I am not a fan of the Contemporary. Like you, I don't like the public areas. I don't like a lot of stuff there. But I am a sucker for kids I love and they frequently want to stay there, so off I go.
I don't get the MK view if I can help it. I think the water view is much prettier. And I like to sit on the balcony and watch the EP.

You are close to Chef Mickey and it is nice to be the first stop on the monorail when leaving the MK. The rooms are better than they used to be, back in the day when they had all those colors (and that multi-green chair). One of the gift shops is pretty decent. And by Disney standards, the rooms are a good size.
It isn't horrible or anything, but I still, given the choice would rather stay elsewhere. I do understand about wanting to check hotels off your list, though!! BTDT!!
Have a good stay!