakhouse-there is no reason for them to have to move up to the 15th floor for that. :)


New Member
Mark 100 said:
Hello, I AM a newbie!

Actually the 14th floor is luxury concierge. The 15th floor is the California Grill


Well again it would depend on how you look it it... Although the California Grill is number 15 it is really only the 14th floor.

As with most tall buildings they never number a floor 13 for some odd reason. So the Contemporary goes 12, 14, 15


Well-Known Member
Robfasto said:
Well again it would depend on how you look it it... Although the California Grill is number 15 it is really only the 14th floor.

As with most tall buildings they never number a floor 13 for some odd reason. So the Contemporary goes 12, 14, 15
Which is stupid really.

There is a reason for Disneyland being at 1313 Harbour Bld.


Well-Known Member
Robfasto said:
Well again it would depend on how you look it it... Although the California Grill is number 15 it is really only the 14th floor.

As with most tall buildings they never number a floor 13 for some odd reason. So the Contemporary goes 12, 14, 15

It's because 13 is bad luck. :)

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
drnilescrane said:
Which is stupid really.
Yes and no. I personally think there is nothing more unlucky about the number 13 than the number 245.1 however, my wife works in the only building I know of that has an actual 13th floor and it is the floor from he@$. The service /sales department is located there and it without a doubt the most miserable place to work in the entire company. Even when a different department was located on the 13th floor it was still miserable. As to the rumor that CM will take over the top floor I would say no way. There is plenty of room for CM to expand on its current level (on the order of 4 times more than the top level). I can see the bar and Concourse Steakhouse getting the boot long before CM would be moved anywhere. A good portion of CG's appeal is the view. Without is I can't imagine it being as successful as it is.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
time will have to tell in this matter. All we really know that is going on at the Contemporary now is that they are redoing the rooms. We don't know anything about the restaurant situation or the DVC situation. Give Disney time to make an announcement and then all can be well.


Well-Known Member
DisneyInsider said:
time will have to tell in this matter. All we really know that is going on at the Contemporary now is that they are redoing the rooms. We don't know anything about the restaurant situation or the DVC situation. Give Disney time to make an announcement and then all can be well.



New Member
Not being a disney insider I can't say for sure, but we just came back from the Cont. and it looks like lots of cash has been poured into the game room there. Many new high end games, and a card system have been added in the last year. It wouldn't make sense to do that if they were going to be moving it.


New Member
Moonshadow1 said:
Not being a disney insider I can't say for sure, but we just came back from the Cont. and it looks like lots of cash has been poured into the game room there. Many new high end games, and a card system have been added in the last year. It wouldn't make sense to do that if they were going to be moving it.

Thats fantastic that they are doing the card system for video games. I've only stayed at the contempory once and that was back in 99. But i remember the card system was used on the cruise line. Thats a really great idea for disney to do it in the resorts, however, even better if the room key could be used for it. I'm sure eventually they will unless too may parents don't want the kids having that capability (even tough they decide at check in already for it being a spending card).

Chef Mickey's wont be going anywhere tough, and they have put a lot of cash in the resort. Even tough i now locate 2 hours from the park, I want to stay in the new rooms, they look fantastic.


New Member
DisneyInsider said:
time will have to tell in this matter. All we really know that is going on at the Contemporary now is that they are redoing the rooms. We don't know anything about the restaurant situation or the DVC situation. Give Disney time to make an announcement and then all can be well.

Here's what's going on at the Contemp.

All the guest rooms, with the exception of the North Garden building, are being changed over to the new, classy design. this should be done by late December.

The North Garden building and the 2 southernmost tennis courts are going to be razed and a 5-story DVC building will be built in it's former location.

The Concourse Steakhouse wil be moved to the 1st floor in the place of the food & fun center, and get a new name.

Food & fun will move up to the 4th floor, which is also due to be totally redecorated (with the exception of the mary blair mural).

The Children's tv viewing area will be moved to the current location of Contemporary Grounds coffee shop, which will be moving near the lobby entrance to the Convention center (where the old Amex desk and bell svcs. used to be.) There will be a water feature installed on the large round column that has "My Congratulations, Mr. Stokowski" (the mickey statue) in front of it. The entire lobby will be drastically redesigned & redecorated.

I won't know more until I see sketches, but I'll try to keep you guys updated. Until then, if you come in the lobby, be sure to say hi to the Themed Doorman, I hear he's a cool guy. ;-)

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