Is this "tracking" any different from what could be observd with the naked eye? If an employee could observe how guests move about the property and take notes as to those movements, what's the big deal if that observation is streamlined and digitized?
Imagine if the company in question is not Disney, but something like Walmart or Target.
Would you find it creepy for an employee to quietly follow young children around the store, documenting every aisle they walk down, every toy they pick up and show their mom, every snack food they beg to buy, and every purchase their parents make for them? Would it bother you if that employee then confronted the parents in the parking lot, clipboard in hand, asking the child's name, age, address, hometown, and interests?
I think most would be a little uncomfortable, and that's with an employee physically following them and clearly conducting a survey.
Now imagine that instead of a person, the company's spy is an innocent-looking bracelet decorated with cartoon characters. Does that really make it any different or better?
Also, most adults will assume that the Walmart survey taker is collecting data for marketing purposes. Many might choose not to answer the questions, and certainly wouldn't let their kids talk to the employee unsupervised.
But when a parent is inputting their mailing address and kids names on the Disney website while planning a special vacation, are they really thinking that they are also handing over that info to the same invisible survey taker who is now secretly following their kids around the park, clinging to their wrists?
Should it be the parent's sole responsibility to read all the fine print before sharing their kids' personal data, especially if the company doesn't clearly communicate how it will be used (and doesn't say how your vacation experience will be hampered if you say no)? Parents should also monitor what their kids watch on TV, but does that mean the government should not regulate alcohol and other advertisements during children's daytime programming?
These seem like the questions the Congressman wants answered.